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Attach icons to anything with CSS. Filed: Sun, Jan 07 2007 under Programming|| Tags: css1 selectors icons css Conditional CSS selectors work only with modern browsers (FireFox 2.0+, Opera 9, and IE7). Of particular note, the techniques described in this article will work with IE7 only if you supply a document type. Your page doesn't necessarily have to validate, it just needs a document type to get IE out of quirksmode. Browsers which can't do conditional selectors simply won't display the icon. -- This note was added after publication. Thanks to CSS selectors it's possible to attach icons to anything you want just by adding an attribute of your choosing to your HTML.

Want a popup icon? Try <a href='#' icon='popup'> how about a magnifier? A few days ago, while using stumble-upon, I stumbled on a site which showed how to conditionally append icons to the end of hypertext links using css. This would attach a pdf icon to the right of any hyperlink who's URL ended in '.pdf' like this. This works with any attribute. Addendum. Iconize Textlinks with CSS - pooliestudios. 53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without. CSS is important. And it is being used more and more often.

Cascading Style Sheets offer many advantages you don’t have in table-layouts - and first of all a strict separation between layout, or design of the page, and the information, presented on the page. Thus the design of pages can be easily changed, just replacing a css-file with another one. Isn’t it great? Well, actualy, it is. Over the last few years web-developers have written many articles about CSS and developed many useful techniques, which can save you a lot of time - of course, if you are able to find them in time. CSS is important. Over the last few years web-developers have written many articles about CSS and developed many useful techniques, which can save you a lot of time - of course, if you are able to find them in time.

Let’s take a look at 53 CSS-based techniques here at Smashing Mag you should always have ready to hand if you develop web-sites. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Powerful Tips And Tricks For Print Style Sheets 5. 7. Front Page - css-discuss. CSS Photo Shuffler by Carl Camera : Demonstration Site. A Javascript + CSS replacement for Flash photo fading slideshow. Inspired by Richard Rutter's image fade demonstration.

Richard Rutter's image fade demonstration at ClagnutThere's another site that shows this in action and is serving it up with application/xhtml+xml MIME.Please leave comments with the original postView the source or download the javascript source fileUpdate: My CSS Linked Photo Shuffer makes each image clickable. Example The XHTML Just like Richard's setup: an image in a div The XHTML contains the image that will be both the first and the last image shown.

The Setup The customization section lets you set up how many photos in the deck and how many times you want to run through the deck. var gblPhotoShufflerDivId = "photodiv"; var gblPhotoShufflerImgId = "photoimg"; var gblImg = new Array( "78ebdaf8bc.jpg", "3523869ba4.jpg", "fabcf2f7ce.jpg" ); var gblPauseSeconds = 7.25; var gblFadeSeconds = .85; var gblRotations = 1; Specify unique IDs for your image and div.

The Fade Caching. Performance Research, Part 1: What the 80/20 Rule Tells Us about. This is the first in a series of articles describing experiments conducted to learn more about optimizing web page performance. You may be wondering why you’re reading a performance article on the YUI Blog. It turns out that most of web page performance is affected by front-end engineering, that is, the user interface design and development. It’s no secret that users prefer faster web sites. I work in a dedicated team focused on quantifying and improving the performance of Yahoo! Products worldwide. As part of our work, we conduct experiments related to web page performance. We are sharing our findings so that other front-end engineers join us in accelerating the user experience on the web. The 80/20 Performance Rule Vilfredo Pareto, an economist in the early 1900s, made a famous observation where 80% of the nation’s wealth belonged to 20% of the population.

Using a packet sniffer, we discover what takes place in that other 80%. Figure 1. Create a simple liquid layout - .net magazine. Net magazine is the number one choice for the professional web designer and developer. It’s here that you find out about the latest new web trends, technologies and techniques – all in one handy package. Each issue boasts a wealth of expert tips and advice, including in-depth features and over 30 pages of advanced front- and backend tutorials on subjects as diverse as CSS, HTML, JavaScript, WordPress, PHP, and plenty more. net compiles the hottest new sites from around the web, and being the voice of web design, our mission is to source the best articles written by the best people in the industry and feature interviews and opinions crammed with inspiration and creative advice.

In short, If you're serious about web design and development, then net is the magazine for you. Editorial Advertising. CSS-Based Forms: Modern Solutions. Super-Easy Blendy Backgrounds. Recently, while trying to implement a few different navigation ideas that a designer had thrown my way, I became frustrated with my weak image editing skills. The design was gradient-heavy, so a traditional approach to navigation markup and styling would require a dozen or so background-image slices to meet the varying colors and height requirements. After spending a mortifying amount of time creating the images—I’m a programmer by trade, so anything more complicated than MS Paint gives me the willies—I had to take a step back and figure out a better way.

What if, after finishing, I needed to tweak the height? Or, God forbid, the color palette? My head was going to explode if I had to open an image editor again, so the Super Easy Blendy Backgrounds technique was born. The blendy way#section1 I fired up my trusty image editor and fumbled around until I had created two PNG images: a 100×100 px white-to-transparent blend, and a 100×100 px black-to-transparent blend. Here’s the CSS: Ten CSS tricks you may not know. CSS drop shadow. Technique to build flexible CSS drop shadows applied to arbitrary block elements. Most of the existing techniques for creating element shadows use images, this one doesn't. IT uses plain simple CSS. Have a look below. Technique to build flexible CSS drop shadows applied to arbitrary block elements. First include the style sheet at the top of your code.

Source code for index.html Source code for webtoolkit.shadow.css. Web Page Layout Grid | Smiley Cat Web Desi. The only CSS layout you need(?) | Strictly. Ten CSS tricks you may not know. 1. CSS font shorthand rule When styling fonts with CSS you may be doing this: font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.5em; font-family: verdana,sans-serif There's no need though as you can use this CSS shorthand property: font: bold italic small-caps 1em/1.5em verdana,sans-serif Much better!

Just a few of words of warning: This CSS shorthand version will only work if you're specifying both the font-size and the font-family. 2. Usually attributes are assigned just one class, but this doesn't mean that that's all you're allowed. <p class="text side">... Using these two classes together (separated by a space, not with a comma) means that the paragraph calls up the rules assigned to both text and side. 3. When writing a border rule you'll usually specify the color, width and style (in any order).

If you were to write just border: solid then the defaults for that border will be used. 4. 5. <h1>Buy widgets</h1> 6. <div id="box">... Perfect! 7. Quick Lookup : Info - PHP CSS MySQL JS Ref. Updates * Yahoo! Widget - thanks Scott ! * Back page button * Javascript docs * SQL statements for MySQL * Progress on Mac OS X Dashboard Widget * Plans to add more languages * Plans for cookie saved settings to which tab(s) to display Instructions To add it to your bookmark or links toolbar, just drag this link into your toolbar. After that, edit the links properties(right click the link in your toolbar) and set it to open in the side bar. The result should look like How it started This little tool/service was inspired by When I first saw that page, I knew it was perfect for me. But that site did not have css, js or mysql functionality and I was not happy with the sorting of search results (ie. searching for "print" did not show print on the first "page").

Info The best way to use this tool is I believe adding it to your links or bookmark toolbar in IE/Fx/Opera whatever you use, and setting it to open in the sidebar. Features * Multiple tabs * Examples * Fast results. CSS Templates :: Templa. CSS layout technique.

Css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design. CSS Tweak ~ Web Based CSS Tweaker! CSS Remix: CSS-Based Website Gallery. CSS Galleries: aggregating web design insp. CSS Frames. Background One of the arguments for using frames has always been that they allow you to keep parts of the layout on-screen at all times. This can be emulated with CSS, as described here. This results in much better usability than normal frames, but there are still some potential problems you need to be aware of. For a longer discussion on frames and usability, read my article Who framed the web: Frames and usability. Update (2006-09-05): There is an updated version of this technique described in CSS Frames v2, full-height. How does this work? The document consists of three main blocks: headerwrap, middlewrap and footerwrap. headerwrap and footerwrap have fixed positions; headerwrap at the top and footerwrap at the bottom of the viewport. middlewrap has padding-top and padding-bottom to match the heights of headerwrap and footerwrap.

To center the content horizontally, the contents of each of the main blocks has its left and right margins set to auto. That’s it. Ut in magna. CSS Beauty | CSS Design, News, Jobs, Comm. CSS Basics - Making Cascading Style Sheet. CSS Balanced Columns V2.0. History We were building a two-column CSS layout where the right column was fixed width and the left column was variable width, so we couldn't use any of the standard page-background hacks to balance the columns (no way to predict the size of the background graphic). We wrote a simple script that reads the height of the taller column, then applies it to the height of the shorter column. After using it for a while I realized that it was a pain to manually update it all the time and people were having trouble getting their heads around offsetHeight vs style.height and how to apply the script so we abstracted it a bit.

We built the simplest three column CSS layout I could make and Scott reworked the JavaScript file to automatically pick the tallest column and compensate for box model issues. A whole pile of people used it, and the one thing everyone wanted was a way to detect changes in text size to reset column size. So here is version 3 of the script. Cool new thing! The HTML/CSS columns. Content with Style. Building An Expanding DHTML Menu With CSS. Introduction Today I am going to show you the different parts that make up a dropdown vertical menu for your website. This is not like your normal dropdown menu, which appears at the top of your content, however — these menus expand and remain visible until they are collapsed with the click of a mouse.

The menu content actually expands with your page content, pushing the rest of whatever is below it down – so it can actually be used for more than just a menu (I might explore that a little later in another tutorial). For now, let’s get it started… What does the finished menu look like and how does it function? Let’s build the menu html First I’m going to start with the 5 menus items. <a class=”menu1″>Menu 1</a> <a class=”menu1″>Menu 2 </a> <a class=”menu1″>Menu 3 </a> <a class=”menu1″>Menu 4 </a> <a class=”menu1″>Menu 5 </a> Now I will create the menu1 class style and put it in the head of my document. I’ll also create the style that will show the hidden div tags (submenus): Here’s the code: Sliding Doors of C. Sliding Doors of CSS (Part I) introduced a new technique for creating visually stunning interface elements with simple, text-based, semantic markup. In Part II, we’ll push the technique even further.

If you haven’t read Part I yet, you should read it now. Here, we’ll cover a new scenario where no tab is highlighted, combine Sliding Doors with a single-image rollover, provide a fix for the clickable region in IE/Win, and suggest an alternate method of targeting tabs. We’ll skip a basic recap of the technique (see Part I for this) in favor of jumping right back in where we left off. No Current Tab#section1 In Part I, we didn’t account for cases where there might not be a “current” tab that gets highlighted. Adding a bottom border of 1px to all “non-current” tabs, then removing the bottom border in case of an existing “current” tab, provides an easy fix: When we leave out a current tab, the effects of our style changes can be seen in Example 7. Single-image Rollovers#section2. A CSS Walkthrough by Christian Montoya, ch. This CSS walkthrough was written by Christian Montoya for those interested in learning CSS.

The final outcome of this tutorial will be a complete one-page design suited to handle various forms of content and featuring a few extra details. In case you are wondering, a ZIP file is available at the end of this tutorial. It contains all files in this tutorial, including all the steps. You can step ahead and get it now, but I recommend walking through the whole thing first and following along. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Getting Started Every design starts with a draft, and this one is no different: Not a very detailed draft, but a starter nonetheless. Things Every Webpage Needs These are the things I start my webpage with: A doctype, in this case "HTML 4.01 Strict. " Here is all this as HTML markup: <! Structuring Content I will use a div tag to hold the main body of my page. I just have a small amount of markup so far:

Create a valid CSS alert message at bi. In various places around the net you may have seen alert boxes which, as far as I can tell, owe their origins to the K2 template for WordPress. The CSS behind this (at least in the beta 167 version I based my design on) doesn’t pass the W3C’s CSS Validator. One of the K2 authors, Michael Heilemann from Binary Bonsai, uses the alert with a background image to emphasize the nature of the message (an exclamation from the Silk icon set). The CSS Validator doesn’t like it: A Google search on background positioning in CSS lead me here, and I was able to implement a fix: The background image is thus indented by 15 pixels, and positioned vertically half way down the alert paragraph.

<p class="alert">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Here’s an example: This passes the CSS Validator. Tip: It makes a great “noscript” message for users who have disabled JavaScript. SU CSS Template Editor. Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply. Modifying Style. Oliver Steele. Cascading Style Sheet. How to create CSS overlappin. Css/edge. [ws] Article Archive | Archiv pÅ\u2122íspÄ\u203avkÅ. Amp; Blog Archive &amp; Current Trend. Fresh styles for web designer.