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Homeland Stupidity | Government is stupid. Discover a better way to organize society. POISONING YOUR KIDS/BABIES. For the attention of the UK Government - From ANONYMOUS UK. Why didn't the U.S. invade Israel when it used chemical weapons on Palestinians? The U.S Is On The Brink Of A Massive Civil War. Earth Focus Episode 44 - Killing Bees: Are Government and Industry Responsible?

WAKE UP ! North Korea is a NWO Pawn ! They Are About to Pull a False Flag Attack on U.S. ! John Stewart describes how the Monsanto Protection Act was snuck in under our noses. The U.S Is On The Brink Of A Massive Civil War. Monsanto Protection Act Proves Corporations More Powerful Than US Government. By Anthony Gucciardi We’ve seen similar scenarios in the past, events in which the massive financial power of multi-national corporations is able to buy out legislators who were elected to ‘represent’ voters. But now, Monsanto has set the bar even higher. Instead of just getting a few kickbacks or avoiding USDA regulation, Monsanto lobbyists have gone as far as to generate legislative inclusions into a new bill that puts Monsanto above the federal government. It’s called the Monsanto Protection Act among activists and concerned citizens who have been following the developments on the issue, and it consists of a legislative ‘rider’ inside (Farmer Assurance Provision, Sec. 735) a majority-wise unrelated Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.

You may already be aware of what this rider consists of, but in case not you will likely be blown away by the tenacity of Monsanto lobbyist goons. Food Democracy Now has launched a petition on the subject, explaining: Source: Natural Society. Government Gone Wild. Worldometers - real time world statistics. DHS hurricane mitigation studies. Government Slave Camp Uncovered In Oregon, How To Buy A Slave. Accept Payments Online - WePay. Must Watch: Hidden Camera Inside Fluoride Facility. FEMA Concentration Camps (2 pages) - Google Maps. 11 Secret Documents Americans Deserve to See. By David Wallechinsky Many documents produced by the U.S. government are confidential and not released to the public for legitimate reasons of national security.

Others, however, are kept secret for more questionable reasons. The fact that presidents and other government officials have the power to deem materials classified provides them with an opportunity to use national security as an excuse to suppress documents and reports that would reveal embarrassing or illegal activities. I’ve been collecting the stories of unreleased documents for several years. Now I have chosen 11 examples that were created—and buried—by both Democratic and Republican administrations and which cover assassinations, spying, torture, 50-year-old historical events, presidential directives with classified titles and…trade negotiations. 1. When the administration of George W. 2. Wyden and Sen. 3. 30-page Summary of 9/11 Commission Interview with Bush and Cheney 4.

It’s been 49 years since President John F. 6. 7. 8. The Cold War Secret Tests Are Now Being Released | Our World Commentary. Just when you thought things could not have gotten worse, you find out what the US Government was doing to it’s own people post-WWII. It makes you wonder what all those Operation Paperclip Nazis were thinking? I-Team: The Army’s secret Cold War experiments on St. Louisan Source Cadmium Sulfide Well, some of them were thinking about their comrades who went to the Soviet Union instead of America. And what those former co-workers took with them. So they were trying to figure out just what could happen with that information. Lisa Martino-Taylor has been doing deep research into the subject as her PhD dissertation.

By 21 Nov 2012, victims of the tests had already started filing lawsuits against the businesses involved, one being Monsanto. But this was not the only experiment of this type documented in her dissertation. There are 59 such projects that are listed, starting at page 235. [Senator] Blunt said in his letter to McHugh that he is “deeply troubled” by the recent disclosures. How the Canadian Government Works. Make War Criminal Tony Blair a Saint ? :) Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance (Full Version) The Canadian Project That Might Ruin Our Future. Hilarious North Korean Propaganda!! (Released March 2013) Table 20.