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3 reasons you aren’t doing what you say you will do | Amanda Crowell | TEDxHarrisburg. 3 reasons you aren’t doing what you say you will do | Amanda Crowell | TEDxHarrisburg. Aelita Andre Pecha Kucha. 9-Year-Old Abstract Painter Aelita Andre Opens Solo Show in Famed Museum. How to draw to remember more | Graham Shaw | TEDxVienna. Why people believe they can’t draw - and how to prove they can | Graham Shaw | TEDxHull.

For The Birds - Think before you Act. Managing Impulsivity - Animating the Habits of Mind. Growth Mindset for students Episode 35. Grandes ideias para a sala de aula Desenvolver a Mentalidade Episódio 1 5. Grandes ideias para a sala de aula Desenvolver a Mentalidade Episódio 5 5. Grandes ideias para a sala de aula Desenvolver a Mentalidade Episódio 3 5. Grandes ideias para a sala de aula Desenvolver a Mentalidade Episódio 2 5. Grandes ideias para a sala de aula Desenvolver a Mentalidade Episódio 3 5. Big Ideas - Series 2, Ep. 1 - Katie Discovers the Dip. Growth Mindset Animation. Sesame Street: Janelle Monae- Power of Yet.

"Ormie" by Arc Productions (Disney Favorite) Why people are afraid of math - Growth Mindset Blog & Newsletter. With fear in their hearts, so many people view math as a series of complex skills they'll never be able to understand. The first step in overcoming our fears is understanding why we have them in the first place. There's just something about math. In our society, success in math is frequently equated with being smart, studious, talented, or just downright nerdy. Many people think there is a mysterious "math gene" that you are born with or born without. What's more, people believe that if they don't have the math gene, their kids won't have it either. Therefore, this misconception is perpetuated down through the generations. How did we get to this stereotypical misconception? As competition increased between these white men, cooperation decreased. Let's look at the statistics now. So how can we change this culture we've unwittingly created?

Here are a few ideas: · Create a supportive classroom culture. . · Normalize mistakes. . · Make your own mistakes, and model a growth mindset reaction. 10 TED Talks Every Art Teacher Should Watch - The Art of Ed. Hopefully, when I tell you I have been watching Ted Talks non-stop for a month, you know I am talking about the short, inspiring videos and not the rude, crude talking bear. TED Talks started back in 1984 when a conference was held for Technology, Entertainment, and Design.

Speakers were challenged to present powerful speeches in under 18 minutes. Since then, it has grown into a national movement with one mission– to spread ideas. My first TED talk happened to be by Matt Cutts with his challenge to do something new for 30 days. There are lots of “Top 10 Ted Talk” lists out there, so I am going to keep this one focused on the talks that spoke to me as an Art Teacher. 1. I have shown this 10-minute talk in my middle school classroom to help my students understand that when you experience a setback, you can quit or you can adapt. 2.

Jarrett Krosoczka is a successful author and illustrator of children’s books. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I spent all 6 minutes of this video glued to the screen. 8. 9. Phil Hansen: Embrace the shake. Growth Mindset Video. Does Your Child Have a Growth Mindset? - Jenni and Jody.

This week on POP Parenting Radio, we kicked off a new series on helping kids develop healthy habits with a look at creating healthy habits for the mind. Over the past year or so, Jody and I have been super interested in studying habits. I guess it started when we read the book The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg. So much of what we do in life is driven by habit — and that can be both good and bad. So for the month of July, we are talking about helping kids develop good habits. Take a look at the schedule, and remember, you can always listen live at 9:00AM ET.

If we are not on a radio station local to you, visit our page on Genesis Communications Network and you can listen streaming. If you’d like to be able to listen to POP Parenting locally, click on the contact button above to let us know, and we’ll tell you how you can help. Saturday, July 2 — Healthy Habits for the Mind with Jenni & Jody (podcast is included below) This Week’s Show Topic. Growth mindset. I am a huge proponent of using hands-on, interactive learning activities to explore ill-defined problems as a way of teaching for all age groups. Given the spontaneity and uncertainty of these types of active learning environments, I believe educators should observe, reflect on, and analyze how learners interact with the materials, the content, the educator, and the other learners.

This practice is in line with the teacher as ethnographer. In my role as a teacher as ethnographer, I made some initial observations during my first two weeks of teaching maker education for elementary age students. With half the kids under 7, I learned a bunch about young makers. Young makers are more capable than what people typically believe.Young makers need to be given more time, resources, strategies to learn how to solve more ambiguous and ill-defined problems (i.e., ones that don’t have THE correct answer). Young makers are more capable than what people (adults) typically believe. Conclusion Like this: Holly Grove Elementary Counseling - Latest News. Butterfly effect: Schools embrace gratitude | about catholic schools. Living gratitude: St Brigid’s Marrickville Family Educator Paige Bullen, Parish Priest Father John Pearce, Principal Lynnette Sandford and students with butterflies from the Gratitude Project.

Photo: Kitty Beale With butterflies and flowers as its symbols, the Gratitude Project has taken flight at Sydney Catholic primary schools and is growing an attitude of thankfulness in playground and parish each day. The program has roots in positive psychology and scripture, drawing on the parable of the ten lepers (only one thanked Jesus after he was healed) and the research of academics including Dr Christine Carter.

The senior fellow at the University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Centre produced the six-minute video blog on gratitude that was the seed for the project. Dr Carter said the benefits of consciously practicing gratitude were great and, when part of a school’s culture, could create a more positive and connected school environment. Like this: Like Loading... Quote/Counterquote: “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” Copyright © Subtropic Productions LLC The Quote/Counterquote blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Any duplicative or remixed use of the original text written for this blog and any exact duplications the specific sets of quotations collected for the posts shown here must include an attribution to and, if online, a link to To the best of our knowledge, the non-original content posted here is used in a way that is allowed under the fair use doctrine. If you own the copyright to something we've posted and think we may have violated fair use standards, please let me know.

Subtropic Productions LLC and are committed to protecting your privacy. Free printable Sudoku puzzles for children and all you want to know about Sudoku, the rules, the different games and great links to Sudoku websites. Great for maths skills. Printable Sudoku for kids We have sudoku puzzles in different formats and difficulty levels. We have the 4 by 4 and 6 by 6 grids for beginners and younger students and we have 4 difficulty levels of the famous 9 by 9 format: level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4.

Easier 4 by 4 and 6 by 6 Sudoku Puzzles Level 1 Sudoku Puzzles (9 by 9) Level 2 Sudoku Puzzles (9 by 9) Level 3 Sudoku Puzzles (9 by 9) Level 4 Sudoku Puzzles (9 by 9) Sudoku is a great skill building game originating from Japan. Sudoku is not exactly a mathematics game, but most of us are using them in our classrooms anyway! There are quite some variations in the Sudoku layouts, but we feel that the simple 9 by 9 game is the most effective! The rules are actually very easy. Each puzzle will already have numbers filled in depending on the difficulty level. There's a lot of discussion going on online about one very important strategy of the game! Online Resources Another good source for your Sudoku puzzles is the Daily Sudoku website. Carol Dweck 'Mindset - the new psychology of success' at Happiness & Its Causes 2013.

Carol Dweck - A Study on Praise and Mindsets. Professor Carol Dweck 'Teaching a growth mindset' at Young Minds 2013. Carol Dweck: The power of believing that you can improve. Dangerous minds learning is the prize. Dangerous Minds _ There are no victims in this planet !!! 212° the extra degree® Video (2014 Edition) - BEST MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO. Inspiring Motivational Video: Cross the Line® (schools)

Carol Dweck, "Developing a Growth Mindset". Growth Mindset Animation. Growth Mindset Video.