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Honeyed Pears in Puff Pastry. Poaching fruit is one of my favorite things to do when cold weather arrives. It's so warming to stand over a boiling pot of fragrant spices and lose yourself in thought. When I made these, I couldn't help but daydream as I stirred; if I were a pear... I wouldn't want to spend my days on the shelf of a cold produce department. I'd want to be taken to a warm home and placed in a jacuzzi of honey and spices. I'd want to be wrapped in an extra long puff pastry scarf and baked until golden and toasty. That sounds a little silly, but that's what I'd want... if I were a pear. The idea for these came from the Pepperidge Farm website. On a personal note, our Christmas tree is already up courtesy of Mr.

Since poaching is a relatively easy task, I'll skip to some helpful tips for wrapping the pears in puff pastry. The poaching liquid has a high concentration of sugar, so your pears will be sticky. When you reach the top, tuck in the end piece of pastry behind the last spiral. 4 small pears 1/2 lemon. The Blushing Bride: DIY: Rainbow Cake. My FAVORITE Chocolate Chip Cookie. I have experimented with countless recipes searching for that perfect chocolate chip cookie. The characteristics of the perfect cookie are a very personal matter, and here are my preferences: texture: chewy w. medium thickness --- everyone has their preference, and this is mine! Chocolate to cookie ratio: 50/50 --- I really enjoy having a lot of chocolate in every bite chips vs. chunks: chunks --- I like sizeable pieces of chocolate in my cookie. type of chocolate: bittersweet --- I like using Valrhona 61% extra bitter nuts or other add-ins: NONE!!

With the above criteria in mind, this recipe is the closest I've come to experiencing CCC perfection. . - Don't substitute the pastry and bread flours w. . - Hand chopped chocolate chunks, NOT premade chips - I will purchase a hunk of the best bittersweet chocolate that I can afford and hand cut them into chunks. . - Chill the cookie dough at least 24 hours (I let my dough sit anywhere from 2-3 days) before baking. Turkey Day Troubles - Installment #2. I just finished reading a book (Cooking for Mr. Latte) written by Amanda Hesser, a food writer for the New York Times. In one of her chapters she writes, "I have a few favorite dishes, I rarely make them. " She goes on further to describe those old tried and true recipes, "You know, ones that I'll want to return to for years and years. You make it again and again, altering it to your liking, it becomes an expression of you aesthetic, of your palate, of who you are.

And when you serve that dish to guests, they come to understand you a little better. " I couldn't help but connect with her words. Growing up I was a very picky eater. Golden Macaroni and CheeseAdapted from Southern Living 2004 Annual Recipes Ingredients COOK macaroni according to package directions; drain well. PLACE milk, flour, and onion salt in a quart jar; cover tightly, and shake vigorously 1 minute.

STIR together flour mixture, 3 1/2 cups cheese, and macaroni. BAKE at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until golden brown. 1. 2. Linguine with Garlicky Breadcrumbs Recipe. Mozzarella Sticks. When I told my friends I was planning on making homemade mozzarella sticks for a guy’s weekend out of town the idea was met with a profound lack of enthusiasm. Everybody knows that I like to experiment in the kitchen, but somehow the idea of making a bar food staple like mozzarella sticks from scratch seemed like a complete waste of time to the group.

After being lectured about the innumerable brands available in the freezer section at the grocery store and a heated debate about whether marinara or ranch is the better dipping accompaniment, I decided to risk further heckling and see if I couldn’t one-up T.G.I. Friday’s in my own kitchen. It might have been the alcohol, but the first batch was gone within a matter of seconds. Simultaneously crispy and gooey, these mozzarella sticks seem to defy the laws of physics and flavor. After the second batch had been demolished, a few halfhearted concessions came my way; they had to admit, homemade outranked frozen by a long shot.

Serves 4. Better-Than-Crack-Brownies | How Sweet It Is - StumbleUpon. I’m sorry for doing this to you. I really am. But see, last Friday while I was on a 10-hour road trip heading for vacation, I received this recipe from a reader named Liz. Liz, I love you. That’s all I have to say. I was tortured by this recipe for a full 8 days before I could make it. So it was the first thing I made when I returned home. These are an absolute sin. I really don’t have any words, other than you must try them. They may also change your waistline too. But that’s okay. It’s all in the name of chocolate. Better-Than-Crack Brownies 1 batch brownies (boxed mix or oooey gooey brownies) 1/2 cup salted peanuts (if don’t have salted, add sea salt) 1 cup chopped Reese’s peanut butter cups 1 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips 1 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter 1/2 tablespoon butter 1 1/2 cups Rice Krispies Cereal Mix brownies according to directions, and bake for 20-25 minutes in a 9 x 13 baking dish.

While they are finishing baking, melt chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter. Mr. Graham Cracker S'mores Cookies | Sweet Pea's Kitchen - StumbleUpon. You’ve never had such an indulgent treat as these S’mores Cookies! They are soft, chewy, and filled with Hershey’s chocolate, toasty marshmallows, and chocolate chips. You only need 12 ingredients to make these graham cracker chocolate chip cookies, and you’ll be amazed by them. I have made this s’ more cookie recipe for years, and it never gets old.

Sometimes I get a major craving for chocolate, and these Hershey cookies are always right there to rescue me. If you do a lot of holiday baking, summer barbecues, or parties, these chocolate chip marshmallow cookies would be a great addition. Graham Cracker S’mores Cookies Recipe If you want to bring a smile to a friend or co-workers, face, I highly recommend making these graham cracker chocolate chip cookies!

Don’t take my word for it, though! What Are S’mores Cookies? A s’mores cookie is very similar to a regular s’ mores treat, but it’s a cookie instead. S’ more Cookie Recipe Ingredients How To Make Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cookies. Gooey Chocolate Chip Sandwich Bars | - StumbleUpon. Gooey Chocolate Chip Sandwich Bars… Cookies for Kids’ Cancer Cookbook September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness month, and today I’m sharing some Gooey Chocolate Chip Sandwich Bars. What do these goodies have to do with cancer? The Gooey Chocolate Chip Sandwich Bars come from the “Cookies For Kids Cancer: Best Bake Sale Cookbook.”

I’m giving away 3 copies of this fabulous book– see the details at the end of this post… The Cookies for Kids’ Cancer cookbook provides directions on how to hold a bake sale, signage, and lots of recipes and photos. The best part? All of the author’s royalties go directly to help fight pediatric cancer by funding research into new treatments and a cure. These are slab cookies. They’re a little chocolatey. So let’s talk about the makeup of these bars. I love the sort of natural, rustic crackle look on the tops of the bars. And there they are… my “neatly” cut Gooey Chocolate Chip Sandwich Bars. Lasagna-timpano.html from - StumbleUpon. I went to see tUnE-yArDs on Monday night with some friends, and as always we wanted to cook a meal that somehow related to the show we were heading to.

Sometimes this is hard to do, but other times it seems to come naturally. Finding culinary inspiration in Merrill's lyrics seemed like it would be tough, but my sister knew what she wanted to make without hesitation. "How about something layered, because of all the vocal and instrument layering in the music? " From there we worked together to come up with this deep, colorful, and multi-flavored lasagna version of a timpano. If you are using words like deep, colorful, and multi-flavored to describe something inspired by tUnE-yArDs, you already know you got it right! Start by making a lasagna crust. Finally got it together. Now it's easy, just start building the layers! Alfredo sauce with some salami goes first.

After 3 alfredo layers, I switched to pesto. A cheese only layer, just for fun. Tomato sauce is last. All sealed up. After baking. Cinnamon Roll Pancakes | - StumbleUpon. Updated 9/22/11 to Add: If you’re coming here to sample these delicious Cinnamon Roll Pancakes, you just might like the latest recipe that I’ve posted for Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Pancakes too.

And Gingerbread- Cinnamon Roll Pancakes too. Enjoy! Here’s a short video sharing how to make these delicious pancakes: If you’ve ever thought you needed a reason to eat pancakes, today is the day: National Pancake Day! Eat a short stack for breakfast, enjoy them for lunch, or make a dinner out a manhole-sized pancake… guilt free… because you’re merely celebrating their existence. How do you like your pancakes? But recently I started dreaming about mixing cinnamon rolls and pancakes together… and this is what I came up with- my new favorite pancake: Cinnamon Roll Pancakes. I have a wonderfully fluffy pancake batter that I like to use (recipe below) so I swirled a bit of cinnamon roll filling into the pancake.

It’s like eating a cinnamon roll, and no one needs more than one cinnamon roll for breakfast. Chocolate Brownie Cookies & Namely Marly - StumbleUpon. If you’re looking for a sweet treat these Chocolate Brownie Cookies might just be the ticket. Some days you wake up realizing you’re stuck in a rut. You don’t really know what got you there, except for the perpetual motion in the same direction. (That’s sort of the definition of a rut.) But then some days something will come along to shake your tires plum out of their tracks. No, our something was not that dramatic. It’s September and we have an autumn breeze in the air. Summers are hectic in our household so I welcome this imposed change of pace. I’m happy for this chilly morning that woke us from our summer rut; reminding us to enjoy the warmth of the sun while we still can…and to remember where we stored the winter box of gloves and scarves.

(Adapted from a recipe by Heat Oven to 350) Ingredients: * You can make these cookies gluten-free by replacing the flour with 1 cup of brown rice flour and 1/2 cup of buckwheat flour. Directions: Begin by heating your oven to 350F. S’more Cookie Bars. It just wouldn’t be right to celebrate National S’mores Day without making a couple of s’mores – or at least using the concept of the s’more as a jumping off point for something equally delicious. This bar cookie is a variation on the classic s’more. Instead of sandwiching marshmallow and chocolate in between two graham crackers, or even between two cookies, the fillings are baked right along with the cookie dough. The result is a bar with the gooey, sweet filling that we all know and love and a buttery, chewy, graham-flavored cookie surrounding it. It’s obviously a s’more, but I’m willing to bet that you haven’t had a s’more that tastes quite like this before. The dough is a fairly standard cookie dough, but graham cracker crumbs are added in to give it a graham cracker flavor.

Speaking of the marshmallow, the puffed kind doesn’t hold up inside this bar cookie. Preheat oven to 350°F. Makes 16 cookie bars. Parmesan Roasted Potatoes - StumbleUpon. Ok fine. I’m officially ready to make the transition to fall. And I thought, what better way to do it than with my all time favorite Parmesan Roasted Potatoes! These are like candy. 100% addictive. Once you stop, you just can’t stop. If you knew the amount of potatoes we consumed in a week, you’d be shocked. I always, without fail, make these with Yukon Gold potatoes because here’s the truth… I’m too lazy to peel the skins off potatoes.

This is more a technique rather than a recipe, since you can scale these potatoes up if you’re cooking for a crowd. You’re going to start with some naked potatoes…. Add on all the seasonings… Using your fingers, go ahead and toss everything together…. Put them in the oven for about 15 minutes. Once they are nice and golden and crispy, throw them onto a serving platter…. And then EAT!! And just a public service announcement – make a double batch and then serve them with breakfast the next morning too.

Parmesan Roasted Potatoes Ingredients Instructions. Rainy day gal & buffalo chicken mac and cheese. Watermelonade Recipe at Photo by Roland Bello yield Makes 1 gallon (serves 16) active time 30 min total time 30 min You would be hard-pressed to find something more refreshing than watermelon. Garnish: lemon slices; mint sprigs Preparation Cut watermelon flesh into 2-inch chunks and discard rind. Cooks' note: Watermelonade can be made 1 day ahead and chilled, covered.

The Bakers Daughter: Polka dot cheesecake. I saw someone wearing the greatest polka dot rain coat today and it inspired me to make this cheesecake. It needs to be refrigerated overnight so make sure you make it the day before you want to serve it. I find that popping it into the freezer for about 1/2 hour makes it a lot easier to cut. Using a knife dipped in hot water between cuts also helps to make clean edges. If you want to make this into a traditional cheesecake you will need an 8 inch spring form pan. Crust 1 cup Graham crumbs 2 tbsp sugar ¼ cup melted butter Filling 16 oz softened cream cheese ½ cup sugar 2 eggs 2 oz dark chocolate, melted 1 tsp vanilla 2/3 cup sour cream Directions Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.

Grease a 7 X 7 inch square pan and line it with parchment paper. In a small bowl, mix together the graham crumbs, sugar, cocoa, and melted butter and press into the pan. Beat cream cheese until smooth. Pour the plain batter into the pan, smoothing out to the edges. Place in the oven and bake for 1 hour. The Brownie That Will Change Your Life. Let me start off by saying that viewer discretion is advised for today’s post. OK now with the story that preludes possibly the greatest brownie I have ever sunk my teeth in thus far in my life.

Last Saturday Mrs. Zesty had a baby shower to attend and she was designated for a dessert/sweet treat for the girls. Last week was a bit of a zoo and I think I forgot about prepping this dessert until Friday afternoon at work. After work I did a quick scan for some ideas and came up with a chocolate caramel brownie. I figured that would be a hit with a “bunch” of girls. I knew time was tight and I didn’t want to spend all night Friday night to prep a dessert. This recipe, I cannot take any credit for and nor will I try as it is compliments of Nestle Toll House and as you can see from the reviews…. Ingredients Method Preheat oven to 350° F.Combine cake mix and nuts in large bowl.

Drop remaining batter by heaping teaspoon over caramel mixture. Thanks zesty. Oven-Baked Zucchini Fries - Fun & Food Cafe. Healthy Baked Chicken Nuggets | Ginas Skinny Recipes. The Ultimate Strawberry Lemonade.