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Apprendre les langues, c'est dépassé ! Apprenez plutôt les polices d'écriture ! A l'école, on apprend à lire, à écrire, on apprend une ou plusieurs langues étrangères.

Apprendre les langues, c'est dépassé ! Apprenez plutôt les polices d'écriture !

Pourtant, à l'heure du numérique, il pourrait être utile de connaître les polices d'écriture. Si c'était une discipline reconnue, cette petite fille de seulement deux ans serait une experte en la matière. Suivez Gizmodo sur les réseaux sociaux ! Sur Twitter, Facebook ou Google+ ! Elle s’appelle Scarlett, elle n’a que deux ans, donc, et elle est capable, en un coup d’œil, d’identifier la police avec laquelle est écrit un texte, que dis-je, seulement deux mots ! Inutile, idiot, abrutissant, honteux, étonnant, impressionnant, etc. Impressionnant, vraiment ! Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses.

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</strong></p><p>You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. </p></div></div> Adria Grotesk 15 weights from FaceType from £0.00 Age from FontFabric from 0 0 £0.00 Ainslie Sans 43 weights from Insigne from £0.00 Anodyne 7 weights from Yellow Design Studio from £0.00 Archive from FontFabric from 0 0 £0.00 AT Babyfat from Attak from 0 0 £0.00 AT Blaser from Attak from 0 0 £0.00.

Socicon - a social icons font. - helps you choose fonts! Fonts that go together. Type Night. Valentina Typeface — Pedro Arilla. Valentina typeface is a sincere tribute to my grandmother in the form of font and therefore bears her name.

Valentina Typeface — Pedro Arilla

Valentina is a classic didone that follows some of the canons proposed by Bodoni in the eighteenth century but incorporates many of the characteristics of the antique Spanish punches of the time. It is a complete font of 457 glyphs, in which there are 125 alternative lower cases or the 46 ligatures. You can download for free —if you like— this font because I believe in the free dissemination of typographic culture, but I would be grateful if my work is recognized with a small donation to continue creating new fonts.

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It has grown in popularity and become something like the “Helvetica of the free fonts”. Now the family has four new members – Thin, Light, Book, and Regular – added by Fontfabric Type Foundry. The new weights stay true to the style and grace of Bebas with the familiar clean lines, elegant shapes, a blend of technical straightforwardness and simple warmth which make it uniformly proper for web, print, commerce and art. Original Designed by Ryoichi Tsunekawa, Dharma Type Foundry. Glyphter: The SVG Font Machine. Glyphr Studio, the free HTML5 based font editor. Streamlining font creation. Garnata Display (free font) on Behance. Enemy Typeface: Lost Type on Behance.

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