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Microreactor-based Polymerization. Organic synthesis in microflow systems has attracted increasing interest in the past decades.

Microreactor-based Polymerization

Recently this novel technology has been exploited for polymer chemistry and several polymerization techniques have been transformed from conventional systems to microfluidic devices.1 The microstructured reactors (inner dimensions: 10-100 micrometers) provide a high specific surface area with superior heat exchange properties and highly efficient mixing, which is due to special designed reactor geometry.

The continuous flow enables the control of stoichiometry, temperature and reaction time during ongoing reactions.2 Figure 1: Slit interdigital micromixer SIMMV2 (left) and HPIMM (right)3 The ring-opening polymerization of glycidol (see hyperbranched polymers) was carried out in a microstructured reactor to synthesize hyperbranched polymers in continuous flow.4. Rapid Prototyping, Advance Digital Manufacturing, 3D Printing, 3-D CAD. Home.

L’imprimante 3D, ce gadget qui change le monde. Imprimante 3D de la marque Makerbot Le salon des techniques de l'information et de la communication (Cebit) se déroule cette semaine à Hanovre en mettant à l'honneur l'économie du partage.

L’imprimante 3D, ce gadget qui change le monde

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