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Bingo - MathsStarters. The five best rail trails in Australia. There are many rail trails across Australia; some are beautifully sealed and signposted, others have been barely touched since the rail sleepers were removed.

The five best rail trails in Australia

The overwhelming majority of rail trails, however, only extend a handful of kilometres, making for a very short bike ride. But times are slowly changing. We've pulled together a list of the top five rail trails in Australia – all above 50km – to keep you entertained for the entire weekend. It's not hard to notice that the list is very heavily skewed towards Victoria, with only the odd segue into South Australia. We considered trails all over the country, and two trails – one in Queensland and another in Western Australia – earned honourable mentions. Guardian Australia: latest news, comment, reviews and sport. The Mathenæum. Exploring number The activities in this section are designed to promote an appreciation of numbers as products, the concepts of factorisation and prime factorisation, and to practice working with fractions.

The Mathenæum

Much use is made of graphical illustrations of number value to help visualise the properties being investigated. Exploring geometry The activities in this section are designed to help in the investigation of properties of triangles, lines, parabolas and general concepts in coordinate geometry. Sign in - Google Accounts. Sign in to continue to Google Sites.

Sign in - Google Accounts

Untitled. One day I received an email from my co-author, Steve Humble.


In some excitement, he told me that a magician named Derren Brown was introducing an interesting game on television. I was a little dubious upon hearing the word "magician", but after close examination I realised that the game had a mathematical background and was an interesting exercise in probability. Heads or tails? The game, called Penney Ante, involves flipping a coin, which you assume has equal probability of coming up heads or tails. The game is played by two players, A and B, who each select a sequence of three flips. Graphing Stories - 15 seconds at a time.

Real World Math - Home. The Mentoring Model - TEDD. Quick Draw - The problem-centered classroom - Problem centered math. All meaningful mathematics learning is imaged-based.

Quick Draw - The problem-centered classroom - Problem centered math

While there may be certain forms of mathematical reasoning that seem not to use imagery, most mathematical activity has a spatial component. If school mathematics is procedural, students may fail to develop their capacity to form mental images of mathematical patterns and relationships. It is well documented that students who reason from images tend to be powerful mathematics students. Further, we know that the ability to use images effectively in doing mathematics can be developed. When students are encouraged to develop mental images and use those images in mathematics, they show surprising growth. Quick Draw is an engaging mathematical activity that helps students develop their mental imagery. The discussion of what they saw is a crucial component of the activity.

Quick Draw activities Two sample activities appear below. Watch the video. About Math in Your Feet - Math in Your Feet. EdTech Tools. Studypool - Ask Academic & Homework Questions - Online Tutors. TeachPitch. An MIT Learning Program Challenges Many Ed-Tech Assumptions. Teacher's Guide to Using Padlet in Class. July12, 2014 Padlet is a great platform for bookmarking and sharing digital content.

Teacher's Guide to Using Padlet in Class

Since in its launch a few years ago, Padlet (formerly Wallwisher) has undergone several great updates that make it an ideal tool to use with students in class. Before we see some of the ways to use this platform with students, let us have a look at some of its features . Padlet features : Padlet is very easy to use and has a user friendly interfacePadlet is web based and does not require any software installationIt allows you to easily add notes, text, images, videos, and drawings to your wallYou can also add word documents from computer to your Padlet wallPadlet provides a wide variety of layouts to choose fromPadlet works across multiple devices including mobile phonesAny Padlet wall you create can be embedded into your blog or website.It enhances collaborative work.

Teaching Happily Ever After: QR Codes: What are they? How can teachers use QR codes in the classroom? What is a QR code?

Teaching Happily Ever After: QR Codes: What are they? How can teachers use QR codes in the classroom?

QR code stands for "Quick Response. " When you scan it with your mobile device, it instantly gives you the information stored on it. Easy Origami Envelope Folding Instructions - How to make an Easy Origami Envelope. This is a great one - the easy origami envelope.

Easy Origami Envelope Folding Instructions - How to make an Easy Origami Envelope

You write your message or letter, then fold it into an envelope - all with just a single sheet of paper! Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page! Documents. MathDisk - Create and Share Interactive Math Worksheets. Diffen - Compare Anything. Diffen. Discern. Decide. Home « Tagible Tagible. Buncee - Your Creation and Presentation tool Simplified. Create Interactive Videos On ThingLink Video. Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink. Google Docs for Teachers 2012. Dan Meyer's Three-Act Math Tasks.

Mathematical Practice Institute. — sharing is how we learn. Common Core Videos, Games and Assessments. Afl Toolkit. Homepage - Maths and Science Faculty. All Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Technology Integration in Mathematics. Interactive Math Activities, Demonstrations, Lessons with definitions and examples, worksheets, Interactive Activities and other Resources. MathsLinks Network - Resources for maths teachers. Mathematics in Movies. Whiteboards - Primary Mathematics. Resources For The Classroom. Mathematics. Virtual Manipulatives.

Free Mathsframe Interactive Whiteboard Teacher Resources. Instructional Services Department. Videos By Topic. College Algebra Prep:A four-week course to get you ready to take college algebra. Click here for more information. Enrollment is limited. To reserve a place in the course, with no obligation to pay, click here. Tweets There is a shift happening... more wives have higher #education than husbands. Great resource for students who need more explanation. Stressing about #midterms? Online #homework is expensive for students, and limits our choices for #textbooks, but not at#mathtv. via @youtube — Pat McKeague (@PatMcKeague) May 22, 2013 March 15, 2013 Another video on art and mathematics.

Tweets about How many people are employed at #MathTV and XYZ #Textbooks? MathTV produces quality materials for mathematics instruction, including textbooks (both print and e… — Darren Burris (@dgburris) March 19, 2012 Huge set of maths videos on a wide range of topics. @phanyxx Isn't the Internet amazing? This is Mr. October 31, 2012. Raytheon’s MathMovesU: Making Math and Science Fun for Middle Schoolers. Maths resources, maths worksheets, maths revision, TES Resources. Brain study reveals how successful students overcome math anxiety. Using brain-imaging technology for the first time with people experiencing mathematics anxiety, University of Chicago scientists have gained new insights into how some students are able to overcome their fears and succeed in math.

Brain study reveals how successful students overcome math anxiety

For the highly math anxious, researchers found a strong link between math success and activity in a network of brain areas in the frontal and parietal lobes involved in controlling attention and regulating negative emotional reactions. This response kicked in at the very mention of having to solve a mathematics problem. Teachers as well as students can use the information to improve performance in mathematics, said Sian Beilock, associate professor in psychology at the University of Chicago. Beilock and PhD student Ian Lyons report their findings in the article, "Mathematics Anxiety: Separating the Math from the Anxiety," published Oct. 20 in the journal Cerebral Cortex.