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Huffingtonpost. Beauté masculine: mec-up ! On ne naît pas homme, on le devient.

Beauté masculine: mec-up !

Autant dire que ce n’est pas avec une trousse de maquillage que ça se passe. Plutôt avec des valeurs viriles: la force, la vitesse, la raison. Par exemple tout le monde sait que la donna e mobile, alors que l’homme lui, est géomètre dans l’âme. Quand il est question de cosmétique masculine, il faut donc faire avec ce genre de croyance culturelle. Ne pas proposer des produits trop fantaisistes, colorés, des promesses de l’autre monde. L’inégalité Deuxième difficulté pour fourguer des produits de beauté aux hommes, c’est qu’ils ne sont pas beaux.

Le philosophe Kant, par exemple, qui se posait plein de questions sur les rapports entre les hommes et les femmes (les seules qu’il connaissait étant ses sœurs) avait cru remarquer qu’on voyait souvent des femmes belles mariées avec des types laids, mais presque jamais des hommes beaux avec des femmes laides. Images extraites de tutoriels sur YouTube. Tout pourtant n’est pas perdu pour les marchands de beauté. Is Emma Watson the right woman for the job? "Emma Watson delivers Game-Changing Speech on Feminism for the UN" blazed a headline in Vanity Fair on September 21.

Is Emma Watson the right woman for the job?

Game-changing? In 2014, what about what Watson said was even remotely novel? After her speech at the UN last week, it is apparent that it will take more than just waving a magic wand (sorry, cheap shot, Emma) to enact real change to deeply engrained normative gender discourses. The United Nations is supposed to represent all people, particularly those without a voice. The organisation is often criticised for being ineffectual, for not having any real "power" in the world.

Emma Watson Delivers Game-Changing Speech on Feminism for the U.N. Earlier this summer, fresh from college graduation, Emma Watson, was named a U.N.

Emma Watson Delivers Game-Changing Speech on Feminism for the U.N.

Women Goodwill Ambassador. Though the ripples of her involvement over the past few months can be seen online (crashing the U.N. Web site, using Twitter to denounce a sexist politician in Turkey or respond to the gender politics of the recent celebrity nude photo hack), Watson’s power in person is an entirely different matter. The actress gave an impassioned speech on feminism and gender at the U.N. headquarters in New York this weekend to launch the “HeForShe” campaign which aims to galvanize one billion men and boys as advocates for ending the inequalities that women and girls face globally.

Watson’s speech, which was met with a thunderous standing ovation, not only called for action from male allies, but clarified a persistent misconception about feminism in general. I decided I was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me. You might be thinking who is this Harry Potter girl? When a Little Objectification Is a Good Thing. For all of the highly contentious debates among feminists — what is a woman?

When a Little Objectification Is a Good Thing

Are the hacked J-Law photos another example of the sexism women face in their daily lives? I-D Executive Fashion Director Ger Tierney discusses how for many women their intellect, wit and opinions are still over shadowed by the fact that they’ve got boobs.

Are the hacked J-Law photos another example of the sexism women face in their daily lives?

On Monday morning I was emailed the leaked Jennifer Laurence photographs. I didn’t know anything about the hacking scandal at this point. “Is this from a forthcoming film?” Feminism 2.0 - the women who rule the web. Social media has been changing our perception of women ever since we first logged on.

feminism 2.0 - the women who rule the web

Aside from square eyes, itchy fingers, and an obsessive-compulsive need to post pictures of everything we see, eat, and sleep with, has social media unleashed a new kind of sexist hell? Or has it actually brought about a sense of female empowerment? Sex and social media: the girls changing the face of feminism on the web. It's not easy being a princess, but if the clothes fit... Tavi Gevinson of ‘Rookie’ Inspires Young Women to Create Communities of Self-Empowerment. Photo She counts among her friends the actress Emma Watson, the singer Lorde and the fashion designer Rachel Antonoff (“She has gravitas”), but the real impact of Tavi Gevinson, the 17-year-old fashion-prodigy-turned-publishing-mogul, can be seen most clearly in the young women who circle in her orbit.

Tavi Gevinson of ‘Rookie’ Inspires Young Women to Create Communities of Self-Empowerment

Since she founded Rookie, an online magazine, in 2011, young women have embraced Ms. Gevinson’s unambiguous message that community and self-empowerment are essential survival tools for adolescence. Ms. Watson, though six years older than Ms. “She related to me in a way that most interviewers can’t,” Ms. Jennifer Lawrence And The History Of Cool Girls. The point of moisturiser is to make you feel good – not look younger. What is the point of moisturiser and can you recommend any decent ones?

The point of moisturiser is to make you feel good – not look younger

Cheryl, by email This is the point of moisturiser, Cheryl: to make your skin feel good. This is not the point of moisturiser: to make you feel like a baby. You might think that is something of a straw argument.