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Nicole Miller: Mirror Images and the Power to Create Reality. Artbound's season seven debut episode explores Afrofuturism and contemporary Black art.

Nicole Miller: Mirror Images and the Power to Create Reality

Catch the premiere Tuesday, November 17 on KCET and nationwide on Monday, November 23 via Link TV. As a visual artist working primarily in video, Nicole Miller often explores self-representation. She's not a documentarian, but her films sometimes reflect the lives of ordinary people. Her 2013 video project with LACMA delved into the oral histories of individuals in various locations throughout Los Angeles County.

Instead of providing a straightforward portrait of each person, Miller's works provided a vignette of their lives, creating an intimate detail from a larger life-photograph. Her recent exhibition at Koenig and Clinton Gallery, "The Borrowers," featured video pieces that continued her investigation of self-performance and reconstituting loss. For the debut episode of Artbound's seventh season airing November 17, we're exploring expressions of African American art. New Research Says Overthinking Worriers Are Probably Creative Geniuses. Related: New Research Says Worry And Anxiety Are Linked To High IQ Researchers at King's College in London made the connection between anxiety and a stronger imagination as well.

New Research Says Overthinking Worriers Are Probably Creative Geniuses

According to Dr. Viola Davis’s 14-Step Guide to Happiness. I didn't walk into my interview with Viola Davis expecting to be inspired.

Viola Davis’s 14-Step Guide to Happiness

How could I, when we were meeting up on her lunch break in a nondescript green room in Los Angeles? Black Bodies, White Terrorism: A Global Reimagining of Forgiveness. “Positive Attitude” Bullshit: On the dangers of “radical self-love” 20 Habits for Success I Learned Working for Two Billionaires  For Feminists Who Resort To Racism When Slut Shaming Is Not Enough. White Feminists, we need to have a chat about this unruly beast we call feminism, and the intersection of race and sexuality.

For Feminists Who Resort To Racism When Slut Shaming Is Not Enough

“Some of the worst racist tragedies in history have been perfectly legal”: Kimberlé Crenshaw on Eric Garner, Broken Windows and police impunity. Earlier this week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Elonis v.

“Some of the worst racist tragedies in history have been perfectly legal”: Kimberlé Crenshaw on Eric Garner, Broken Windows and police impunity

United States, a case that deals with the interplay of speech, threats, intent and domestic violence, among a tangle of other things. It also comes after the news that a grand jury in New York declined to indict the white police officer responsible for the death of Eric Garner, a black father of six from Staten Island. Assata Shakur in Her Own Words: Rare Recording of Activist Named to FBI Most Wanted Terrorists List. The FBI has added the former Black Panther Assata Shakur to its Most Wanted Terrorists list 40 years after the killing for which she was convicted.

Assata Shakur in Her Own Words: Rare Recording of Activist Named to FBI Most Wanted Terrorists List

Born Joanne Chesimard, Shakur was found guilty of shooting dead a New Jersey state trooper during a gunfight in 1973. Shakur has long proclaimed her innocence and accused federal authorities of political persecution. She escaped from prison in 1979 and received political asylum in Cuba. On Thursday, she became the first woman added to the FBI’s terrorist list, and the reward for her capture was doubled to $2 million. 11 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were of Haitian Descent. Growing up as a Haitian American in Miami during the late 80’s and early 90’s it was not cool to be Haitian.

11 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were of Haitian Descent

We were regarded as being beneath everyone not Haitian. You wouldn’t dare get into a “diss” session because you knew that inevitably the jokes would eventually turn to your Haitian heritage. “Haitians eat cat!” Is a statement all Haitians have had directed towards them whether in a “diss” session or to be put down maliciously. Now things are changing mostly because of breakthroughs by first generation Haitian Americans in key industries such as business, entertainment, arts, film, and fashion. Climate Matters: Campus Leadership for Educational Success. For decades, researchers and scholars across disciplines have examined the construct of "climate" (derived from the Greek klima, meaning place) to understand how environments influence human cognition and behavior.

Climate Matters: Campus Leadership for Educational Success

Within the field of higher education, these scholars have studied how campus climates influence educational efficacy and success, particularly for underserved and underrepresented students. While some argue that these students' access to higher education has improved precisely as a result of greater attention to climate issues and demographics (see Passel and Cohn 2008), gaps in completion and success rates remain for many marginalized groups as compared to their majority peers.

Factors Affecting Climate Some scholars have asserted that Hispanics and other minority groups enter college with significantly different perceptions of their own academic capabilities and with different levels of confidence regarding their higher education success (see Núñez 2009). Conclusion. How quitting my corporate job for my startup dream f*cked my life up — Everything About Entrepreneurship and Startups.


How quitting my corporate job for my startup dream f*cked my life up — Everything About Entrepreneurship and Startups

Enough with the drama: more than two years have passed since those days. I am now writing this blog post in a beautiful resort in Phuket, Thailand, while enjoying my mojito. “What a cheap way to brag about your success,” you might be thinking. But wait, I am not selling a dream. Welcome to My Personal Website! - Ali Mese. Bringing Down Baby. 20 Questions with Rha Goddess. Welcome back to 20 Questions and our LAST post in the series!

20 Questions with Rha Goddess

Diversity & Democracy. Institutionalizing Service Learning at the University of Houston–Downtown. Film the Police. Among the chants and Twitter hashtags radiating from Ferguson, Missouri, and Staten Island, New York—“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” “I Can’t Breathe”—an improvisation on N.W.A.’s anti-cop rap lyric has been one of the most contemporary. “Film the police,” protesters declared after a smartphone caught police locking Eric Garner, a Staten Island man, in a lethal chokehold.

In Ferguson, there is no question that a police officer’s bullets ended Michael Brown’s life, but the lack of video documentation of the shooting has left the details in dispute. The Adjunct Revolt: How Poor Professors Are Fighting Back. Can a budding labor movement improve the lives of non-tenured faculty—and, in the process, fix higher education? Mary-Faith Cerasoli has been reduced to “sleeping in her car, showering at college athletic centers and applying for food stamps,” The New York Times recently reported.

What I Saw in Ferguson. Nothing that happened in Ferguson, Missouri, on the fourth night since Michael Brown died at the hands of a police officer there, dispelled the notion that this is a place where law enforcement is capable of gross overreaction. Just after sundown on Wednesday, local and state officers filled West Florissant Avenue, the main thoroughfare, with massive clouds of tear gas.