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YPBB Biogas. YPBB ZW. YPBB Komunitas. News YPBB. YPBB HUMAS. Asset-Based Community Development: Kreativitas di Tumpukan Persoalan | Bukik Ideas. Masyarakat bukanlah tumpukan persoalan. Masyarakat adalah jejaring potensi luar biasa selama kita menggunakan kreativitas sebagai cara pandangnya. Refleksiku atas pengorganisasian warga yang kugeluti semenjak 1994 berujung pada kesimpulan: cara lama telah sampai pada puncak, selebihnya adalah jalan buntu. Belakangan aku baru sadar bahwa aku menyimpan asumsi implisit atau anggapan tersembunyi yang mendasariku dalam memandang masyarakat. Aku memandang masyarakat sebagai tumpukan persoalan yang membutuhkan bantuan kami agar bisa mengatasi persoalan itu. Sebagai tumpukan persoalan, masyarakat dipandang sebagai pihak yang lemah dan dilemahkan. Aku datang ke masyarakat bertanya apa persoalan yang mereka hadapi? Begitu aku bertanya tentang persoalan, maka pastilah aku mendapat jawaban persoalan.

Paska reformasi 1998, aku menarik diri dari gerakan pengorganisasian warga. Aku berjumpa dengan pendekatan Appreciative Inquiry . Aku terlibat dengan percakapan yang luar biasa dengan Mas Dani. I 2 Votes. Apa itu Social Garden? | Nutrisari Social Garden. The Art Of Community | Fikry Fatullah's Blog. Balloons of Bhutan : by Jonathan Harris. Creativity Processes, Creative Thinking and Lateral Thinking from © iStockphoto/pavlen The tools in this section can help you to become more creative. They are designed to help you devise creative and imaginative solutions to problems, and help you to spot opportunities that you might otherwise miss.

Before you continue, it is important to understand what we mean by creativity, as there are two completely different types. The first is technical creativity, where people create new theories, technologies or ideas. This is the type of creativity we discuss here. Many of the techniques in this chapter have been used by great thinkers to drive their creativity. Approaches to Creativity There are two main strands to technical creativity: programmed thinking and lateral thinking.

The other main strand uses 'Lateral Thinking'. Programmed Thinking and Lateral Thinking Lateral thinking recognizes that our brains are pattern recognition systems, and that they do not function like computers. Unfortunately, we get stuck in our patterns. Taking the Best of Each... Drive. Balé Adarma: Kembali Kepemberdayaan: Menjalankan Fungsi Menancapkan Kaki.

Oleh: Wildanshah* Pasca reformasi, euforia demokrasi mulai meluap-luap. Berkali-kali jalan selalu ramai oleh para demostran, tak lain adalah mahasiswa yang selalu menuntut keadilan dan kesejahteraan di negeri ini. Dengan bendera yang berkibar, suara yang terus mengkritik pemerintahan, mereka merasa puas lalu selesai dan pulang tanpa menyelesaikan apapun. Harus diakui, beginilah kondisi aktifis kampus sekarang, ditengah kebebasan berbicara Issu atau permasalahan sosial hanya menjadi bahan obrolan keseharian bak gaya hidup belaka. Ironi memang, disatu sisi mahasiswa terlalu pintar untuk menjelaskan kebobrokan negeri dari A sampai Z. Membicarakan ketidakadilan, penghisapan dan pemiskinan rakyat bukanlah hal yang sulit bagi mahasiswa, bahkan dapat dijelaskan diluar kepala. Dan pada titik ini mahasiswa harus jujur, ternyata dalam barisan gerakan sosial yang kita bangun tidak terlihat satu pun orang yang berasal dari elemen masyarakat akar rumput.

DEEP ECOLOGY & ANARCHISM: A Polemic | Because wanting more is not enough. Which Social Network Should You Use -- and When? [INFOGRAPHIC] Infographics & Data Visualization | Have a good project but no money? Ask everyone for a little. Photo: Orwar (CC: by-nc-sa) For those who want to start small-scale, local sustainability projects, money is often a crucial problem. If you don’t have the initial capital, how do you make your dream come true? One way, which is gaining popularity in Sweden, is crowdfunding, which is basically getting a lot of people to invest a little money in your idea instead of one investor taking the whole risk.

For example, the dairy and meat farm Wapnö near Halmstad in southwest Sweden is now using the concept to raise funds for a new biogas plant that will be fuelled by their cow’s dung and provide electricity and heat. The project will need 16 million Swedish Kronor (about 1,8 million Euro) and the minimum sum that one can lend out is 1000 SEK (about 110 Euro). Private persons, organisations and companies that lend out their money will get paid back in milk, cheese, meat and other products – with a 5 percent interest annually.

Disaster Communalism. [This is a guest post by Keith Farnish: an edited, unpublished extract from his online book Underminers: A Practical Guide for Radical Change. It would take too long to explain precisely what Undermining is and who the Underminers are, so please recommend reading the Introduction. The whole book is free to access and redistribute.] The following essay was triggered by dialogue between Dmitry Orlov and Keith Farnish, both of whom have a deep interest in the power of community to combat and rise above all sorts of situations. The essay attempts to show that not only is community a powerful binding force, it is also a powerful combative force against the culture that threatens to obliterate the majority of life on Earth.

Community is the natural state of human beings: dependent upon each other, working together to ensure the stability and success of whatever collective form we take. A Paradise Built in Hell by Rebecca Solnit is an astonishing piece of work. Undermining to Build Communities. The Story of #EndFossilFuelSubsidies | #EndFossilFuelSubsidies! Bruce lee - clikr. Shareable: Sharing by design.

Why Crowdfunding Creativity Is Just The Beginning. Media activist Ian MacKenzie offers a short history of crowdfunding and how it repesents one of the key pillars of our emerging social and economic paradigm. It’s hard to know when it began. Perhaps it started with my first web page. That moment I typed out my first cautious lines of HTML, and uploaded the document to the mysterious sounding “web server.” Hello world. The words spoke back at me from the monitor. Part of me wanted to remove the page immediately. And yet, suddenly, as the single sentence blinked in front of my eyes, it was like a new being speaking back to me. Today, almost 15 years since Al Gore coined the term “The Internet” the landscape has changed dramatically. The result is a culture of sharing. Here is what we see today on the web: millions of web videos, music tracks, essays, blog posts, photographs and more, offered simply for no cost (other than a computer and Internet connection). Long Live the Consumer Let’s start with the music industry.

From Consumer To Creator. Label It Yourself. Katya's Non-Profit Marketing Blog. Thu, July 26 2012 Filed under: Marketing essentials • Last week, I blogged about how buying green products can make people feel they are off the hook for further good. In fact, their purchase might even give them a license for bad behavior. Today comes more interesting news for environmentalists—sent to me via Mark Rovner - saying that guilt doesn’t inspire people to go green. Image from National Geographic According to Media Post, the “Greendex” from National Geographic Society and GlobeScan shows Americans believe in individual action but lag behind the rest of the world in their sustainable behavior.

And they don’t feel that bad about it. By contrast, consumers in emerging economies like India, China and Brazil “report feeling the most guilty about their environmental impact and yet have the least confidence that their individual actions can help the environment,” notes MediaPost. The takeaway? Jurnal Hijau. [Sustainability College] "Half-Farmer and Half-X" to Create Rich Relationship between Community and People. Copyright JFS Lecturer: Naoki Shiomi, Representative of Half-Farmer and Half-X Institute I believe that the two major issues of the 21st Century are the environmental issues and what I call "calling issues," in which we search for our mission and role.

I have been exploring a lifestyle that can solve both of these challenges, and now I live as "Half-Farmer and Half-X" and advocate this lifestyle in my hometown, Ayabe City, Kyoto Prefecture. "Half-Farmer and Half-X" is a concept to solve social problems by utilizing small-scale sustainable agriculture and our own natural abilities "X. " Farming and Doing What We Love for Job I came up with this concept of "Half-Farmer and Half-X" at the age of 30 around the time of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. Initially I shared this concept only with my friends and it never got any public attention, but around 2000 when I launched my website, maybe the time had changed and the media sometimes covered this topic.

Another place is family. Half-Farmer, Half-X: Ideal Lifestyle or Unfortunate Reality? - Happy Homesteader. Here in Nagano, Japan we’ve been having lots of frosty nights and gorgeous crisp blue days: perfect apple weather. The frosts have deepened the sugar into a translucent core in the center of each apple, and picking season is in full swing in the orchards surrounding my house. For the past week I’ve been helping the Mizutanis, who live next door, with their harvest.

What better way to get to know my new neighborhood than by wandering those sweet-smelling green alleys, plucking fruit into a basket as hawks glide overhead and monkeys call to each other in bamboo grove nearby? (Okay, so the monkeys are probably plotting their next raid on the orchard, but they’re still fun to watch.) Like most of the families around here, the Mizutanis have a small plot of trees – probably less than an acre.

They pick and mail some apples direct to customers, sell some as u-pick, and send the bulk to the local agricultural co-op, which then distributes and sells them nationwide. So what do you think? Article - The Elephant in the Room. Rio+20. It came, sputtered briefly, and went. It was hard for anyone to summon up much enthusiasm in advance, and the lack of any kind of serious preparatory process condemned those who most hoped for a substantive, positive outcome to an inevitable disappointment. So for those who are still feeling a little let down, let me just add one additional reason for disappointment: how is it that the entire Rio+20 process came and went without any serious attention being given to one of the most important sustainability challenges today – namely, population?

I could of course have asked that question at any time over the last 40 years, pretty much since the time of the first UN Conference on Environment and Human Development in Stockholm in 1972 – when population was a big, controversial topic of debate. So what exactly is going on? Back in April this year, The Royal Society published its report People and the Planet. My own feeling is that this recommendation was included just to show willing. Too Much Sugar Affects Your Brain Health. Homesteading and Survivalism Store - Homesteading and Survivalism Store.

Earthbag Building: Earthbag Clinic. First earthbag shelter system in Escalante By Clara Mae Hortelano TO PROVIDE an innovative housing solution in the country and worldwide, MyShelter Foundation, a registered Philippine non-profit corporation, introduced the first earthbag shelter system in Escalante City. The Asian Institute of Management Alumni spearheaded the activity. Illac Diaz, founder of MyShelter Foundation, told Sun.Star Bacolod the foundation's aim is to provide housing units as they recognized the growing global need for housing with the country's current population boom. Diaz narrated his trip to California and India to learn the earthbag shelter system to create the first structure. He said the problem can be addressed by using the potentials of earth construction.

"Our mission is to create and implement innovative solutions for more affordable transitional housing for migrant populations and create sustainable communities that will advance the welfare of the individual and their families," he said. Electronic library. Download books free. Finding boooks. Toggl - Time tracking that works.

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