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Almond milk vs. Soy Milk vs. Rice Milk... LilRicki Joined Sep 2010 Posts: 4,304 May 28, 2012 12:57 PM soy give me a gross after taste, it's to thick and way to sweet...I haven't tried rice milk though...i'm stuck on almond breeze 60 calories kathy68820 Joined Feb 2012 Posts: 14 my silk almond milk... odusgolp Joined Jun 2011 Posts: 8,687 May 28, 2012 12:59 PM Also, can you use all of the above in baking/cooking as you would moo cow milk?

Almond milk vs. Soy Milk vs. Rice Milk...

Moonblood Joined Jun 2010 Posts: 198 May 28, 2012 1:00 PM I substituted vanilla soy milk when a recipe called for milk. Jamiesadler Joined Mar 2010 Posts: 638 Cant handle the soy milk but I do use the almond milk. Anabell31 Joined Sep 2011 Posts: 269 May 28, 2012 1:01 PM I'm stuck on Rice Dream ^^ sweets2001 Joined Mar 2011 Posts: 107 May 28, 2012 1:03 PM I absolutely love Almond Milk and that's pretty much all the family uses now. Hikergalrm Posts: 20 Almond milk, rice has too much sugar and Dr. said no soy, due to my thyroid condition, apparently thyroid meds and soy don't mix. comet_wow Joined Jan 2012. Sea otters holding hands to keep from drifting apart while sleeping - 22 Words - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. Washing hedgehog Pictures. - StumbleUpon.

Designed as a Fairy-Tale Houses. Brain.png.


12 Motivational Quotes to Get You Through The Day - Picture Quotes - StumbleUpon. If historical events had Facebook updates... The Feminist eZine. Incredible! Car Photographed 100 Years Before Produced &Other Cases of Time Slip! - StumbleUpon. According to great scientists such as Albert Einstein, time is not as stable as most of us think.

Incredible! Car Photographed 100 Years Before Produced &Other Cases of Time Slip! - StumbleUpon

A... According to great scientists such as Albert Einstein, time is not as stable as most of us think. As humans we’re adjusted to time and our evolution has established tricks to allow our conscious minds to deal with it but in reality it’s a slippery concept. Time slips occur when a current time (now) interlaces with a previous time (then) and can be experienced by the person from the more recent time. However, the event is usually unnoticed by the people from the earlier time. Well, plenty if you know where to look. Still, according to most accounts, this usually lasts for only a few seconds and the human brain does its best to filter out these anomalies. In almost all cases the person experiencing the time slip blinks, looks again and is startled to find that whatever they saw has now vanished.

He parked his Austin-Healy 100/4 outside the local pub and entered for a drink. Extraterrestrial Mummy Found in Peru. Published: 12:38 PM - 03-16-11 Could this be an Extraterrestrial Mummy?

Extraterrestrial Mummy Found in Peru

The photo was apparently taken back in 1972 by an archeology team from the University of Illinois while visiting a private musem in Arequipa, Peru. While the team were viewing exhibits, they were invited to view a special room 'out the back' which is where the mummy was being housed. This photo was taken at this time by one of the team members. According to the museum records, the mummy came from a group of locals who were scavenging what they thought were Inca tombs hidden in a nearly inaccessible cave high in the mountains near Tres Cruces.

Unfortunately when the team returned to the museum in 1996, they discovered that the museum had been burnt to the ground after thieves stole all artifacts. According to legend, the mummy's current location remains a mystery. You can easily get access to our best quality pandora charms along with fantastic variety of tiffany uk. My Favorite Blogs - StumbleUpon. One man, 100,000 toothpicks, and 35 years: An incredible kinetic sculpture of San Francisco. Thirty five years ago I had yet to be born, but artist Scott Weaver had already begun work on this insanely complex kinetic sculpture, Rolling through the Bay, that he continues to modify and expand even today.

One man, 100,000 toothpicks, and 35 years: An incredible kinetic sculpture of San Francisco

The elaborate sculpture is comprised of multiple “tours” that move pingpong balls through neighborhoods, historical locations, and iconic symbols of San Francisco, all recreated with a little glue, some toothpicks, and an incredible amount of ingenuity. He admits in the video that there are several toothpick sculptures even larger than his, but none has the unique kinetic components he’s constructed. Via his website Weaver estimates he’s spent over 3,000 hours on the project, and the toothpicks have been sourced from around the world: I have used different brands of toothpicks depending on what I am building.

I also have many friends and family members that collect toothpicks in their travels for me. See the sculpture for yourself at the Tinkering Studio through the end of June. Free Nature Sounds Mixer. 20 awesomely untranslatable words from around the world. Konrad Gesners Historiae Animalium - StumbleUpon. Weekend Reading: Brassaï on Proust. Proust would have known another case of "reconquest" by photography, that of the lovely Lady Evelyne Buchan, nicknamed "the Pocket Venus" by London society because of her diminutive stature.

Weekend Reading: Brassaï on Proust

Like Misia, the Pocket Venus had been abandoned by her husband, Lord Mayne[sic], alias Walter Guinness, the Irish brewer, for the dancer Ida Rubinstein, who in 1910 was performing in Diaghilev's production of the ballet Sheherezade. Under transparent veils, loaded with jewels like the goddesses in Gustave Moreau's paintings, she appeared on stage virtually naked. Her slender and elegant silhouette, more that of a boy than of a voluptuous woman, attracted the attention of the great couturiers and also of certain millionaires. Your Likes in France. Photos of Loughborough Uni Memes. - StumbleUpon.