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Living the geektastic life

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My name is my research

Beyond research and teaching. Ethics. Bad science (dreaming of an evidence-based world) Neurohype and other myths. Women, academia, science. Work/occ/business psychology. Science videos to make my teen awe. The teaching side of the moon. The bittersweet world of science publishing.

Logophilia. Science miscellaneous. Neuro, neuro, neuro.

Science & art finally met

We are social, we are political, we are (non-)religious. JDM (not standing for Jellyfish Dark Matter) Statistics fun, statistical literacy & science litteracy. The existential quest of psychological science for its soul. Piaget was wrong (development and cognition over a life span) Psych me up (the science of sex and relationships) Science-related fun. Science & academia as seen by comics. Animals are not cute; but their behaviour is fun science. Science communication. HE & the reputation game.