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B4. La dinámica de los ecosistemas. OIKOS - Leonardo da Vinci project. Huracanes. CAS – Centro de Autenticación de Servicios. CERNLand brings the excitement of CERN's research to your kids! CLIMANTICA. ¡Alto a los desastres! Solar System Scope. Recursos educativos. En Busca del Primer Europeo. Edward Burtynsky WATER Web Gallery. WATER - Artist’s Statement “While trying to accommodate the growing needs of an expanding, and very thirsty civilization, we are reshaping the Earth in colossal ways. In this new and powerful role over the planet, we are also capable of engineering our own demise.

We have to learn to think more long-term about the consequences of what we are doing, while we are doing it. My hope is that these pictures will stimulate a process of thinking about something essential to our survival; something we often take for granted—until it’s gone.” "I wanted to understand water: what it is, and what it leaves behind when we're gone. "The project takes us over gouged landscapes, fractal patterned delta regions, ominously coloured biomorphic shapes, rigid and rectilinear stepwells, massive circular pivot irrigation plots, aquaculture and social, cultural and ritual gatherings.

GULF of MEXICO: Agriculture represents - by far - the largest human activity upon the planet. Epidemias. Peste. Comentario La peste es una enfermedad infecciosa y devastadora que se transmite a través de las pulgas de las ratas, y que es conocida desde la antigüedad. Este interactivo estructurado en cuatro bloques (historia, cronología, ficha técnica y mapa) permite conocer la enfermedad: sus causas, formas de propagación y contagio, así como algunas de las terapias preventivas que se aplican actualmente. Desde una perspectiva cronológico-histórica se revisan los momentos clave de sus principales pandemias y de su incidencia.

Se apunta, también, los principales hitos en el descubrimiento de la bacteria que la produce y de los vectores que la propagan. El mapa muestra la propagación de la enfermedad en la Europa del siglo XIV. Objetivos didácticos - Reconocer las causas principales que provocan la peste, y la importancia de algunos animales como reservorios y transmisores de la enfermedad. - Conocer la incidencia histórica y la prevalencia actual de la enfermedad en algunos lugares del mundo. NAAP Astronomy Labs. The Nebraska Astronomy Applet Project provides online laboratories targeting the undergraduate introductory astronomy audience. Each lab consists of background materials and one or more simulators that students use as they work through a student guide. Pretests and posttests can be used to gauge student learning. NAAP materials are designed to be flexible to accommodate a variety of needs. Student guides are provided in MS Word format (in addition to PDF format) so that they can be edited if necessary.

Demonstration guides and in-class worksheets are provided for some labs, helping instructors make use of NAAP simulations even if they don't assign the accompanying lab. Please visit the instructor information page for more details on using the NAAP labs, or the lab descriptions page for a summary of the NAAP labs.

You may also want to visit the simulations list page, which includes animations from the ClassAction project as well. Salud | Mortalidad por enfermedades no transmisibles. Ciencias para el mundo contemporáneo. Ciencias para el Mundo Contemporáneo de 1º de bachillerato. CREA. World Wide Earthquake Locator - The University of Edinburgh. Hacia un mundo sin malaria. Ciencias para el mundo contemporáneo. ‎