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Custom making soft toys with children. This weekend, I talked to my friend Mark who was convinced that most people he knew didn’t like their jobs.

custom making soft toys with children

He also said that was life. Well. I love my job. Some might call me lucky. And they’re right. Incredible Things - Unique Gifts. The Rooms Finest. Shockwave. Homemade Junk Food. Homemade Twix bars.

Homemade Junk Food

Two for you, enough for everyone else. 19 Reclips 14 Likes Healthier goldfish (did you know Goldfish normally contain MSG?) 27 Reclips 18 Likes Make your own thin mints any season of the year. 48 Reclips 12 Likes Samoas, another Girl Scout favorite. The Bureau of Communication - Fill-in-the-blank Correspondence. When you feel like this...... - Mar 20, 2012 - Thats So True. Now youre cooking with comics. What Your Poop and Pee Are Telling You About Your Body. *Alert* The Glowing Lean System Registration is OPEN… CLICK HERE to learn more Have you ever wondered if your poop looked “normal,” but were too embarrassed to ask anyone else what their poop looks like? Or has your pee ever smelled a bit putrid but you were too mortified to utter a word to your best friend, let alone your boy friend?

Poop is an important part of health and affects your beauty, as everything in your body works as an interrelated system. Well don’t worry, because here is a guide to anything and everything you may have wondered about your pee, and yes, your poop. Click on the infographic below to view a larger image: You’re One Click Away From Reading This Article… Get access to this post, and premium content, simply enter your email. Enter your email belowThen click the button No, thanks. Zombie font - say it in zombie. YAY. - StumbleUpon. Funny Facebook Status Messages. If you are looking for brightening up your dull day, then you have landed on the right page. These status messages have made it their responsibility to have you laughing your heart out.

Funny Status Messages ♦ "Most of us can keep a secret. It's the people we tell it to who can't. " ♦ "When someone rings the doorbell, why do dogs always assume it's for them?. " Code of Conduct. [ HogafflaHage ] 10 Thirty-Day Challenges That Nobody Wants to Take. A week ago I asked my friends on Facebook about the craziest thirty-day challenges, and I got quite a few interesting ideas.

10 Thirty-Day Challenges That Nobody Wants to Take

I’m posting them here today, along with my own contributions. These are all challenges that you won’t usually think about, yet some of them can be very powerful. I personally want to try some in the near future. If you want to give them a shot as well, I’d love to hear about your experience, and I’d offer you a spot here to share it if you don’t have a blog. Enough talk for now, below are 10 thirty-day challenges that nobody wants to take: No smoking, coffee or alcohol. Different stages of drugs explained with trees. Immortal Celebrities. Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes. “Scalloped” is an attractive word, isn’t it?

Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes

When I hear it I think of several things: first, there’s scallops, as in the seafood—totally delicious. Then there’s the scalloped shape that can live on the edge of a pair of shorts or on the collar of a woman’s blouse—always pretty and dainty. And of course scalloped potatoes also comes to mind, which carries my imagination to a land of crispy potato skins drenched in a sea of cheese and cream. I can think of no better place to exist, actually. So when I came across TK member Shelbi Keith’s recipe for Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes, I knew we were going to become fast friends. The first players up are: a few Russet potatoes (I’m sure other varieties will work equally as well), Parmigiano-Reggiano and butter. Start by scrubbing your potatoes good and clean. Then, using a sharp knife, make slices across the potato, being sure to stop before you reach its bottom.

Home remedies doctors swear by. Better-Than-Crack-Brownies. I’m sorry for doing this to you.


I really am. But see, last Friday while I was on a 10-hour road trip heading for vacation, I received this recipe from a reader named Liz. Dear blank, please blank. Dear guys I work with, Please know it means a lot when you include me in your plans outside work.

Dear blank, please blank.

You're like the older brothers I never had and I've never enjoyed myself more with other people before. Thank you. Sincerely, your female coworker who has never been comfortable around other people before. Dear curious people, My identical twin sister and I attempted to go into each others class posing as the other because I hated that class but she loved it, and vice versa.

Sincerely, the sub that day was our mom. Dear woman who screamed at her child in the walmart parking lot, Please understand that your three year old daughter was trying to help you by putting the groceries in the car. Sincerely, proud of my granmother for telling you to shut the heck up Dear people at school, Please stop saying my sprained ankle is fake. Sincerely, girl with a serious injury.