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Preparing for the future of ai. Logistique the future of the logistics industry. Your Content Marketing Strategy Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated. Whether it’s in the latest digital marketing trends or from the keynote at an industry event, we’re constantly being told that “content is king” and that we must “think like a publisher” if we want to stand out online today. It’s easy to nod along, roll up the sleeves, and dive headfirst into the content marketing business. In the beginning it feels great. We’re creating!

Publishing blog posts, videos, podcasts, ebooks, infographics, and more. At the end of the day there’s something that’s there now that wasn’t before as a result of our hard work. But there’s a problem. Grounding your work with a documented strategy helps you create content that’s more effective. To help shape my content strategy, I go back to a Rudyard Kipling’s 1902 poem “The Elephant’s Child”: I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who. We can use Kipling’s “serving men” to kickstart a content strategy too. Balard. Recommendation Google. Uk.businessinsider. I’ve seen the new face of Search, and it ain’t Google. | Alex Iskold.

I’ve seen the new face of Search, and it ain’t Google. What is it you ask? It is a Text message. Wait, what? A text message?! Alex, this really makes no sense?! Ah, but it does. The Rise of Mobile The rapid rise of mobile is wiping out desktop. Mobile is beautiful precisely because it affords so little. The Google Standard We are so used to Google search, its interface and format, that we rarely question it these days. But why is it 10 links, and how can an answer to every single question be found in 10 links? Imagine if in real life, someone would ask you a question, and your reply would be — here, the answer would be inside these 10 links. When people talk to each other, they arrive at “the answer” by means of a conversation. A question in real life is a conversation that leads to an answer. The Text Messaging The email has long being hailed to be the killer app for the web, but on mobile there is a new king.

Email is always work, text messaging is aways fun. Enter the New Kind of Search 1. How The Architect Of Netflix's Innovative Culture Lost Her Job To The System. For most Americans, Netflix means free time - binge watching "House Of Cards" or "Orange Is The New Black. " In Silicon Valley, Netflix is best known as a company where hard work is irrelevant. Steve Henn from our PLANET MONEY podcast has the story of one woman who helped build a workplace that doesn't track what you put into your job but instead what you create.

STEVE HENN, BYLINE: Patty McCord started at Netflix in the early days. The office furniture was card tables. They were sending DVDs through the mail. PATTY MCCORD: So we laid off a third of the company - a third. HENN: They fired movie reviewers and engineers. BILL KUNZ: We have to. HENN: Was that fun? KUNZ: Oh, yeah. HENN: At the time, Patty was carpooling to work with Netflix's CEO, Reed Hastings. MCCORD: We're in the car driving, and I'm like, why is this so fun? HENN: So Patty did. Today, Netflix offers unlimited vacation time, high salaries. Netflix fires people, even hard-working people. MCCORD: So I called her up. Vivendi fait son entrée chez l’italien Mediaset. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Sandrine Cassini Vincent Bolloré et Silvio Berlusconi ont signé un partenariat d’ampleur. Vendredi 8 avril, Vivendi, dont l’homme d’affaires breton est le président du conseil de surveillance, a annoncé son entrée à hauteur de 3,5 % au capital de Mediaset, le groupe de médias qui compte comme principal actionnaire Silvio Berlusconi via sa holding financière Fininvest.

En échange, Mediaset, géant de la télévion italienne, acquiert également, à l’occasion de cet échange de titres, 3,5 % du capital de Vivendi. Lire aussi : Vivendi se rêve en Netflix de l’Europe du Sud Ce partenariat fait partie de la stratégie de Vincent Bolloré qui rêve de devenir un géant des médias en Europe alors que le centre névralgique de Vivendi, Canal+ perd des abonnés. Différence de valorisation Vivendi et Mediaset ne pèsent pourtant pas le même poids en Bourse. Mais Vivendi aura le contrôle total de Mediaset Premium, Telefonica vendant aussi ses 11% du capital. Après la victoire de la machine au go, les joueurs de « StarCraft » se font peu d’illusions sur leurs chances. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par William Audureau La plus grande prudence règne dans les rangs des compétiteurs du jeu vidéo de stratégie StarCraft 2 rencontrés à la Gamers Assembly, le plus grand rassemblement annuel de passionnés de jeux vidéo compétitifs, qui se tient du 26 au 28 mars à Poitiers.

Un peu moins de deux semaines après la victoire de l’intelligence artificielle AlphaGo face à l’ex-numéro 1 mondial du go, Lee Sedol, sur le score sans appel de 4 manches à 1, les joueurs français de StarCraft, le jeu vidéo de stratégie érigé en sport national en Corée du Sud, se font peu d’illusions sur leurs chances face à la machine.

Durant la très médiatique partie de jeu de go qui a opposé l’intelligence artificielle de Deep Go à l’un des joueurs coréens jugés les plus créatifs, StarCraft, le jeu de Blizzard, a été cité comme étant possiblement la prochaine cible pour l’étude de l’apprentissage algorithmique. Un échiquier en partie masqué StarCraft 2 n’a rien d’un jeu ancestral. Pourquoi les jeux vidéo ne sont pas solubles dans les séries télévisées. « Quantum Break », la dernière superproduction de Microsoft sur console Xbox One et PC, jette un pont entre deux médias à l’écosystème proche mais aux logiques différentes. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par William Audureau Depuis le 5 avril, le jeu Quantum Break, développé par le studio finlandais Remedy (Max Payne, Alan Wake), disponible sur console Xbox One et PC, tente de briser le mur qui sépare jeux vidéo et séries télévisées.

Le jeu, car c’en est un, catapulte le joueur dans un scénario de voyage dans le temps qui aurait mal tourné, obligeant le héros, Jack, à affronter des hordes d’ennemis pour rétablir le continuum spatio-temporel. Et puis, à la fin de chaque acte, la partie s’interrompt, laissant le joueur, désormais spectateur, regarder un épisode narratif d’une vingtaine de minutes, tourné en prises réelles, avec des acteurs réels. Quantum Break fait partie de ces expériences cross media qui tentent de fondre jeu vidéo et série TV dans une même œuvre.

Dans une série télé. Baker&McKenzie Cross Border Final Web. Bouygues Construction rapport d'activité 2014 .docx. How Google works SUMMARY .docx. Google Couldn’t Survive with One Strategy. When Google announced the creation of Alphabet, its new umbrella organization that separates Google’s “bread-and-butter” businesses like Google Search and YouTube from riskier or non-core ventures like GoogleX and Google Capital, shareholders rejoiced. As Todd Zenger writes in his recent HBR piece, “Why Google Became Alphabet,” investors were somewhat uneasy with Google’s approach of mixing unrelated investments, acquisitions and businesses, because it appeared to limit transparency, accountability and discipline. There were also branding benefits to the change, as Kevin Lane Keller explained in another article.

But let’s think about Google’s move from a strategic perspective: What does the creation of Alphabet tell us about the company’s strategic motives? Alphabet, Larry Page writes on—Alphabet’s new URL—stands for two things: A collection of letters that represent language, the substrate for Google’s indexed search results (the company’s mature business). 1. 2. 3. What the CEO of the “New” Google Needs to Do Next. The Google/Alphabet metamorphosis has catapulted Sundar Pichai into one of the highest profile leadership jobs in Silicon Valley. As the new CEO of Google, he has been handed the keys to one of the world’s most valuable brands, the top website to open to get to other websites, the most popular operating system for smartphones, and the most desirable employer for engineering or business graduates. A quick scan of recent company financials reveals that 90% of the revenues of the entire enterprise, all of which used to be known as Google, came selling advertising — the core business that Pichai will now run.

Pichai now leads an all “bits” business even though he was trained, solidly, in the world of “atoms,” as a metallurgical engineer. Born in Chennai, India, he came to the U.S. for graduate school, earned a Stanford degree in Engineering and Materials Science and a Wharton MBA. There are three traits revealed by his tenure at Google that I’ve found to be worth noting. Google SWOT pages 29-31. How google works book preview. BOOK REVIEW : “How Google Works” by Eric Schmidt & Jonathan Rosenberg | GlobalEd. Any company that is so successful that its name has become a verb deserves to be studied.

This excellent book gives some insights into the workings of one of today’s richest and most admired companies. I’m very grateful to my colleague, Gordon Ray, for having brought this to my attention. Key words Google, company culture, innovation, talent management, Jeff Bezos, network, search machine Summary The book is highly readable even for those that do not have an engineering background. In fact, it is clear where the authors stand right from the start, saying that Jonathan Rosenberg was hired by this company despite that he had an MBA and a business background. He book focuses mainly on the internal workings of the company with chapters dealing with themes such as culture, strategy, talent, decisions, and communication.

In fact, it is the culture of the company and how it works internally that is the central theme of this book. Google and their HR policies. Ten things we know to be true – Company – Google. We first wrote these “10 things” when Google was just a few years old. From time to time we revisit this list to see if it still holds true. We hope it does—and you can hold us to that. Focus on the user and all else will follow. Since the beginning, we’ve focused on providing the best user experience possible. À propos de Google - Produits. Google anual report 2015. Google Financial report 2015 (quarterly) Gameloft : stratégie de développement et des perspectives financières. Gameloft Rapport Financier 30 juin 2015. Rapport d'activité : Gameloft 2014. MCKENZIE ProBonoAnnualReport 2013. BAKER & MCKENZIE global financial results aug14. Bycn rapport activite 2013 10. Reporting extra financier bouygues construction 2014. Rapport reponse article225 bouygues construction 2014. Rapport financier bouygues construction 2014.

Rapport dactivite bouygues construction 2014 1. HEC Business Game - Experience Real-Life Business.