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Rubricas. Rúbrica expresión oral. Outils/tools de mind mapping. OER Curriculum. Sci-Nonfi: The 10 Best Science Shows to Watch Online. Back-to-school season leaves us feeling bittersweet. Sure, we're psyched that we'll never have to cram for another final or tweak the margins of a term paper, but a part of us actually misses the atmosphere of academia.

We don't think we're alone in saying that, after a few years out of school, we actually miss the relatively hassle-free life of learning for learning's sake. Since we aren't heading back anytime soon though, we did the next best thing, and pulled together the greatest science and technology-centric TV programs ever made. All of them have at least a few clips, if not full episodes or entire series, available online, and most are available on DVD, as well. When your brain says it's hungry, feed it. Mr. The undisputed father of the TV science show, Don Herbert -- or Mr. Horizon (1964-present) The Ascent of Man (1973) Jacques Cousteau famously noted, "When one man, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself.

" Text 2 Mind Map - Simple mind mapping online. HERRAMIENTAS REPRESENTACION. iPad Programs. More than 7 Million users Work Online with Zoho. 8 Free Tools to Visualize Information on Twitter. There’s a lot of noise on Twitter. People use a variety of ways to filter through that noise, from following specific lists, finding like-minded people through third party sites, or using a variety of services and websites to find the information that matters to them on Twitter. Another interesting way to filter through what is being said on Twitter, and better yet, analyse it, is to visualize it. This is certainly not a new idea, and we’ve written about some services in the past that will allow you to do just that. With the world around Twitter constantly growing and developing, it’s no surprise that since then there are a ton more services allowing you to visualize your followers, Twitter stream and your own personal Twitter stats.

Portwiture Portwiture is definitely one of the more unique visual Twitter apps that you’ll find. Rather than tag clouds or graphs, Portwiture allows you to visualize your tweets in photographs. Tori’s Eye TweetStats Trendistic TwitterMap 5K Twitter Browser. iPad in education. iPads in Education - Exploring the use of iPads and Tablet computers in education. Ten Sites Supporting iPads In Education… A Post Of Resources. Reel. iPads for Education | Victoria, Australia.

Ipads in class. iPads in Education. Infographies. Blackboard Learn. Cursos en Línea - Escuelas Participantes. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. 8 Free Tools to Visualize Information on Twitter. Simo88. Norris.175. Edtechpost - PLE Diagrams. PLE & PLN by Antonio Delgado on Prezi. Rúbrica expresión oral. Virtualworlds. Blackboard9. Blackboard 9.1. WebHelp. Blackboard 9 @ USC. Julian. Blackboard Tips. Office of Academic Technology :: Spring Arbor University |  Ma de Blackboard. Título V 2 Tabla de Contenido Página ¿Qué es la Plataforma de Blackboard?................................................................................ 3¿Por qué utilizar la Plataforma de Blackboard?................................................................... 3Acceso a Blackboard............................................................................................................3 Resumen Modificar o eliminar botones……………….……………..………………………………6 Cambiar estilo del menú de Blackboard……………………………………..……………8 Añadir un anuncio………………………………………………….…………………….10 Añadir perfil del facilitador o administrador…………………………………………….12 Crear foros de discusión…………………………………………………….……………13 Enviar correos electrónicos…………………………………...………………………….14 Trabajos depositados en el Digital Drop Box……………………………...…………….16 Añadir actividades………………………………………………………….……………18 Crear g rupos………………………………………………………………...……………19 Módulo de aprendizaje……………………………..…………………………………….21 Crear un examen…………………………………………………………………………22.

Connectivism. Stephen.Downes. George.Siemens. Courses. VideoLectures - exchange ideas & share knowledge. Free university lectures - computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry. Whether your goal is to earn a promotion, graduate at the top of your class, or just accelerate your life, lectures can help get you there. Our archives of lectures cover a huge range of topics and have all been handpicked and carefully designed by experienced instructors throughout the world who are dedicated to helping you take the next step toward meeting your career goals. Lifelong learns can turn their free time turn into self-improvement time. The online lectures on this list are more than lecture notes or a slideshow on a topic -- they were designed for audiences like you, with carefully sequenced themes and topics taught by veteran educators, and often with additional resources for your own independent study.

The lectures are available to anybody, completely free of charge. Lecture courses are a valid and vital learning tool, and may be one of the best methods of learning available. FREE -- Teaching Resources and Lesson Plans from the Federal Government. FREE Features These features originally appeared on the features blog. The features highlight resources and ideas related to holidays, awareness months, anniversaries and seasonal topics.

January February March April May June July August Back to School: 7 Ways to Help Kids Transition Back to the Classroom September October November December About FREE Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) offered a way to find digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and public and private organizations. FREE was conceived in 1997 by a federal working group in response to a memo from the President.

Technology has made it increasingly easier to find information from government agencies or with custom search tools, like FREE Disclaimer The U.S. OpenLearn - The Open University. OER Commons. TED Blog. Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures. For Instructors. Einztein - Find free online courses. Scitable | Learn Science at Nature. Free video lectures, Free Online Courses, Video Lessons, Lecture Videos, Tutorials, free Download from top colleges and universities. What is EDUCAUSE? Hispanic Educational Telecommunications Systems.

Creando vídeos docentes para YouTube con herramientas (casi) gratuitas (por Fernando Coloma) A la hora de crear un vídeo de un tutorial, me cuenta Fernando Coloma que resulta muy útil conocer que con CamStudio (para grabar el vídeo del escritorio) y VidLogo para colocar un pequeño logotipo en, por ejemplo, la esquina inferior derecha del video es más que suficiente. Luego lo subimos a YouTube y lo editamos para colocar alguna anotación sobre el mismo que permita al alumno comprender mejor el vídeo.

A continuación mostramos un ejemplo de vídeo realizado con los programas citados y (las anotaciones sobre el vídeo se han hecho también en YouTube): Además, para ilustrar un poco más el tema, la siguiente imagen muestra la pantalla principal del programa CamStudio. Como podemos comprobar, dicho programa resulta muy intuitivo: Y por último, os dejo aquí la imagen de la pantalla principal del programa VidLogo, el cual también resulta muy fácil de usar: PD: Sí estimado Profesor X, VidLogo no es gratuito... pero es tan sencillo de usar que me parecía un delito no mencionarlo.

Moodle. System Dashboard. Gaggle - Safe Online Learning Tools. Más allá del LMS. Moodle Demonstration Site. Artículos. EDU-Presentaciones. Infografías. Infographics- Data visualizations Graphics- Infographic World. Datos_PR. La Evolución de la Comunicación [Infografía] | GeekGT. Infografia-ciudad-digital. Google Apps for ePortfolios. ©2007, Helen C. Barrett, Ph.D. Workflow • GoogleApps for Education • How-to Guides • Tool Comparison • Workshops Available under construction - check back frequently See more detailed Google Site developed by Dr.

Barrett: ePortfolios with GoogleApps 2007 Version 2014 Version Google Apps for Education: ePortfolio and Formative Assessment Workflow Google Apps for Education Schools and universities can set up a free Google Apps for Education site as a secure private space, with their own domain name, to include the following tools: "How-to Guides" Google's "Using Google Docs in the classroom: Simple as ABC" (PDF version) How to create an electronic portfolio with GoogleApps (by Dr. How to create an electronic portfolio with GoogleDocs--Document (by Dr.

How to create an electronic portfolio with GoogleDocs--Presentation (by Dr. How to create an electronic portfolio with Google Page Creator (by Dr. HANDOUT (all How-to's in a single 1.85Mb PDF) Google Apps Authoring Tool Comparison. ELearning. E-learning. Education Resources. Education Blogs. The Ultimate List of Free Web-Based Education Resources - eLearners. College Accreditation - Regional vs National Accreditation When choosing which school to attend, it's important to find a college or university that is accredited.

Accreditation means that a school has been evaluated by education authorities, to ensure it's offering high quality learning opportunities. Time Management for Online Learners Use Time Management Techniques to Enhance How Efficiently and Effectively You Learn Online. Feature Points of the article include: Prioritization, planning and organization. How to Request Your Transcripts Are you thinking about transferring schools? What about applying for a degree, scholarship or new job? Then you’ll need to know how to request an official transcript from your school. How Today's Students Are Paying For College FAQs for Students Studying Healthcare Administration When it comes to the health administration field, there are numerous points of entry.

Have You Considered a Masters Degree? Synchronous vs. WIKIs.

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Help. Chemistry - few periodic rules to rule them all :) Chemistry. The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham. E-journals. Howtoguide. Instructional Design. FurtherEducation and eLearning. 40 Useful Tools for Web Designers | Flash, Design, Vector, Photoshop, Adobe Tutorials | Web Designing tools are very handy and useful, if one can use the proper tool at a proper place where it is required.

Sometimes, it is difficult for a designer to opt for the best tool to use which really suits his/her needs. Although there are more tools than the listed below, web designers can depend on the following 40 selected tools to imrpove their work and make it much easier and more professional. In addition to the following collection, you can find here more resources for design in general including web design.

If you like the below collection, you may like to check the following links as well: 1. Fireworks Adobe Fireworks CS5 software enables you to create an expressive as well as, a highly optimized graphics for the web applications. 2. Adobe Dreamweaver allows you to create standard websites which features intelligent coding assistance and support for leading technologies and frameworks. 3. Coda is a one window web development. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Web 2.0 tools. The Logos of Web 2.0. The Logos of Web 2.0 There is no official standard for what makes something “Web 2.0”, but there certainly are a few tell-tale signs. These new sites usually feature modern web technologies like Ajax and often have something to do with building online communities. But even more characteristic among these brands is their appearance. Web 2.0 sites nearly always feel open and friendly and often use small chunks of large type.

The colors are bright and cheery — lots of blue, orange, and what we jokingly call the Official Color of Web 2.0: lime green. You can see some of these striking commonalities in Ludwig Gatzke’s compilation of nearly 400 Web 2.0 logos. Read on for a breakdown of the fonts used in a few of our favorite brands. The Softies A clear trend in new identities is the use of soft, rounded sans serifs dominated by VAG Rounded (AKA Rundschrift), but also including Helvetica Rounded, Arial Rounded, Bryant, and FF Cocon. The Futurists The Classics New Classics See also: Web 2.0. Herramientas 2.0. 9 Resources for Website Evaluation Lessons. Blackboard 2. Blackboard9.