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Behind the Name - the Etymology and History of First Names. Horrormovies. Spooky Names, Goth Names and Scary Names | Online Magazine and Writers' Network. Online Rhyming Dictionary for Poetry and Songwriting. Cupcake in a Teacup Pincushion (recycled/upcycled/repurposed!) Pysanky - Ukrainian Egg Dying. Pysanky is a traditional craft in Ukraine and Poland.

The method is similar to batik - patterns are drawn on the egg with wax, which then protects the covered areas from the dye that is applied. By repeating this process with different colors of dye, a multi-colored pattern is built up. Finally, the wax is removed to reveal the colors that were covered up at each stage. A layer of polyurethane can be added over the finished egg to protect the dyed design and to give a gloss finish. Traditionally, the eggs were left whole. To see many other examples of these eggs, check out my Pysanky gallery on Flickr. Black|Canon : Body & Lens Kits - BestBuy. Michael - 22 - Male - FRESH MEADOWS, New York - Erowid. Niobek's Xanga Site. K.A.M. Sacred Texts Index Previous Next Sponsored Links: Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at An Introduction to Traditional Wicca c. 1987, Keepers of the Ancient Mysteries ( .K.A.M. ) Often Traditional Wiccans are asked to describe our religion and beliefs for interested people, who may or may not have confused us with other Pagan religions, with inversions of Christian/Islamic religions like Satanism, or with purely magical traditions with no religious base.

There is a lot of flexibility in the ways that we describe ourselves, and one characteristic of Wicca is a large degree of personal liberty to practice as we please. Next: Keltria (The Henge of) Kitchen. Kitchen Witch One who practices by hearth and home! The Kitchen Witch's Creed In this pot, I stir to the sun an' follow the rule of harming none. Banishment of bane when goin' widdershins; an' with water and salt negativity is cleansed. Household duties are more than chores. Magick abounds when mopping floors. With this broom, I do sweep to clean my house and safely keep. Marigold, Basil, Thyme, and Yarrow my spell is cast for a better tomorrow. Lemons for joy and apples for health the pow'r within brings great wealth. And, in this kitchen I do pray To truly walk the Witches' Way Copyright 1998, 1999 E. A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook Witch in the Kitchen: Magical Cooking... Celtic Folklore Cooking. A&E Television Network and TV Shows. Books that will induce a mindfuck (idea) Kama Sutra - the ancient art of love. About the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party ( Jews and Judaism Of all things that it did, the NSDAP is remembered best for the "Holocaust," or destruction of European Jewry. While clearly most Jews in Europe survived, and the only concrete evidence of mass extermination is from the Eastern European and Baltic states, it is likely that many Jews were killed when they were no longer useful as labor.

The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party does not draw a moral conclusion from this, thus we cannot be its apologists: our view is that Jews must be addressed by the same racial policy as any other ethnic group. For a society to exist, it must be able to say "we do it this way here" (consensus) and exclude those who would reverse that process; they will start their own societies if they are sane and healthy and able. Such is the case of the influence of Judaism in Western culture. Moleskine Black Soft Cover with Plain Pocket Journal (3.5x5.5), Moleskine - Barnes & Noble. A Gem of a Journal I LOVE my Moleskin! I purchased my first one at the end of last year to use as my calendar journal for 2009. It worked superbly. I figured how many days I had to get on each right hand side page to make it last the year... and throughout the year put my commitments, to do list, etc. on the right hand page, using the left side pages for journaling, processing, venting, taking notes, sketching and playing.

I had so much satisfaction, and pleasure, using it all year. The quality of the paper, the stamina of the cover, the elastic to secure it.... it was all perfect. I couldn't be happier! 1 out of 1 people found this review helpful. Was this review helpful? Living with Magick — The Wiccan Rede. This is the traditional Wiccan Rede, the long version, reportedly written by Doreen Valiente. I don’t think it’s much of a work of poetry, personally, but I put it on this site as a service to Wiccans.

Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme. Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much. Honor the Old Ones in deed and name, let love and light be our guides again. Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune. When the Lady’s moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.

Heed the North winds mighty gale; lock the door and trim the sail. When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth. Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow. Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God’s insight. Military Industrial Complex. Although down from its historic high during World War II, when it represented 20% of the civilian workforce, the defense industry continues to play a major role in shaping Pentagon procurement policy. The defense industry now employs 2.2 million people, about 2% of the civilian workforce. In Fiscal Year 1999 the Department of Defense awarded $118 billion to contractors for goods and services.

Since the end of the Cold War there has been significant consolidation in the U.S. defense industry. Many of the mergers and buyouts that have occurred in the last decade are the result of the "Last Supper" which took place in 1993, when then-Secretary of Defense Les Aspin urged top industry officials to consolidate or go out of business. Secretary Aspin correctly noted that the dissolution of the Soviet Union would mean lower defense budgets and fewer contracts, resulting in surplus production capacity in the industry. Plan Your Visit | The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Our Retail Store Enchantments Inc. NYC. You have landed on our old website. We have a new site and online store! Please click here to visit the new site. 424 EAST 9TH STREET (Between 1st Ave. and Ave.

A.) NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10009 (212) 228-4394 Retail Store Hours: Monday, Wednesday through Sunday 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. Located in NYC's "East Village! " And come and visit our NEW classroom, and take a class. ***Enchantments does NOT have catalogs. Come and Visit! Enchantments retail store offers a full line of Witchcraft, Goddess, Nature religion products, Classes in the Grove and Enchanted Classes and Studies in our new classroom. Our staff is always available to answer questions from the novice to the advanced practitioner. Using our "original secret formulary," we can blend over 600 types of oil mixtures to meet specific magickal needs (please see our Magickal Oils page for a partial listing). Our store has a selection of over 100 tarot decks, tarot sets and books.

The RETAIL store accepts Visa/Mastercard and cash. Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum, searchable database of European fine arts (1100-1850) Web Gallery of Art, image collection, virtual museum, searchable database of European fine arts (1100-1850) Pot Psychology's videos. INDEX: Local Pagan Shops. Web Site Content (including: text - graphics - html - look & feel) Copyright 1997-2014 The Witches' Voice Inc. All rights reserved Note: Authors & Artists retain the copyright for their work(s) on this website. Unauthorized reproduction without prior permission is a violation of copyright laws. Website structure, evolution and php coding by Fritz Jung on a Macintosh G5. Any and all personal political opinions expressed in the public listing sections (including, but not restricted to, personals, events, groups, shops, Wren’s Nest, etc.) are solely those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinion of The Witches’ Voice, Inc.

Sponsorship: Visit the Witches' Voice Sponsor Page for info on how youcan help support this Community Resource. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)