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Lady Thatcher: 'the prime minister who changed the world' - video obituary. Population and Demographics. Population And Demographics The reigning monarch is Queen Elizabeth II whose main residence is in Buckingham Palace in London.

Population and Demographics

Although titled as a kingdom, the UK is in fact a democracy with its seat of Government situated in the capital city London at the Houses of Parliament. The Government is divided into two levels known as houses – the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The head of the Government is the Prime Minister who leads the House of Commons and it’s in this House where locally elected representatives, known as Members of Parliament, sit and debate issues of national concern and agree national laws. In addition to the national government, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have separate parliamentary bodies to deal with some local matters such as health and education. The UK is divided into administrative units (often referred to as local government or local authorities) where local issues are addressed by local councils. Climate and Geography.

Geography and Climate So, what is the United Kingdom?

Climate and Geography

To give it its full title it’s ‘The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’. You might hear it referred to as Britain, Great Britain or more often, simply as ‘The UK’. Four countries make up the UK – England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It consists of a group of islands - 2 large ones and several hundred smaller ones.

Olympics 2012

Cultural differences. - A resource of British Life and Culture in the UK by Woodlands Junior. The Classic British Car. Transcript Carmen: There are almost 200 classic cars here at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu, in Hampshire; including 1930's motors to modern day racers.

The Classic British Car

So what makes a car a classic? And why are there so many British classic cars? Well this is a great place to find out more about Britain's motoring history. The motor industry played a central part in Britain's industrial past. Bentleys, Aston Martins and Rolls Royces, like this one, are just some of the classic cars to have been built in the UK. Carmen: Hi Stephen. Stephen: Hi Carmen. Carmen: Stephen Vokins is a classic car expert. Carmen: What a great job you have! Stephen: It is a great, great job! Carmen: So tell me about this car. Stephen: This car is a 1914 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Alpine Eagle, known at the time as probably the finest motor car in the world. Carmen: What makes it so special? Stephen: Well it was made by traditional craftsmen, handmade using the finest materials available regardless of cost.

Stephen: Yes, lets. Food in Britain. Transcript Carmen: The Chinese introduced oriental food to Britain.

Food in Britain

But before the Chinese, immigrants from all around the world came to live in London. British people enjoy a huge range of food and flavours from other countries. This is Borough Market, London’s oldest food market. Today, you can find food here from all over the world. This is Italian cheese. Restaurants from all around the world can be found on most British high streets. But just what are the UK’s favourite dishes? On the Street: My favourite meal is Thai green curry. On the Street: One of my favourite meals is... cottage pie with peas.

On the Street: My favourite food is... On the Street: What’s my favourite meal? Chef: This is a full English breakfast. A big fried breakfast might not be to everyone’s taste. The British Pub. Transcript Carmen: The British pub is said to be “the heart of England”.

The British Pub

There are around fifty thousand public houses, or pubs, in the UK. The City of London. Transcript This is the River Thames.

The City of London

It is almost 346 kilometres long, and is the second longest river in Great Britain. It flows through London, and it’s this part of the river that most tourists see. But there’s more to the Thames than a trip down the river. The Romans built a settlement on the River Thames, and over the centuries it grew into the City of London, with a huge port. But by the 1980’s, most of the docks had closed and the area became run-down.

A lot of money has been invested in this huge riverside area. The old warehouses are now attractive apartments. People also enjoy living on the water! Nick: Hi Alistair. Alistair: Hey Nick, welcome aboard. Multicultural Britain. Four Nations. Transcript Nick: This is London, and behind me are the Houses of Parliament. Parts of these buildings are more than nine hundred years old. This is where the laws of the UK are debated and created. The United Kingdom is actually made up of four different countries; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each nation has its own culture and heritage.