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L'évolution de la consommation de l'info - AFP-MediaWatch. REGARDS SUR LE NUMERIQUE: Le débat RSLN - Mieux informer grâce au web, c'est possible ? RSLNmag est édité par Microsoft et se consacre à l’analyse et au décryptage du monde numérique.. (visuel : représentation des termes les plus fréquemment utilisés par nos experts, générée via wordle) L'info sous toutes les coutures … sauf une. Nous vous avons largement parlé ici, et dans un numéro papier (PDF) de RSLN, de l'info, et de sa révolution numérique. Nous avions alors parlé modèles économiques, désintermédiation, et autres réseaux sociaux. Mais nous n'avions pas abordé frontalement la question de la qualité de cette info made in internet. Sollicités par RSLN, quelques experts de la question, principalement issus du monde des médias et du champ universitaire, ont accepté de répondre, par un court texte original, à la question « Mieux informer grâce au web, c'est possible ?

». Leurs contributions vont toutes dans le même sens, ou presque : oui, grâce au web, il est possible de mieux informer. Reste encore à savoir comment faire pour y parvenir. Une information plus profonde Ce « constat technique » est « positif pour la qualité de l'information », écrit encore Patrick Le Floch. Our service | Uinfoshare. Isokron.


Help. "Startup and Go" - First Steps to Building a Technology Company , by Founder Institute And StartupDigest. Nextidea - Accueil. Apresta/tagger - GitHub. Actualité de la vie privée. Ceci n’est pas une rubrique people, mais comme mon plugin de veille n’est capable que de générer des Error 500, je me vois dans l’obligation de mobiliser mes 10 8 4 doigts et de tout faire à l’ancienne.

Source : Les choses bougent beaucoup sur la régulation des données personnelles : est-ce que la doctrine de l’opt-in va se généraliser (et traverser l’Atlantique) ? Peut-on même voir plus loin que ça ? DoNotTrack Processus visant à éliminer les traceurs contenus sur les pages web (cookies et autres). Première institutionnalisation en Californie, qui avait légiféré en faveur des listes rouges téléphoniques (Do Not Call Lists), mais qui des fois va un peu loin (proposition de loi pour autoriser les parents à consulter le Facebook de leur enfant : et l’éducation ?

[Pour l'Europe, c'est par ici] [Mise à jour] : le Do Not Track Me Online Act vient d’être déposé Cyberspace et Identity framework We want to rebalance the security and freedom of the citizen. Boîte de Veille. Making Visible the Invisible. Making Visible the Invisible, 2005-2014 Seattle Central Library, 6 LCD Screens on glass wall, 45" x 24' “Making Visible the Invisible” is a commission for the Seattle Central Library, situated in the Mixing Chamber, a large open 19,500 sq ft space dedicated to information retrieval and public accessible computer research. The installation consists of 6 large LCD screens located on a glass wall horizontally behind the librarians’ main information desk. The screens feature real-time calculated animation visualizations generated by custom designed statistical and algorithmic software using data received each hour.

This data consists of a list of checked-out items organized in chronological order. The item may be a book, a DVD, a CD, a VHS tape, etc. and from the list we can collect and aggregate titles, checkout time, catalog descriptors such as keywords, Dewey classification code if they are non-fiction items. PPT Presentation | Video. SentiWordNet. Documentation/Frequently asked questions - OpenSearch.

[edit] What is OpenSearch? OpenSearch is a collection of simple formats for the sharing of search results. You can use OpenSearch formats to help people discover and use your search engine and to syndicate search results across the web. [edit] Why use OpenSearch? The web is a big place, and search engines that crawl the surface of the web are picking up only a small fraction of the great content that is out there.

Moreover, some of the richest and most interesting content can not even be crawled and indexed by one search engine or navigated by one relevancy algorithm alone. Different types of content require different types of search engines. The best search engine for a particular type of content is frequently the search engine written by the people that know the content the best. OpenSearch helps search engines and search clients communicate by introducing a common set of formats to perform search requests and syndicate search results. [edit] Who created OpenSearch? EuropeanaOpenSearchAPI – Europeana Labs.

This page is about version 1 of the Europeana API. This version has now been deprecated in favour of Europeana API version 2 We no longer issue keys for API1 but existing API1 based implementation should work as before The Europeana OpenSearch API allows you to develop applications that can search and display Europeana collections metadata and previews. * JSON and JSONP responses added * JavaScript console added as an attachment. Getting access ¶ To request an API-key visit the Europeana API-pages, Europeana has aggregated metadata from about 1500 data providers. An Excel file with all Europeana datasets and their names is attached at the bottom of this page. Full details on Europeana's metadata schema and the definition and use are available here, For general questions about the Europeana Open Search API please e-mail api at Example:

Technical Requirements - group. Hack4Europe! Barcelona, Spain. Invalid quantity. Please enter a quantity of 1 or more. The quantity you chose exceeds the quantity available. Please enter your name. Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your message or comments. Please enter the code as shown on the image. Please select the date you would like to attend. Please enter a valid email address in the To: field. Please enter a subject for your message. Please enter a message. You can only send this invitations to 10 email addresses at a time. $$$$ is not a properly formatted color.

Please limit your message to $$$$ characters. $$$$ is not a valid email address. Please enter a promotional code. Sold Out Pending You have exceeded the time limit and your reservation has been released. The purpose of this time limit is to ensure that registration is available to as many people as possible. This option is not available anymore. Please read and accept the waiver. All fields marked with * are required. US Zipcodes need to be 5 digits. Facebook aims at becoming our identity holder. Pyglet. Mozilla Firefox. Etude : le partage de contenus sur Internet. Stunning iTunes Visualizer, Powered By Bold Experiment In UI Design | Co.Design. Planetary, a free iPad app from the data-artists at Bloom, is jaw-droppingly, eye-poppingly gorgeous.

It analyzes your iTunes music library and visualizes it as a 3D galaxy, where artists become stars that form constellations, albums are planets orbiting those stars, and individual tracks are moons that spin around the planets. It's "music of the spheres" made stunningly literal. But according to Bloom, it's so much more than that. After all, how much utility does a ridiculously pretty visualization of your music library really have? More than you think. With Planetary, you don't just "use" your digital music library; you explore it, discover it. "With Planetary, we were inspired by the idea that there are certain systems in nature that are already rhythmic and self-organized in an intuitive way," Bloom president Ben Cerveny tells Co.Design. Pretty deep for a music app, eh? [Learn more about Planetary here] Demos - TIBCO Spotfire. La visualisation analytique, pour comprendre des données complexes.

Depuis une dizaine d’années, nous sommes entrés dans une nouvelle période : celle de la profusion de données. La visualisation analytique est une méthode qui utilise les capacités visuelles humaines pour accélérer l’exploration de ces quantités importantes de données. Pourquoi a-t-on besoin d’utiliser les capacités visuelles ? Lors de notre scolarité, nous avons tous utilisés nos capacités symboliques pour calculer et lire, pourquoi ces capacités ne sont-elles pas suffisantes ? 1. Nous disposons aujourd'hui de quantités de données considérables, en conséquence de trois phénomènes : Ces nouvelles opportunités changent les perspectives scientifiques et industrielles.

Par exemple, dans les années 1990, les biologistes ont lancé le projet de séquençage du génome humain. À l'époque où les données étaient moins abondantes, les scientifiques et les entreprises suivaient le processus suivant : ils partaient de questions (comme : « Que contient le génome humain ? Une représentation efficace 2. 3. CADREMPLOI. Organisms | Home. Package Index : xlrd 0.7.1. PyExcelerator | Download pyExcelerator software for free. How would you Visualize World Education Ranking Data [Homework + Video] Posted on December 20th, 2010 in Charts and Graphs - 23 comments Here is a charting challenge to begin your Christmas week.

Recently Guardian’s Data Blog released World Education Rankings data and a sample visualization (shown below). Kaiser at Junk Charts took this data and suggested a few alternative visualizations [part 2]. (shown below). While Kaiser‘s charts are probably more insightful, they also appear complicated to my layman eye. Naturally I wanted to give this data a charting-shot and see what comes up. But before I show you how I cooked my chart, I want to throw a challenge to you. Your Homework – Make a chart from World Education Rankings data Download the original data from here (or from here).Make a chart (or few charts) visualizing the data.Your objective is make it easy for us to understand the World Education Rankings DataUpload your workbooks to Skydrive or some other public file sharing site.Share the URLs, images etc with us thru comments.Bask in glory! Now your turn, Sparklines for Excel® Seeks Search.

Welcome - 1. EU policy wise distribution of budget/ expenditure 2. How much does enquirer’s country contributed to this policy wise 3. How much did he/ she himself/ herself contributed to this policy wise 4. 5. 6. 7. This can be made as a mobile phone application/ web site information. Who would benefit from it and how? European Citizens will be benefitted by the transparency thus provided – and how he/ she/ MEPs of this country/ his/ her country is contributing and what benefits are accruing. What data do you think you need in order to build it? 1. 2. 3. This data can be distributed (computed) as per the policy wise distribution of EU expenditure. 4. 5. 6. 7. Submitted by: Dheeraj Verma show less. Advanced Web Ranking : le meilleur logiciel de positionnement.

The Open Graph Protocol. Navigator. TouchGraph Google Browser : description en français. Voilà un outil qui pourrait bien vous intéresser ! Il s'agit d'un outil graphique permettant de visualiser des sites similaires (selon Google). On peut sauter de site en site, et se rendre compte facilement des communautés de sites, ou des nébuleuses de sites traitant du même sujet. Un must ! Il a été développé par Alex Shapiro, à partir de la version initiale du Google Graph Browser de Christian Langreiter, basé sur l'applet Java Vanilla-Vista.

Afin d'éclairer un peu plus ceux qui débarquent, voici quelques explications... Navigation de base Le double-clic sert à naviguer sur le graphe. Chaque double-clic récupère les 10 URL les plus similaires à la première, puis les 10 autres reliées à chacune de ces 10-là. En général, après le double-clic, une petite image rouge apparaît, indiquant l'intervalle de résultats qui sont en train d'être récupérés en interrogeant Google. Cette image rouge reste visible tant qu'il y a une communication vers Google. Comprendre le graphe. Veille Avril II «


Python - how join list tuple and dict into a dict. Comment faire pour remplacer une colonne dans un fichier CSV en Python? Étiquetage des denrées alimentaires: des règles plus claires. Les étiquettes des denrées alimentaires devraient obligatoirement mentionner des informations nutritionnelles, dont les acides gras trans et le pays d'origine, ont estimé les députés de la commission de l'environnement mardi 19 avril. La commission a modifié le projet de législation européenne en vue de garantir que les étiquettes soient lisibles, n'induisent pas en erreur et fournissent les informations nécessaires aux consommateurs pour effectuer des choix. Le projet législatif, voté mardi en deuxième lecture en commission de l'environnement, de la santé publique et de la sécurité alimentaire, entend actualiser, simplifier et clarifier l'étiquetage des denrées alimentaires dans l'Union européenne.

Étiquetage nutritionnel lisible et obligatoire sur l'emballage Afin de garantir la lisibilité des étiquettes, les députés énumèrent une longue liste de facteurs que la Commission, chargée d'établir des règles contraignantes, devra prendre en compte. Exemptions: alcool, micro-entreprises. Tag Synonyms. Datamining. Data Mining Research - | Data Mining Blogs. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! I posted an earlier version of this data mining blog list in a previously on DMR. Here is an updated version (blogs recently added to the list have the logo “new”). I will keep this version up-to-date. You can access it at any time from the DMR top bar. Ryan Rosario. Wikipedia Page Traffic Statistics Dataset » Data Wrangling Blog. Wikipedia Page Traffic Statistics Dataset I've published a Wikipedia Page Traffic Data Set containing a 320 GB sample of the data used to power (I'll talk about Trending Topics more in a upcoming post).

The EBS snapshot includes 7 months of hourly page traffic statistics for over 8 Million Wikipedia articles (~ 1 TB uncompressed) along with the associated Wikipedia content, linkgraph, & metadata. The english Wikipedia subset contains ~2.5 Million articles. It only takes a couple of minutes to sign up for an Amazon EC2 account and set up access to the data as an EBS volume from the Amazon Management Console. If you want to work entirely from the command line, you will need to complete the steps in the Getting Started Guide. When you are set up to use EC2, launch a small EC2 Ubuntu instance from your local machine: $ ec2-run-instances ami-5394733a -k gsg-keypair -z us-east-1a Next, ssh into the instance and mount the volume Wikistats Each line has 4 fields: Wikilinks (1.1G)

9 Laws of Data Mining. Nine Laws of Data Mining by Tom Khabaza This content was created during the first quarter of 2010 to publish the Nine Laws of Data Mining, which explain the reasons underlying the data mining process. If you prefer brevity, see my tweets: If you are a member of LinkedIn, see the 9 Laws of Data Mining subgroup of the CRISP-DM group for a discussion forum. This page contains laws 1-4, with further laws on additional pages. The 9 Laws are also expressed as haikus here. Data mining is the creation of new knowledge in natural or artificial form, by using business knowledge to discover and interpret patterns in data.

In its current form, data mining as a field of practise came into existence in the 1990s, aided by the emergence of data mining algorithms packaged within workbenches so as to be suitable for business analysts. Although CRISP-DM describes how data mining is performed, it does not explain what data mining is or why the process has the properties that it does. An Introduction to Data Mining by Kurt Thearling.

Data Mining and Analytic Technologies (Kurt Thearling) Kurt's Recommended Data Mining Books. Superfeedr : Real-time feed parsing in the cloud - Atom over PubSubHubbub and XMPP. Regular Expression HOWTO — Python v2.7.1 documentation. 7.2. re — Regular expression operations — Python v2.7.1 documentation. 5. Built-in Types — Python v2.7.1 documentation. 20.7. urllib.parse — Parse URLs into components — Python v3.1.3 documentation. 20.16. urlparse — Parse URLs into components — Python v2.7.1 documentation.

Convocatoria_esp_2012.pdf (Objet application/pdf) The United States of Shame (CHART) | Infographic: United States of the Environment. Le guide du référencement de Google en français. Follow buttons. 2011: Call for Participation. Refine - Google Refine, a power tool for working with messy data (formerly Freebase Gridworks)

Cairns Blog: ORGPedia: The Open Organizational Data Project. Max Ogden's blog -- open web developer. Bitcoin P2P Virtual Currency | Bitcoin. L'économie comme science "complexe" PROGRAMA SEMANA SANTA DE SEVILLA 2010 NOMINGO DE RAMOS ITINERARIO HORARIOS PROGRAMA. Sécurité Informatique :: Services_Formation_VT. 7 results. Mozilla Firefox. Source for "Google Reader - pubDate fix" – Google's Collateral Damage: SEO Cat & Mouse Game. Community Management à ne pas faire - Facebook. Le « curator », le documentaliste à la sauce web « Jean-Daniel Boutet.

Publi en Internet | El Blog de Marketalia. Cartographie de réseau d'influence | The Web Is a Customer Service Medium ( Benchmarks - boilerpipe - Some Benchmarks - Boilerplate Removal and Fulltext Extraction from HTML pages. | Online Jobs | Freelance Employment | Outsourcing Services | Programmers | Web Design | Data Entry | Freelancers. YQL Console: select * from html where url =" and xpath="/html/body/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/table[3]/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td/font"

YQL Code Examples. Actualit s: Fondation Brigitte Bardot. Editing ', Comics only'