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Quelques bases de l'esprit critique. Les Athées de Belgique - Association Belge des Athées. Qui sommes-nous ? - Collectif de Recherche Tran... Nathalie Heinich – Le bêtisier du sociologue. Accueil. Afis07. Association nantes atlantique pour l'information scientifique ANAIS AFIS environnement bioéthique clonage OGM développement durable pseudo-sciences.

AFIS Languedoc-Roussillon. Le défaiseur de miracles - G. Majax. Note de lecture de Jean-Pierre Thomas - SPS n° 209, mai-juin 1994 Illusioniste bien connu des télespectateurs ("Y a un truc" - "Passe-passe" - "Abracadabra"...)

Le défaiseur de miracles - G. Majax

Majax est aussi un comédien (on l’a vu, à la fin l’an dernier, dans la pièce "Félicité" au Théâtre de la Main d’Or à Paris), et auteur de plusieurs ouvrages démystifiant les truquages des escrocs de la parapsychologie "Le grand bluff", "Le secret des tricheurs". Il est aussi à l’origine du service téléphonique "SOS Paranormal" créé en 1990 pour enquêter sur les phénomènes inexpliqués (mais pas inexplicables) : maisons hantées, apparitions, esprits frappeurs et autres faits surnaturels. Ce niçois de naissance n’en était pas, comme il s’est plu à le raconter, il y a longtemps, à des journalistes crédules, à faire disparaître ses hochets dans son berceau à la stupéfaction de ses parents ; il n’a pas suivi non plus de formation à l’école internationale de magie du Tibet (dont l’existence est plus qu’hypothétique).

Érisistible. Psychologie, mathématiques et choses connexes. Sceptique vs. les Soucoupes Volantes. Les réflexions de Feel O'Zof. Mars Times. NeuroLogica Blog. Jan 13 2017 Cognitive Biases in Health Care Decision Making This was an unexpected pleasant find in an unusual place.

NeuroLogica Blog

The Gerontological Society of America recently put out a free publication designed to educate patients about cognitive biases and heuristics and how they can adversely affect decision making about health care. The publication is aimed at older health care consumers, but the information it contains is applicable to all people and situations. It is a well written excellent summary of common cognitive biases with a thorough list of references. What is most encouraging about this publication is the simple fact that it recognizes that this is an issue. The report is aimed simultaneously at health care providers and patients. Continue Reading » Jan 12 2017 Curcumin Hype vs Reality A recent systematic review of the alleged health benefits of curcumin show that, yet again, hype based on “traditional use” is not a reliable guide.

The systematic review had two main findings: Jan 10 2017. Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia. JREF Swift Blog. So you’ve seen it all over the place, in each and every unoriginal TV program, documentary and news piece regarding some supposed prophecy by the ancient Mayas and their calendar. Unfortunately for the credibility of the many self-proclaimed researchers, sloppy documentary producers, misinformed journalists and the whole lot of the new-agey crowd, the Mayas did not issue any prophecy whatsoever. Not ever. And, by the way, the circular, certainly imposing monolith being photographed and videographed to exhaustion in order to illustrate the imaginary prophecy is neither Maya nor a calendar. But the tale of the Maya prophecy in itself is not too good to start with. Basically because it is an utter fabrication. In order to understand this, we have to understand the concept of how the Mayas recorded the passage of time. Skepticblog. Center for Inquiry. THE MAGONIA BLOG. UFO Religions.

Those of you who have gone to my homepage in the last day or two have already noticed the changes, but I need to make an official announcement.

UFO Religions

For the past year a professional designer has taken my site on as a gratis project (Joseph Fioramonti of POSTMORTAL Design). He’s streamlined the site and blogs on the back end, put together some original art work, and made the blogs look like they belong to the homepage. I like the look and What does this mean for readers? For now, you can still get to all this blog (and my other ones) from the new homepage, or use the redirect I’ve had for several years: Over the next week: I’ll be posting a note on my old homepage directing people to the new oneI’ll be populating all the posts on this blog to their new homes on the new blog site that lives within the new homepage.

Longer Term: Young atheists, skeptics and freethinkers - blogging together since 2012. Neuroskeptic. Rationally Speaking. Doubtful News. Debunking Christianity. Richard Wiseman. Science-Based Medicine. The Religious Studies Project - Podcasts and Resources on the Contemporary Social-Scientific Study of Religion. Le blog nadiageerts. Conspiracy Watch / Observatoire du conspirationnisme. Scepticisme scientifique. Imposteurs. Fontenelle : assurons-nous bien du fait...