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Ynet אינפוגרפיקה: מה זה ולמה זה טוב? שפת האינפוגרפיקה מובנת לרובנו, לא בגלל שלמדנו אותה, אלא כי אנחנו מזהים אותה באמצעות ידע קודם או היכרות עם מושגים יומיומיים שימושיים. הראשונים שהשתמשו באינפוגרפיקה היו הקדמונים. גרפים וטבלאות. תמונת מצב מהירה ‏ (צילום: זמן דיגיטלי) כשהאדם הקדמון צייר על קירות המערה עדר של איילים ונמר אחד, למשל, הוא בעצם דיווח על אירוע שקרה. זה לא ממש השתנה מאז. אני זוכרת את הילדים שלי יושבים עם ערימת אבני "לגו" ודפי הוראות עם שרטוטים והנחיות מורכבות מונחות לפניהם. והם, בלי להתבלבל, בנו טירות קסומות ויצרו עולמות מופלאים רק על פי ההוראות. היום אנחנו עושים שימוש באינפוגרפיקה גם במדיה המודפסת (עיתונים, ספרים, מגזינים), ובמדיה הדיגיטלית (אינטרנט, טלוויזיה, תוכנות). אייקונים ולוגואים אייקון או לוגו נוצרו על מנת לתפוס את עינו של המתבונן.

למשל, למה השמש נראית כעיגול עם קרניים? גרפים וטבלאות כאשר רוצים להעביר מידע מדויק, כמותי בדרך כלל, הדרך הטובה ביותר היא בעזרת הגרפים והטבלאות. תרשימים ותרחישים בעולם שלנו אין רגע דל, ואנחנו תמיד מאוד ממהרים. דוגמאות אין ספור עולות במוחי לתרשימים שנצרבו בזיכרון הקולקטיבי. 10 Best Practices for Creating Infographics that Rock. Infographics are the talk of the town these days as far as internet marketers and designers are concerned. Everyday hundreds of new infographics are being designed and promoted on the internet. Not only do infographics attract more traffic and viewership, because of their eye-catching designs, but also present the actual data, that is often complex, in a very user friendly and easy to remember style.

However, there are certain best practices for creating infographics that expert designers and marketers have identified over a period of time. You need to follow these practices to ensure that your infographics go viral and attract lots of visitors. 1. Use the Right Tool The most critical step in actually creating an engaging infographic, that attracts the attention of your audience, is selecting the right tool. Currently, my favorite tool is EWC Presenter. 2. Infographics are either designed horizontally or vertically. 3. Infographics are very different from the standard text articles. 4. 5. אוריינות חזותית בפדגוגיה ובמרחב הלמידה- לימור ליבוביץ: הרבה קשרים במוח של הילד- ומה זה קשור אלי המחנך? 5 Steps to Creating a Powerful Infographic. People love infographics, and the statistics prove it: In the past five years, Google searches for “infographics” have increased 25X.

Sharing an infographic can improve website traffic by 12%. Some analysts even claim that 100% of businesses can benefit from sharing an infographic. But you can’t just slap together an infographic and expect success. To be successful, an infographic needs resonant content and great design. Here are 5 tips for creating an effective infographic: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remember to collect feedback on your infographic from people who are representative of your target audience. READ MORE: Infographics Are More Viral Leslie Belknap is the Marketing Director for Ethos3, a Nashville, TN-based presentation boutique providing professional presentation design and presentation training for national and international clients, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to branded individuals like Guy Kawasaki. Related Posts. נענע10 - אינפוגרפיקה: מידע מהיר, נגיש ומעוצב - Online.

InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices. Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. They are also used extensively as tools by computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians to ease the process of developing and communicating conceptual information. They can present a rich amount of information without intimidating you. Or sometimes they intimidate you, but make the digesting of the information much more bearable.

You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. What is InfoGraphics? Little History of InfoGraphics! In prehistory, early humans created the first information graphics: cave paintings, later maps and now charts. Infographic. Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.[1][2] They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.[3][4] The process of creating infographics can be referred to as data visualization, information design, or information architecture.[2] Overview[edit] Infographics have been around for many years and recently the proliferation of a number of easy-to-use, free tools have made the creation of infographics available to a large segment of the population.

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have also allowed for individual infographics to be spread among many people around the world. In newspapers, infographics are commonly used to show the weather, as well as maps, site plans, and graphs for statistical data. "Graphical displays should: Graphics reveal data.

History[edit] Early[edit] The Value of Data Visualization. VL definition | ACRL Visual Literacy Standards. March 8, 2011 by Denise Hattwig Over the coming weeks, we’ll be posting each Standard individually for comment and discussion, starting here with the Introduction. Please let us know what you think – general feedback and detailed suggestions welcome. The open comment period on the draft Standards is now through March 31. See the side bar for a link to the complete draft Standards document. Thank you for your interest and participation! Introduction The increasing dominance of images and visual media in contemporary culture is changing what it means to be literate in the 21st century.

Visual Literacy Defined Visual literacy is a set of abilities that enables an individual to effectively find, interpret, evaluate, use, and create images and visual media. In an interdisciplinary, higher education environment, a visually literate individual is able to: Visual Literacy and Higher Education Visual Literacy and Information Literacy Implementation and Use of the Standards Standards Development Process. Digital vs Visual Literacy - New Literacies Project. Digital Literacy: Digital literacy is the use of computers and technology and how someone uses and interacts with it. Essentially it's how you interpret a particular media and translate that into data, images, words, etc. and then evaluate it.

It also depends on an individual's ability to efficiently preform tasks in a digital environment. Digital literacy is global and becoming much more prominent in the twenty-first century. Visual Literacy: "Visual images are fast becoming the most predominant form of communication. Students are constantly surrounded by visuals making it a fundamental part of their day to day learning.Visual literacy is interpreting and evaluating images, animations, words, and symbols while also integrating sensory experiences. Visual literacy also includes other elements such as font, texture, size, shape, color, angel, repetition, balance, layout, space, contrast, alignment, proximity and position. Visual literacy can be applied to all different grade levels. מהי איפוגרפיקה.

ינואר | 2013 | infographykola. קחו נשימה, הסתכלו סביבכם. אנחנו מוקפים בעולם רווי אייקונים, סמלים ולוגיים ידע בעולם, הוא המשאב הכי יקר שיש. ככל שתדעו יותר, תבינו יותר הבלוג עוסק בנושא האינפוגרפיקה, וויזואליה בעברית, וכל הנלווה לכך. אנחנו שמחים על שיתוף הפעולה ומקווים שהבלוג יעשיר לכם את הידע ויעורר אותכם לסקרנות בנושא זה. כפי שאתם יודעים הסבר טוב של משחק, הוא פשוט לשחק אותו. לכן הבלוג בנוי בצורה אינפוגרפית. בלוג זה ניכתב במסגרת קורס דידקטיקה של ההתמחות בהנחיית שוש כהן.

קחו נשימה, הסתכלו סביבכם. אינפוגרפיקה הינה המחשת מידע חזותי, באמצעות איורים, תרשימים, תצלומים, תרשימי זרימה, חתכים, מודלים תלת-ממדיים, אנימציה ועוד. בלוג עתיר דוגמאות המאפשר דיון נרחב סביב הגדרת הנושא, הכותב בוחן מנקודת גישה ביקורתית את הויזואליה על כל היבטייה השוו בין התמונות. אינפוגרפיקה מקורה בהירוגליפים המצריים.

להרחבה: בתמונה לוגויים מערביים מוכרים. Room233 - Creating Infographics. InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices. Infographics. Infographic_Handout. The Anatomy Of An Infographic: 5 Steps To Create A Powerful Visual. Information is very powerful but for the most bit it is bland and unimaginative. Infographics channel information in a visually pleasing, instantly understandable manner, making it not only powerful, but extremely beautiful.

Once used predominantly to make maps more approachable, scientific charts less daunting and as key learning tools for children, inforgraphics have now permeated all aspects of the modern world. I designed a couple of infographics back in college, the need arising especially around the time Soccer World Cup fever spiked. It was a fun process representing the different groups, predicting winners in each group at each stage and creating a mock pairing of teams that would clash all the way leading upto the finals. I was a devout Argentinian supporter at the time. Infographics can appear daunting to some with the sheer amount of data they present, but designed in the right manner and step by step, they can actually be one of the most fun things you will ever create. 1. 2. אינפוגרפיקה על אינפוגרפיקה. Infographics, Explained by LEGOs. LEGO bricks illustrate the simple idea behind infographics. Data: sorted, arranged, presented visually. Got it? Good.

Now let's raid the toy box and play with the "data. " Image courtesy of Hot Butter Studio. InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices | Inspiration. Use-Infographics.jpg (JPEG Image, 800 × 1049 pixels) - Scaled (62. How to create an infographic in 5 minutes. This page teaches you how to create a Piktochart infographic in 5 minutes (6 steps). Also check our Resources page for Piktochart videos and ebooks, as well as other tips on infographic creation! Step 1: Login and select a theme You can also narrow down the choices of the themes using the “categories” filter. Step 2: Customize the colors and fonts to suit your style and preference. Step 3: Edit your canvas. Double clicking and editing the text.

Step 4: Drag and drop. Reposition some blocks of texts or images if you do not need them. Step 5: Upload data visualization. You can either click on the data visualization tab under 3–> tools –> Data visualization (Charts icon) and manually key in some data or upload a CSV file (export from Excel). Step 6: Save and export. You can export it as Image, publish in HTML or embed as an iframe.

That’s it! Infographics. המדריך המלא לעיצוב אינפוגרפיקה בעברית: איך מתחילים, טיפים ומקרה מבחן.