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Facebook Twitter - Your Guide To The Gods. Smile Into Your Organs: “A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks” Charles Gordy I love the idea that smiling is used as a healing and meditation practice by many ancient cultures.

Smile Into Your Organs:

Taoists believe that holding a smile on your face and directing it inwards towards your organs and inner body, is the key to good health and longevity. Traditional Balinese healers know that a smile washes away bad energy and recommend smiling meditation as a simple way to calm the mind and bring health to the soul. The inspirational Thich Nhat Hanh has always encouraged us to smile as part of our daily practice for a more peaceful world, and as an essential ingredient in any walking meditation. Photo by stuck in customs:


Ten Sikh Gurus. The Ten Gurus of Sikhism Sikhism was established by ten Gurus, human spiritual teachers or masters, over the period from 1469 to 1708 - that is over a period of 239 years.

Ten Sikh Gurus

These teachers were enlightened souls whose main purpose in life was the spiritual and moral well-being of the masses. By setting an exceptional example of how to live a holy and worthy life through practising righteous principles of living their human lives, they sort to awaken the higher conciousness in the human race. The Gurus taught the people of India and beyond, to live spiritually fulfilling lives with dignity, freedom and honour. Each of the ten masters added to and reinforced the message taught by the previous, resulting eventually to the creation of the religion that is now called Sikhism.

Famous Buddhist Quotes & Sayings. List of superhuman features and abilities in fiction. Origins Examples of ways in which a character has gained the ability to generate an effect.

List of superhuman features and abilities in fiction

