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In defense of incrementalism: A call for radical realism. Analysis: China's rise takes the world into uncharted waters. BEIJING (AP) — Twice in the 20th century, Japan challenged the West, first in a military-led attempt to become an imperial power and then as an industrial powerhouse.

Analysis: China's rise takes the world into uncharted waters

Now it is China’s turn to take the global stage. © Provided by Associated Press A child salutes for a photo near statues of Chinese military honor guards at the military museum in Beijing on Thursday, Sept. 3, 2020. Seventy-five years after Japan's surrender in World War II, and 30 years after its economic bubble popped, the emergence of a 21st century Asian power is shaking up the status quo. As Japan did, China is butting heads with the established Western powers, which increasingly see its growing economic and military prowess as a threat. (AP… Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media. What's wrong with WhatsApp. A Serbian journalist has a warning about American authoritarianism. For most Americans, having a president who poses a direct threat to democracy is uncharted, perilous territory.

A Serbian journalist has a warning about American authoritarianism

One conflict, two museums: how the Korean War still divides the peninsula. In the capitals of the two Koreas, flagship museums offer radically different accounts of the same conflict -- the war launched to unify the peninsula but that now defines its division. © Ed JONES The Korean War began 70 years ago on Thursday, when North Korean forces poured… In Pyongyang, a giant statue of a North Korean soldier holding aloft a flag stands in front of the museum to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War, as the conflict is known in the country.

One conflict, two museums: how the Korean War still divides the peninsula

An enormous stone tablet stands nearby, engraved with the handwriting of the North's founder Kim Il Sung, grandfather of current leader Kim Jong Un, proclaiming that his forces' "heroic achievements shall shine for ten thousand generations". © Ed JONES Tour guide Choe Un Jong (top) at Pyongyang's Korean War museum says North Korea was attacked first in 1950 by the South and the United States. Curator Go Hanbin (bottom) at Seoul's War… © Ed JONES A South Korean military guard post stands before the skyline of North Korea and the… Why Do Republican Leaders Continue to Enable Trump? On a cold March afternoon in 1949, Wolfgang Leonhard slipped out of the East German Communist Party Secretariat, hurried home, packed what few warm clothes he could fit into a small briefcase, and then walked to a telephone box to call his mother.

Why Do Republican Leaders Continue to Enable Trump?

“My article will be finished this evening,” he told her. That was the code they had agreed on in advance. The Cold War According to CNN. The final episode of the CNN/Jeremy Isaacs Cold War series—written by Isaacs himself—avers that the Cold War from beginning to end was, above all, an ideological struggle, and the biggest losers were Marxism and communism.

The Cold War According to CNN

Political cartoons from the past 100 years. Constantin Alajalov/Condé Nast // Getty Images.

Political cartoons from the past 100 years

Annotated by the Author: ‘She Helped a Customer in Need. Then U.S. Bank Fired Her.’ To understand how some companies have lost their souls, consider what happened after U.S.

Annotated by the Author: ‘She Helped a Customer in Need. Then U.S. Bank Fired Her.’

Bank stiffed a customer before Christmas. Fighting Fake News in the Classroom. PISA scores were recently released, and results of the international test revealed that only 14 percent of U.S. students were able to reliably distinguish between fact and opinion.

Fighting Fake News in the Classroom

This is particularly alarming because we live in an era when, according to Pew Research Center, 68 percent of American adults get their news from social media—platforms where opinion is often presented as fact. While Facebook and other social media outlets have pledged to tackle fake news, the results are lackluster. Signal Corps Scoop - Capturing the Big Four at Versailles (1919) The Treaty of Versailles not only put an official end to World War I.

Signal Corps Scoop - Capturing the Big Four at Versailles (1919)

The international conference was also a major media event that attracted a huge amount of publicity. Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. Blatant dictatorship – in the form of fascism, communism, or military rule – has disappeared across much of the world.

Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt

Military coups and other violent seizures of power are rare. Most countries hold regular elections. Democracies still die, but by different means. Since the end of the Cold War, most democratic breakdowns have been caused not by generals and soldiers but by elected governments themselves. President Trump’s Dream Is to Become America’s Viktor Orbán. I Was Once a Socialist. Then I Saw How It Worked. A big mistake those of us on the conservative side made was to think that anything that made the government bigger also made the market less dynamic. We failed to distinguish between the supportive state and the regulatory state. The supportive state makes better and more secure capitalists. The Scandinavian nations have very supportive welfare states. The Man Who Predicted Nazi Germany.

And so when economists and historians, then and ever since, zeroed in on questions about, say, whether Keynes underestimated Germany’s capacity to pay its war reparations — they miss the larger point. Keynes could have surely been wrong. But his arguments about the crisis facing Europe, and about what the treaty failed to do, were exactly right. I’m Sorry, Is Impeachment Not Entertaining Enough for You? Is it that President Trump, our clickbait leader, has trained us to expect daily drama, taking advantage of our natural affinity for the sizzle rather than the steak? Or is it that after three years of almost daily revelations about porn-star payoffs, murdered Washington Post columnists, Russian back channels, WikiLeaks dumps, Charlottesville news conferences, mass shootings and Rudy Giuliani, the bar for what makes us pay attention has been ratcheted so high that something has to be absolutely bananas to clear it?

And that we the people need daily plot twists and weekly cliffhangers in order to care? A confession: Back in the summer of 2015, “The Bachelor” had just ended, and I was hungry for new characters, fresh story lines and a love-to-hate villain to entertain me. YouTube. Historian of fascism offers lessons for democracies on how to resist authoritarianism.

Russian Revolution, Civil War and USSR 1917-1991 - EuroDocs. Flag of Russia EuroDocs > History of Russia: Primary Documents > Russian Revolution, Civil War and USSR 1917-1991 Before the 1917 Revolution Alexander Yakovlev Database of 20th Century Russia and USSR Browse the site or search to view transcriptions from Russian and the Soviet Union. (1900-2000; Russian transcriptions) Documents of the 20th Century Letters and other various documents from 20th century Russia. (20th century; Russian transcriptions) 100(0) Key Documents of Russian and Soviet History (1917-1991) Documents, images, audio and videos from Russian-Soviet history. Comintern – Seventeen Moments in Soviet History. Texts Images Video Audio Music Subject essay: Lewis Siegelbaum.

The legacy of autocratic rule in Tanzania - from Nyerere to life under Magufuli. Terminology for DP History HL Topic 12: Imperial Russia Flashcards. Kronstadt Uprising – Seventeen Moments in Soviet History. Texts Images Video Other Resources Subject essay: James von Geldern. Education and Outreach - The National Archives. Revisiting Hitler, in a New Authoritarian Age. Internet History Sourcebooks Project. HistoryPorn: Historical photographs and pictures. Columbia University.

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection - UT Library Online. Miller Center. Library of Congress. (35) The Cold War. (35) The Great War. The Historical Thinking Project. Facing History and Ourselves. Getting started with Assessment for Learning.

Glossary Active learning Learning which engages students and challenges their thinking, using a variety of activities. Assessment for learning Essential teaching strategies during learning to help teachers and students evaluate progress in terms of understanding and skills acquisition, providing guidance and feedback for subsequent teaching and learning. Closed question A question that can be answered with either a single word (usually ‘yes’ or ‘no’) or a short phrase and the choice of answers is limited.

Cold calling Questioning technique in which the teacher selects a learner at random to answer a question, instead of learners putting up their hands to answer a question. Critical thinking The ability, underlying all rational discourse and enquiry, to assess and evaluate analytically particular assertions or concepts in the light of either evidence or wider contexts. Ego-specific feedback Feedback to the learner that focuses on their personal qualities. UDL Exchange: Home. Historiana. As communist China turns 70, a 'Great Fracture' emerges with US.

Mike Pompeo, Wang Yi are posing for a picture: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets China's State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the United Nations Seventy years after the founding of communist China, once rosy predictions of coexistence with the United States have dissipated with expectations rising instead of a long-term, globe-spanning rivalry.

IB History IA - A Guide to the IB History IA. Europe-wide vote fragments center as far right, Greens gain. BRUSSELS — The European Union's traditional center splintered in the hardest-fought European Parliament elections in decades, with the far right and pro-environment Greens gaining ground on Sunday after four days of a polarized vote. Turnout was at a two-decade high over the balloting across the 28 European Union countries. Europe-wide vote fragments center as far right, Greens gain.