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Excel Tips and Tricks. OnLive. OnLive. OnLive Desktop - Simple PC App Access from Anywhere. Sql. Ciembor (Maciej Ciemborowicz) Bootstrap/docs at master · twitter/bootstrap. Augustgerro. Directory. Chrome Dev. Магазин Chrome. Google Developers. Мультитач: 10 айфон- приложений недели — Look At Me — MAG — поток «Обзоры» Look At Me пишет о новых приложениях и играх для iOS.

Мультитач: 10 айфон- приложений недели — Look At Me — MAG — поток «Обзоры»

C этого выпуска о главных приложениях и играх прошлой недели рассказывает главный редактор сайта Даниил Трабун: «Сразу скажу, игры, которые определяются словом "weird", — мои любимые. Я клюю на заголовки типа "Lifelogger Makes His Memories Into A Video Game", скачиваю экспериментальные разработки Массачусетского института технологий и трачу сорок долларов на специальную версию бельгийской игры, где все, что ты можешь делать, это гулять по пляжу и смотреть на закат. Поэтому среди новых игр я выбираю не "еще один самый лучший в мире тауэр-дефенс", а те, которые дают взаимодействовать с их реальностью хоть как-нибудь по-новому. Что касается приложений, очередная камера с сотней эффектов, по-моему, явно не так интересна, как приложение, обучающее медитации». Игры Wide Sky Абсолютным фаворитом всех игрокритиков на прошлой неделе была Wide Sky — игра про летающего ежика с идеальным дизайном.

Traal Kairo Wave Trip Momonga Pinball Adventures Vine. Schedule: Python sessions: OSCON 2012 - O'Reilly Conferences, July 16 - 20, 2012. Python. The Case for Test-Driven Development By Meghan Blanchette March 28, 2014 Harry Percival, author of Test-Driven Web Development with Python, discusses how he got into TDD, why you should too, and shares some tips.


In the podcast above, listen to Harry talk candidly about the types of tests that make sense, … Interface Languages and Feature Discovery By Ben Lorica March 2, 2014 Here are a few more observations based on conversations I had during the just concluded Strata Santa Clara conference. Four short links: 28 February 2014 By Nat Torkington February 28, 2014 Programming Minecraft Pi with Python — an early draft, but shows promise for kids. Four short links: 31 January 2014 By Nat Torkington January 31, 2014 Bolts — Facebook’s library of small, low-level utility classes in iOS and Android. IPython: A unified environment for interactive data analysis.


Core API SDKs. To make things as easy as possible, we have several platform SDKs you can import into your development environment to get up and running quickly.


The SDKs contain platform-specific libraries that wrap the raw HTTP calls to the Dropbox API. They are designed to shorten the distance between your application and integrating Dropbox. Download and uncompress the Python SDK. To install the dropbox module and any dependencies, run the setup script (you may need sudo). python install Alternatively, you can use pip to automatically download and install the module. pip install dropbox That's it. Example scripts For examples of how to use the SDK, explore the scripts in the example folder: is a basic command line interface for your Dropbox.flask_app/ is a web app that takes you through the OAuth 2 flow.

To get these examples running, you'll need to edit each script and enter your app key and secret where indicated. Free Microsoft eBooks, including: SharePoint, Visual Studio, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Office 365, Office 2010, SQL Server 2012, Azure, and more. - Microsoft Sales Excellence Program Manager - Eric Ligman. Throughout the year I try to share resources and information with you that I think will be helpful for you.

Free Microsoft eBooks, including: SharePoint, Visual Studio, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Office 365, Office 2010, SQL Server 2012, Azure, and more. - Microsoft Sales Excellence Program Manager - Eric Ligman

Often times these resources will include links to free eBooks that we make available on a variety of topics. Today, I thought I would post a large collection of eBooks for you here so that you can find them in one place and consume them as you see fit. Also, if you find this list helpful, please share it with your peers and colleagues so that they too can benefit from these resources. Due to the incredible popularity of this post, I’ve added a second post on even MORE free Microsoft eBooks and Resource Kits available for you, in case you are interested.

I hope you find these resources to be helpful in learning about and using the various solutions and technologies referenced.