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Kickstarting: A 3-D Printer For Designers, By Designers. The cover of this month’s Wired magazine shows Makerbot’s founder, Bre Pettis, holding the Replicator 2, the company’s slick new 3-D printer. A few lines of accompanying text make a bold pronouncement: "This machine will change the world. " The article itself hedges that bet a bit. The gist is that even if the Replicator 2 isn’t the 3-D printer that finds its way into the home of John Q. Public, its polished build and ease of use signal an important step toward that future. But if we’re being honest, your average person probably hasn’t even heard of 3-D printing, and if he has, he probably doesn’t have much of an idea what it could do for him. Unless, that is, that person happens to work in one of the many fields in which rapid prototyping is an increasingly indispensable part of the design process. These are the people that Formlabs, a new outfit started by an alum from MIT’s Media Lab, is targeting with their first piece of hardware, the Form 1.

About. The Hundreds is the world’s first social merchandising company. Now in its 11th year, the global brand is a 2-part lifestyle project that houses both a clothing line and online-magazine. Co-founded by Ben and Bobby Hundreds in 2003, both ends of The Hundreds incorporate our trademark attitude and personal perspective on street subculture, with an emphasis on people over product. The Hundreds apparel is inspired by LOS ANGELES LIFESTYLE / CALIFORNIA CULTURE and Southern California’s skateboarding, surf, punk, and hip-hop cultures.

The design is reminiscent of 1980s surf-culture t-shirts, independent skateboard company apparel of the 1990s, and the advent of “streetwear” at the end of the millennium. The line is comprised of graphic t-shirts, denim, wovens, fleece, outerwear, headwear, and accessories. In late 2008, The Hundreds also launched a shoe program monikored The Hundreds Footwear. I-D Online. Design Jobs & Portfolios. Algorithm Ink | Aza Raskin. What is Algorithm Ink? How to use? Read the Context Free documentation, or just browse some of the other pieces of art and look at their source code. Not everything from Context Free is supported—like comments, z-depth, and *—but some new things are available, like MOUSECLICK, and MOUSEMOVE. Here's an example to get you started: startshape twoshapes rule twoshapes{ CIRCLE{s .5} SQUARE{x 1} twoshapes{y .2 s .5 b .1} } This draws a circle of scale 1/2 at the origin and square one space to the right.

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CulturePOP | Ingredients for an Artful Life. Many people say that "The Wire" was the greatest show ever written, with the possible exception of "Breaking Bad. " Seth MacFarlane even pokes fun at the series’ reputation in an episode of "Family Guy. " Since there is no definitive test to determine which is actually the greatest, I'd say a reference in an American, pop culture-themed sitcom provides some credibility. However, many TV fans have been discussing "The Sopranos" recent success in topping the Writer's Guild of America’s "101 Best Written TV Series" list. With "The Wire" coming in at #9, and "Breaking Bad" shortly behind at #13, the young and hot (and sexy) "Game of Thrones" sits back at #40.

Here's the kicker though: while "The Wire" and "The Sopranos" have been off the air for a while now, and "Breaking Bad" is approaching its final stretch, "Game of Thrones" is gaining a ton of traction after only the third season. What also allows this show to be so unique is the highly chaotic and orderless world it takes place in. Stock Photos | Shutterstock: Royalty-Free Subscription Stock Photography & Vector Art. Where They At: New Orleans Hip-Hop and Bounce in Words and Pictures. Aubrey Edwards and Alison Fensterstock. New Orleans 2010. What are you working on? Fflick - Movie Trailers, Reviews, and Ratings. Kaleidoscope — File comparison for Mac.

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