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MacGyver, Survivalist, or Stockpiler: The Urban Survival Skills Everyone Should Know. It's your word against his.. If he ain't talkin, your word pretty much wins. Also, don't try draggin him back in your house after he's dead.. The cops will be able to tell he was shot inside your house. As soon as you're involved in a shooting like this, call the cops, then a lawyer.. You are so bad ass. Once everyone knows how hard you are, no one will try to burglarize your home!

Seriously, you're advocating shooting a potential burglar with your "Mossy, Remy or Mr. We're not all in middle school, you know, and life is not like a Die Hard movie. I don't want to kill anyone. I am not running from my house. You can be a moral coward and subject yourself to the will of a criminal, however I will suffer no such victimization. @jodark It's not cowardly to leave and certainly not morally cowardly to leave if there is an intruder in your house. But staying in your house just because you paid for it and everything in it? Build an Altoids/tin can stove without ANY tools! Turn a Can Tab into a Survival Fish Hook. 3 Ways to Find North Without a Compass. Self Sufficiency. What to do if the police stop you. 1. What you say to the police is always important.

What you say can be used against you, and it can give the police an excuse to arrest you, especially if you badmouth a police officer. 2. You must show your driver's license and registration when stopped in a car. 3. 4. Remember:Think carefully about your words, movement, body language, and emotions.Do not get into an argument with the police.Anything you say or do can be used against you.Keep your hands where the police can see them.Do not run. If you feel your rights have been violated, file a written complaint with police department internal affairs division or civilian complaint board, or call the ACLU hotline, 1-877-6-PROFILE. How to Disappear. There are many reasons you might want to disappear, some honorable some not so honorable. Maybe you have a stalker or you would like more privacy, maybe you are avoiding domestic violence or identity theft... whatever the reason is here are a few tips that will help you do just that.

The very first thing you should do if you would like to make your earthly presence a little less conspicuous is to stop getting your mail at the place you live. A post office box really wont do either because you need two forms of identification linking you to the place you live. However, you can get a post office box with an old address if you have recently moved and still have a utility bill and one other item with your old address on it. Or if you are going to move get the PO box first, then move. A PO box is a lot cheaper than renting a mail box. Another alternative is to rent a mail box using an old address.

You may find that you really don't need mail at all and just cease getting mail. How to Ditch Big Brother and Disappear Forever. 12 Gadgets to Survive the Apocalypse. Now is a good time to ponder the apocalypse. Iran and North Korea are going nuclear, the wonky weather is a harbinger of catastrophic climate change, and end-of-the-world blockbusters abound. (Tim Burton's '9' came out last week and '2012,' 'The Road,' and 'Zombieland' are all coming up later this fall.) In that dismal spirit, the Switched team has gathered its first choices for last-chance gadgetry -- a collection of 12 must-haves if society is in peril, whether it be by fire or ice, zombies or aliens.

Using our handy "What Type of Apocalypse Will It Be? " chart below, you'll be able to find the right gadgets for the right disaster and the ensuing fallout. We've prepared for all possibilities (Needs for speed, power, disease prevention, water sources, and survivalist entertainment, among others, are all accounted for.), but have left out weapons -- that's a whole other enchilada.

So as icebergs melt and horsemen ride, gear up and get ready. ACR Electronics Microfix Personal Beacon. 10 Skills Every Survivalist Should Learn. Zombie Squad • Index page. The Survival Monkey.