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eTwinning en abierto (3ª edición) Open eTwinning (2nd edition) General Description Throughout the activities we will see and work with the fundamentals of eTwinning.

Open eTwinning (2nd edition)

We will look at the entire life cycle of a project, starting with the initial idea, including finding a partner and negotiations to design a common project and up to implementation. We will include principles of project work and collaboration, as well as the educational use of various ICT tools. Open eTwinning (1st edition) General Description Throughout the activities we will see and work with the fundamentals of eTwinning.

Open eTwinning (1st edition)

We will look at the entire life cycle of a project, starting with the initial idea, including finding a partner and negotiations to design a common project and up to implementation. We will include principles of project work and collaboration, as well as the educational use of various ICT tools. We will also look at the social aspect of eTwinning, not only as a platform in which to implement educational projects, but also as a meeting place between colleagues, an environment where we can share ideas and participate in various professional development activities. At the end of the activities, you will be able to gain a digital badge that is awarded as recognition for the learning throughout the MOOC.

Flipped Classroom, Grupo F

Experiencias, proyectos y recursos educativos. Experiencias sobre bilingüismo e innovación. Open eTwinning #Twinmooc. FLIPPED CLASSROOM. Flipped Classroom INTEF, Grupo D. Proyectos, experiencias y recursos #ABP #CLIL.