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Cheese. A Cozy Kitchen - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. Meal Plan. Bacon. Desserts. Snacks. 100 Calorie Snacks. The Ultimate Sandwich Recipe: Feast your eyes on this! First things first, the CellarVie Wines team cannot lay claim to being responsible for the making of the ‘Ultimate Sandwich’.

The Ultimate Sandwich Recipe: Feast your eyes on this!

This remarkable feat of culinary engineering, complete with the beautiful pictures displayed below, arrived in our inbox courtesy of an anonymous email chain on Tuesday afternoon. Jamie Oliver would undoubtedly and perhaps quite correctly, not endorse this as a healthy meal, and it certainly isn't for the faint-hearted but we thought it was a bit of fun nonetheless.

So feast your eyes on the ‘Ultimate sandwich’… Ingredients (a guideline) 1 hard crusted Italian bread 3 rib eye steaks 500g mushrooms 1 onion 8 rashers of unsmoked back bacon Swiss Cheese slices Worchester Sauce, Dijon Mustard, horseradish or condiments of your choosing. Salt and pepper to season. Method [See images below] Line up the ingredients and brace yourself for something very special indeed. Hollow out the hard-crusted Italian bread. Rare cook the steaks [they will continue to cook whilst in the sandwich]. Food. Top 10 Things Every Budding Foodie Should Know - StumbleUpon. Epic Meal Time - StumbleUpon. Poor Girl Eats Well: Recipe: Hearty Mushroom &Potato Soup - StumbleUpon. If you’re following me on Facebook and Twitter you know that I’m sick with the flu right now.

Poor Girl Eats Well: Recipe: Hearty Mushroom &Potato Soup - StumbleUpon

Fortunately it’s not as serious as H1N1, but it is the flu and I do feel terrible. The crazy typhoon-driven storm we’ve been dealing with since last night hasn’t helped much to help me feel better either. To combat the cabin fever that has set in after being cooped up in my apartment since Friday after work, and, frankly, to change things up from the usual canned chicken noodle or even my Sick Person Soup, I thought I’d make something different.

My Fridge Food - Recipes you already have in your Fridge. Bacon-wrapped Jalapeno Chicken Bites. 610K+Add bacon to anything and it will fly off the table.

Bacon-wrapped Jalapeno Chicken Bites

That’s what a caterer once told me and I believe it. Certainly applies here. Whether you’re planning a cookout this weekend or cooking indoors (rain predicted here in Texas), grill up a few of these sizzling treats for a quick appetizer or serve as an entree. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the Fourth of July than with a big plate of these spicy and cheesy, smoky and crispy chicken nuggets.

If you don’t like hot, leave out the jalapenos or skimp a bit. Bacon and Cheddar Macaroni & Cheese - iVillage - StumbleUpon. Recipes. Gourmet Ramen. SLIDESHOW: Ramen Hacks: 30+ Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Instant Noodles [Photographs: J.

Gourmet Ramen

Kenji Lopez-Alt] Ramen in the U.S. has come a long way. Once known only in its 10-for-a-dollar instant-lunch form—a staple of offices and dorm rooms all around the '80s and '90s—high-end real ramen shops are springing up left and right on both coasts and everywhere in between. As a half-Japanese kid in the '80s, I grew up eating instant ramen at least once a week, and it still holds a special place in my gut. That said, my tastes have changed and expanded considerably over the years, and sometimes that little flavoring packet just isn't enough. As a card-carrying member of the Ramen Transmogrification Society of Greater New York,* it is my duty, my honor, and my privilege to share with you some of our methods and recipes. For full, step-by-step instructions on any of these dishes, please click through the slideshow above. * Our membership is pretty thin right now—care to join?

Sliders. Long before Himself and children, my roommate Sara and I would make the trek to White Castle’s for some sliders or Gut Busters as we liked to call them.


Piping hot and smelling so good we could down two or three before our brain knew what was happening and made us slow down. Kinda like Krispie Kreme Hot and Nows. Those days are far away and so is the nearest White Castle, therefore I have resorted to making my own. I have tried the frozen kind but I prefer fresh. Let’s start. Firmly pat 2 pounds of ground chuck over top of the onion flakes and sprinkle with your favorite seasoned salt. Bake for 25 minutes in a 400 degree oven. Cut the burger patty into 24 pieces. Slice open 24 party rolls and separate. Funny Chili. Stuffed Red Peppers.

Potatoes Romanoff. Delish Chicken Stuff. Baked Egg Boat recipe - StumbleUpon. Breakfast is my favorite meal.

Baked Egg Boat recipe - StumbleUpon

I like to drink iced coffee and watch the cream climb its way down the chunky ice cubes in a dazy before the caffeine hits. I like to order bacon with whatever I’m eating. I like eating potatoes with ketchup. I like eggs over easy, and fluffy scrambled eggs. I pretty much like everything there is to like about breakfast.

Baked Egg BoatsMakes 4 Ingredients: 4 demi sourdough baguettes 5 eggs 1/3 cup heavy cream 4 ounces pancetta, finely chopped and fried until crisp 3 ounces gruyere cheese, grated 2 green onions, thinly slicedsalt and pepper to tasteDirections: 1. Buffalo Chicken Meatballs. A fun alternative to traditional buffalo chicken wings, these meatballs pack a lot of flavor and make for a great appetizer.

Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

Serve with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing. Yield: Approx. 70 meatballs Ingredients 8 tbsp butter2/3 cup hot sauce2 lbs. ground chicken2 eggs1 cup minced celery, preferably including the leaves1 1/2 cup bread crumbs2 tsp salt4 tbsp vegetable oil Celery sticks and blue cheese dressing Directions Combine the butter and hot sauce in a small saucepan.