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A WordPress plugin for social texts in social contexts. ¶ 1 CommentPress is an open source theme and plugin for the WordPress blogging engine that allows readers to comment paragraph-by-paragraph, line-by-line or block-by-block in the margins of a text.

A WordPress plugin for social texts in social contexts

New in CommentPress 3.8: select some text and comment specifically on that selection. Annotate, gloss, workshop, debate: with CommentPress you can do all of these things on a finer-grained level, turning a document into a conversation. It can be applied to a fixed document (paper/essay/book etc.) or to a running blog. Use it in combination with multisite, BuddyPress and BuddyPress Groupblog to create communities around your documents. ¶ 2 CommentPress Version 3.8.x (known as CommentPress Core) is now available for download at the WordPress Plugin Directory, and is compatible with the latest WordPress standalone and multisite versions. . ¶ 4 CommentPress Core merged all the previously separate plugins into a single download, and provides a default theme when it is activated. Tangible Media Group. Tuer un piéton ou sacrifier les passagers, le dilemme macabre des voitures autonomes. Tuer un piéton ou sacrifier les passagers ?

Tuer un piéton ou sacrifier les passagers, le dilemme macabre des voitures autonomes

Des psychologues ont testé les choix moraux des futurs utilisateurs des automobiles sans pilote. CogLab / NeuroTechX Paris. Le CogLab est une communauté ouverte explorant le champ des Sciences Cognitives et des neurotechnologies en réunissant Makers, passionnés et experts.

CogLab / NeuroTechX Paris

Elle cherche à valoriser la convergence « Open NBIC » (Nanotechnologie, Biotechnologie, Intelligence artificielle et Cognition), favoriser la créativité, la diffusion des connaissances et stimuler l’innovation. Avez-vous déjà rêvé d’interagir avec le monde numérique « par la pensée » ? Ou savoir décrypter le fonctionnement de votre cerveau ? Imaginez une ambiance musicale qui s’adapte à votre humeur, pilotez vos objets avec une interface neuronale, jouez à un jeu vidéo pour améliorer vos capacités cognitives, optimisez votre état de relaxation ou réduisez votre stress.

Aujourd’hui la science dépasse la fiction. Revisiting the Educational Turn (How I Tried to Renovate an Art School), by Nicolas Bourriaud. At the dawn of the 2000s, the idea of an ‘educational turn’ in the artworld was everywhere.

Revisiting the Educational Turn (How I Tried to Renovate an Art School), by Nicolas Bourriaud

The Future of Art According to Hans Ulrich Obrist. The 89plus project which I co-founded and co-curate with Simon Castets investigates the first generation to have grown up with the internet—a generation that currently makes up half of the world’s population, and whose voices are only now beginning to be heard.

The Future of Art According to Hans Ulrich Obrist

The project is not about predicting or creating the future, but rather about bringing practitioners in different fields together through panels, books, periodicals, exhibitions, and residencies to share their insights and ideas. Thousands of artists across the world have answered our open call, uploading information about their respective projects to our platform. VIDÉOS. Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, HTC Vive : on a testé la réalité virtuelle qui sera dans nos salons en 2016. TECHNO - La Paris Games Week, le grand rendez-vous français du jeu vidéo, bat son plein depuis ce mercredi 28 octobre.

VIDÉOS. Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, HTC Vive : on a testé la réalité virtuelle qui sera dans nos salons en 2016

Et deux mots sont sur toutes les lèvres: réalité virtuelle. Dans quelques mois devraient, après plusieurs années de tests et préparations, débarquer dans les magasins les casques de réalité virtuelle. "Les", car l'Oculus Rift de Facebook n'est plus seul. Il a même de sérieux concurrents, qui se sont dévoilés lors du salon parisien du jeu vidéo. - Beacon - Hill Holliday - advertising agency / marketing communications - Boston, New York. For those unfamiliar, the Oculus Rift is a pair of 3D goggles that are strapped to a user’s head much like a scuba mask.

- Beacon - Hill Holliday - advertising agency / marketing communications - Boston, New York

A pair of lenses in the mask project an image directly onto each eye and a gyroscope in the goggles sense orientation to update the view as the user looks around. It’s not a flattering contraption, but the end result is that the wearer feels as if they have a physical presence in a virtual environment. The effect of virtual reality on the Rift is far from perfect, but despite the low resolution, the blurry tracking and frequent bouts of nausea, this has been one of the more impressive new technologies we’ve seen. And, despite the recent 2 Billion dollar purchase of Oculus VR by Facebook, we are optimistic about the rift and future of VR in general. So far the best Rift demos we’ve seen are computer generated video game-style experiences.

Working with 12 go pro cameras is another significant challenge. So what does the end result of this process look like? V3 Imaging Mobile. L’Oculus Rift utilisé par les pilotes de tanks de l’armée Norvégienne. Developer Center — Documentation and SDKs. Google. Loading... Research Overview. ICT is a multidisciplinary research institute at the University of Southern California focused on exploring and expanding how people engage with computers, through virtual characters, video games, simulated scenarios and other forms of human-computer interaction.

Research Overview

Leading researchers and faculty from computer science, psychology, interactive media and more collaborate in advancing immersive technologies to improve interactions and learning in a wide-range of areas. From creating believable virtual humans to understanding how they can best be used in the real world, research at ICT aims to literally change the face of computing. ICT findings about how people respond to virtual characters and other technologies also inform understandings of human behavior.

Our distinguished faculty have been recognized as the top in their fields in graphics and virtual humans research, cognitive architectures, contributions to the AI community, emotion modeling and social simulation. Nytlabs. A multidisciplinary research group exploring new modes of engagement with data. Program. 3D Sensing and Visualization Seminar (ITPG-GT.2900) - Kyle McDonald.