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UserFriendly.Org. 10 Words You Need to Stop Misspelling. The Perry Bible Fellowship - Offbeat comic strip by Nicholas Gurewitch. Includes archives, information about the author, and purchases. Nedroid Picture Diary. 404. The Oatmeal - Comics by Matthew Inman.

Nature Bound Pagan: January 2015. **This is a custom spell! **by Lennard Salem and "Sam" Intent: The intention of this spell is to protect a pair of lovers through sexual intercourse (sex magic). It is intended to before a heterosexual couple. Best time to perform: ▪ Friday ▪ Full Moon ▪ Waning Moon Preparation: 1. 2. 3. 4. A. B. C. D. The Ritual 1. 2. 3. A. B. C. D. E. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Closing the Ritual: 1. 2. 3. Narcissism Meets Normalcy. So how did he do it!? How did President-Elect Trump win? What did he do so right? In my opinion, it's really quite simple. First, he spoke to the pressing issues concerning John & Jane Doe. Health insurance. Jobs. Safety. Geek&Poke. About « Shanna Katz M.Ed, ACS — Board Certified Sexologist and Sexuality Educator.

Filling the Well | ideas are like oxygen: a journal by Carrie Vaughn. Living With High-Functioning and Hidden Anxiety. High-functioning anxiety looks like… Achievement. Busyness. Perfectionism. When it sneaks out, it transforms into nervous habits. If you look close enough, you can see it in answered text messages. High-functioning anxiety feels like… A snake slithering up my back, clamping its jaws shut where my shoulders meet my neck. High-functioning anxiety sounds like… You’re not good enough. All the while, it appears perfectly calm. It’s always looking for the next outlet, something to channel the never-ending energy. It’s silent anxiety attacks, hidden by smiles. It’s always being busy but also always avoiding, so important things don’t get done. It’s that sharp pang of saying the wrong thing, the one that starts the cycles of thoughts. It’s going back and forth between everyone else has it together but you, and so many people have it tougher than you.

Get your act together. Suck it up. You’re not OK, you’re messing everything up. You’re totally OK, stop being such a baby. So you learn to rein it in. Hyperbole and a Half. The Bloggess. Conserving Spoons | Musings of an Aspie. If you aren’t familiar with “spoons” in the context of disability, take a few moments to read Christine Miserandino’s landmark piece on Spoon Theory before reading this post. Spoons, by nature, are a limited resource. They’re replenishable, but not on demand. Sometimes we get a new supply each day and sometimes we have to ration out spoons over many days before our supply is restocked. And there’s no spoon store, so forget going out to buy some if you unexpectedly run out. Conserving spoons is an essential skill.

That works fine when your day has lots of padding. Not only do you have to start choosing among cutting out essential activities, but life can start to look pretty grim. Understanding Where Your Spoons Go It can help to think about how spoons are getting used up. We have social spoons and language spoons and physical activity spoons and all sorts of other spoons. Not all spoon reserves are created equal.

I have physical activity spoons to spare. Really that demanding? Like this: Not alone illness | A journey in finding that we're not alone. Captain Awkward | Advice. Staircase Wit. Faux Pas. Movies. Face It! - Dr. Ekman's Blog - Paul Ekman Group, LLC. I have spent a lot of time in the last thirty years advising police, both regional and national, on how to evaluate truthfulness. You can see some of the training tools we used here. Police make mistakes, not just with Black people, although implicit or explicit racism causes a higher rate of mistaken judgments with people […] Read More » Is love an emotion?

Let’s put aside loving your job or a piece of clothing in which the use of the word “love” is as a superlative. That still leaves romantic love and parental love: Are either of these emotions? I think not and here’s why-the time frame for emotions and love are radically different. […] Read More » TSA personnel in the SPOT program (Screening Passengers with Observational Techniques) have come under repeated, unjustified criticism. Read More » As seen on Yahoo Health by Temma Ehrenfeld Think you can spot a liar? Read More » Read More » This summer, Dr. Read More » Read More » Read More » by Paul Ekman, Ph.D. as featured on Forbes. Read More » Your Brain and Your ADD ADHD — ADD Tip O the Day 642 | ADDadultstrategies. The ADD ADHD mind.

Your Genes We each have two copies of the serotonin transport gene, SERT, one from each parent. This gene regulates uptake of serotonin back into the cell. The gene comes in two flavors, long (L) and short (S). If you’re lucky, you got LL. You are not very sensitive to stress and you’re unlikely to become depressed no matter what happens. You also have less anxiety. With SS, you are very likely to become depressed in response to stress.

With early childhood stress, the frontal area of the brain does not develop as well. If you have SS, you’re more sensitive to stress and this effect on your brain is more profound. With SS things that are stressful to you will cause a bigger reaction than for your buddy with LL. Your Brain Recent research shows that those of us with the combination of SS and more stress have less frontal brain volume and more severe ADD ADHD symptoms. For most ADD ADHD children the brain gets more normal with aging. Your Input – a request doug Links: Free Four-sided Dog Bone Neck Pillow Pattern | apron strings. Recently I brought my dad’s dilapidated neck bone pillow home, took it apart, made a pattern and sewed a new one for my mom. (I thought the ragged one belonged to her.)

Not until I gifted the new one to my mom did I learn the old one was my dad’s. Today I made a new one for him. The last time my sister visited my parents she discovered the comfort of using one of these whimsical little pillows. While making the pillow for my dad, I took pictures of each step so I could post a tutorial just in case my sister had any questions about the construction. Step 1: Cut four of the bone pattern on the straight of grain using a good quality cotton fabric. (My electric scissors made cutting through four layers a time-saving breeze. Step 2: Mark the center of each end of all four bone pieces on the wrong side of fabric.

Step 3: With right sides together pin two pieces together, carefully matching center marks on both ends. Press all seams flat. Step 10: Admire your handiwork. Until next time… Seth's Blog. We still teach a lot of myths in the intro to economics course, myths that spill over to conventional wisdom. Human beings make rational decisions in our considered long-term best interest.

Actually, behavioral economics shows us that people almost never do this. Our decision-making systems are unpredictable, buggy and often wrong. We are easily distracted, and even more easily conned. Every time we assume that people are profit-seeking, independent, rational actors, we've made a mistake. The free market is free. The free market only works because it has boundaries, rules and methods of enforcement. Profit is a good way to demonstrate the creation of value. In fact, it's a pretty lousy method. Profit is often a measure of short-term imbalances or pricing power, not value.

I hope we can agree that a caring nurse in the pediatric oncology ward adds more value than a well-paid cosmetic plastic surgeon doing augmentations. The best way to measure value created is to measure value, not profit. Adventures of a Wanna-Be Seamstress. Song of Style | A Fashion & Interior Design Blog. The Finance Geek: Thoughts about money, life, and happiness. Geek in Heels. Loco in Yokohama | …Japan from a Human Perspective! Brittney Cooper. Why Saying 'It's My Choice' Doesn't Necessarily Make Your Choice Feminist. Panel 1 Character: (Wearing traditionally feminine attire, with hands on hips) I can wear lipstick and still be a feminist!

It’s my choice, and that’s feminist in itself! Text: Given the advent of “choice feminism,” this is a really common refrain amongst feminists. However, while the first statement is correct, the second one… not quite so much. Panel 2 Character: (Standing at a crossroads with two signs, each pointing down one of the paths) Text: The popular image of an individual’s life choices is that of a path. Panel 3 Character: (Now on open water in a boat. Text: But making choices is much more like sailing in the ocean Panel 4 Text: There’s currents, doldrums, and storms, and each of them affect how difficult it is to take one path or another to a place. (Panel shows the open ocean with a current going through the middle, marked by signs labeled “affirmations”. Panel 5 (There is a piece of paper, with “Social Contract” in fancy writing. Panel 6 Panel 7 Panel 8 Panel 9 Panel 10 Panel 11 Panel 12. Why These Common 'Nice Guy' Behaviors Are Actually Sexist Microaggressions.

Here's What White Feminism Is – And Why We Really Need to Talk About It. 11 Things White People Can Do to Be Real Anti-Racist Allies. Rarely is the present so identifiably historic as the moment we are living in. The New Civil Rights Movement, as it has been dubbed, is shining a national spotlight on long-standing racial inequities that sit at the very center of everyday American life and culture. For many would-be white allies — those who possess a real and authentic desire to be anti-racist partners to people of color (POC) — there may be questions about how, precisely, to best engage in the fight against white supremacy. Most of these folks have already begun thinking critically about race and privilege, and want to do the heavy lifting and difficult learning necessary to act as real allies to POC. But they may not be fully certain about practical ways to begin.

What can white people who really want to confront and eradicate white supremacy do—on their own, every day—to fight racism? Addressing racism and racial inequality as a white ally is, necessarily, difficult and uncomfortable work. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Why Affirming the Beauty of Blackness Is Not Same as Putting White People Down. 6 Ways You Harm Me When You Appropriate Black Culture – And How to Appreciate It Instead. 9 Affirmations You Deserve to Receive If You Have a Mental Illness. Kicking My Scumbag Brain's Ass.