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Magic sparkles - #candyminimal by matt crump. Artsjobsonline - one of the leading sources of arts vacancies in the UK and beyond. Actively looking for a new role? Just want to keep an eye on the job market? Whatever you are looking for, why not browse our latest vacancies. Advertise with artsjobsonline. Becas para viajar por Europa dirigidas a artistas y trabajadores culturales. Un año más vuelven las becas STEP Beyond Travel grants, unas becas dirigidas a artistas y trabajadores culturales emergentes con el fin de explorar e intercambiar puntos de vista, conocimientos e inspiración.

Estas becas dan cabida a todo tipo de proyección artística: música, artes visuales, teatro, danza, cine, documentales, multimedia , el diseño, la fotografía, la moda y la creación de capacidad cultural. [Ver formación en Arte] Los participantes tienen que presentar un itinerario de viaje bien preparado y tener un plan claro de las actividades, con al menos un socio comprometido de acogida en el país de destino. Requisitos Para poder optar a una de estas becas, tienes que cumplir con una serie de requisitos como ser artista o trabajador de la cultura de cualquier disciplina artística o cultural contemporánea, ser menor de 35 años de edad o pertenecer a uno de los países de Europa.

Dotación de las Becas Solicitar Plazo Tal vez también te interese: Las tendencias extrañas de Haejung Lee. Pinturas de Resina por Jessica Dunegan. The Nostalgia Machine. The Paintings of Adam Lupton. Las tendencias extrañas de Haejung Lee. Recursos Web Gratis. Fácil y Sencillo | Fácil y Sencillo es un blog lleno de inspiración, decoración, tutoriales, fotografía, descargables, e-books, recursos, DIY y ¡mucho más! Setiembre - 156centimetros. | edX. Artist Creates Hallucinatory Portraits In A Series Of Stunning Cinemagraphs.

Human portraits filtered through the dreamscape are what Chilean artist Jon Jacobsen explores in a series of cinemagraphs called The Present. These haunting, distorted images feature a subject who, like the dreaming woman in Fuseli's The Nightmare, is surrounded by his own unconscious leaking out in to the real world as the two combine into one freaky, phantasmagorical whole. The figure in Jacobsen's GIFs takes up a pose that's caught between torment and trance, as the elastic imagery ripples into life around him, twisting the bodies further or complementing the fantastical goings-on taking place already.

It's a mix of the visionary with the everyday, as still life objects rest in the shot—some innocuous like a bunch of flowers, others slightly more sinister. On his Behance page Jacobsen gives a short explanation for the series: "Animated images inspired in the present and how we feel it with our senses. " It's the kind of present you might feel hanging after the third day at a festival. Klebebande Berlin - Tape Art aus Berlin. Inspired by the classics. Crafted for a new breed of gentleman. - Beckett Simonon - Beckett Simonon. Introducing our latest additions. Available for pre-orders now. 33 Amazing Ideas That Will Make Your House Awesome.

We’ve all got some sort of idea of how our dream home might look. Some of us have just got to have a pool, while others want clever modern design, sustainability, or integration with natural elements. No matter what it is that makes your dream home unique, here are a few examples of homes where people have been able to realize some of their greatest home design fantasies. [Read more...] These ingenious home improvements run from pools and aquariums to cleverly-hidden storage spaces, multi-purpose furniture and… cat transit walkways. Maybe you’ll recognize something that you’ve always wanted to see, or maybe the pictures will get your juices flowing and inspire you to come up with or even build something new. Warning – viewing some of these images may make you feel dissatisfied with your current home! 1. Image credits: 2.

Image credits: Hilden and Diaz 3. Image credits: unknown 4. Image credits: 5. Image credits: Justin Kemp 6. Image credits: unknown 7. 8. 9. 10. 18 cosas que las personas altamente creativas no hacen igual que el resto | CREARTIKA. La creatividad funciona de una forma misteriosa y a menudo paradójica. El pensamiento creativo es una característica estable, que define algunas personalidades, pero que también puede cambiar dependiendo de la situación y del contexto. A veces, la inspiración y las ideas vienen sin más, y luego, cuando más las necesitamos, no aparecen; el pensamiento creativo requiere un conocimiento complejo, si bien es completamente independiente del proceso de pensamiento.

La neurociencia ofrece una imagen muy compleja de la creatividad. Según plantean los científicos, la creatividad no es tan simple como la división entre las regiones derecha e izquierda del cerebro (la teoría dice que el hemisferio cerebral izquierdo es racional y analítico, mientras que el derecho es creativo y emocional). Psicológicamente hablando, los tipos de personalidad creativa son difíciles de determinar, sobre todo porque son complejos, paradójicos y tienden a evitar el hábito o la rutina. Sueñan despiertos Lo observan todo. Cool Sound and Water Experiment! Stanley Kubrick’s Photos of New York Life in the 40s. Self portrait with showgirl Rosemary Williams 1948 – Photograph via Stanley Kubrick—who wrote and directed Lolita, Dr.

Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange and The Shining—was one of America’s most influential filmmakers. Directors ranging from the Coen Brothers to Tim Burton paid visual homage to his works in their own films, and no less than Steven Spielberg said: “Nobody could shoot a picture better in history.” In fact Kubrick’s special skill behind the camera and his ability to create visual intrigue were evident long before he was a Hollywood icon. Even at the age of 17, Kubrick was an immense talent.

It was during this period that Kubrick’s respected—and often-imitated—style first became apparent. Now, for the first time, fine art prints of Kubrick’s work as a photojournalist are available for sale. Images in this collection show the drama—both human and artistic—that infuse Kubrick’s work. All images are available as prints through 2. 3. 4. Concurso de Windoodles. Santigold - Master of My Make-Believe Full Album Stream. V2 - "Little Miss" - 2012. Björk: full biophilia app suite. Artist Publishes His Life Online Via A Custom iPhone App (And 3 Other Projects That Tackle Living In Public)

In our digital information age where social media and pocket devices are king, our private lives are no longer so private. By now this is public knowledge, much like your tweets, and it’s become such a universal truth it’s practically a cliche to say it. Whether it’s a model tweeting about a married actor hitting on her or you tweeting about that band/sandwich/art show you went to see/eat/experience, the private/public divide that was once so tangible has now become less so. At a time when governments are snooping on citizens, when our devices track our every move via satellite, when Google monitors your web activity, and on one side of the spectrum we witness the evasion of privacy laws in the name of protection and national security, while on the other we willingly “check-in” on Foursquare or post images to Instagram to notify the world of our activities and locations, the whole privacy/public debate becomes ever more pertinent.

And confusing. Just what is it we want? @stewart23rd. Jess & Russ. Columna: Para todos, todo - 500 películas legalmente gratuitas. Tomado de Pijamasurf: Internet, como una gran biblioteca, guarda entre sus estantes verdaderos tesoros de la cultura universal, en este casi, 100 (de 500) películas que puedes ver gratuita y legalmente en línea. Internet, como una inmensa, infinita biblioteca, guarda entre sus anaqueles verdaderos tesoros de la cultura universal, muchos de los cuales permanecen escondidos o disimulados en la vasta cantidad de información que la Red conserva. Tal es el caso de una increíble compilación realizada por el sitio OpenCulture de 500 películas que es posible ver gratuita y legalmente por en línea. En algunos casos se trata de obras cuya propiedad intelectual ha caducado y, por ende, están disponibles para quienquiera utilizarlas sin hacer usufructo de ellas. Sin más, aquí presentamos una selección de 100 títulos que a los que OpenCulture enlaza.

Comedia y drama Adiós a las armas Alexander Nevsky (También disponible en este enlace) Alicia en el País de las Maravillas Sin novedad en el frente Baby Doll. Něco z Alenky (Alice) Jan Švankmajer - 1988. Bleach Hair Salon. WAKE UP. CuantoCobrar | La aplicación que todo freelancer necesita. Seeing Beyond the Human Eye | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Heads Will Roll” (A-Trak Remix) MP3. Miniature worlds by Takanori Aiba. Incredible miniatures by illustrator/architect Takanori Aiba. via: emmeline + colossal. Dom Pérignon by David Lynch. Spending an afternoon with David Lynch in the penthouse of the Chateau Marmont isn't necessarily an everyday occurrence—the filmmaker, known for his surrealistic visions, actually admits that he rarely leaves the house if he doesn't have to. As the son of a forester, Lynch grew up spending time with his father in their woodshop, and now enjoys time at home creating his own art, photography and sound studios.

Lynch did venture out recently to the home of his friend, special effects designer Gary D’Amico, to collaborate on a bottle and package design project for Dom Pérignon. The two experimented with welding torches, shot beams of light into crystals, sprinkled sparkles and powered up smoke machines and other lighting effects to capture images for the resulting wraps. Shrouded in dreamy, glowing light streaks is Lynch's scrawled label, "Dom Pérignon by David Lynch" sliced horizontally across the dark Champagne bottle. For you is Champagne an every day or a special occasion beverage? Ms. Lauryn Hill - Ex-Factor (Live in NYC 11/27/13) Animación contra el trabajo. Cartoon Brew | Animation News, Animated Cartoons. Lovingly handpainted illustration goods. por peachpatrol en Etsy. Victor taba. Color Test - Online Color Challenge. 'Project X' Soundtrack Features Pusha T, Kid Cudi, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Nas & More.