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40 Maps They Didn’t Teach You In School. By the time we graduate high school, we learn that they never taught us the most interesting things in there. Sure, you might be able to name the European countries or point New York on the map, but does that give a you real understanding of how the world functions? To fill this gap, we have gathered a great and informative selection of infographical maps that they should’ve shown us at school: every single one of these maps reveals different fun and interesting facts, which can actually help you draw some pretty interesting conclusions.

Show Full Text What makes infographical maps so engaging is how easy it becomes to conceive graphically presented information. The best part, there are brilliant services like Target Map that “allow everyone (from individuals to large organizations) to represent their data on maps of any country in the world and to share their knowledge with the whole Internet Community.” Trust us, these are way better than the ones they taught you at school! The History of Film by HistoryShots. The Evolution of Western Dance Music! Artistic Planetary Maps of our Solar System. | Un Blog de qui parle de Culture numérique et Mind mapping. Untitled. Information is Beautiful Challenge #3 - FilmStrips. The Atlas of the Real World. La carte du monde par anamorphose. On vous avait présenté il y’a quelques temps la carte de France par anamorphose de la SNCF.

Le “Telegraph” vient de publier une série de cartes du monde par anamorphose pour divers type de données, permettant de se rendre compte de la place d’un pays et/ou d’une région géographique vis à vis des autres petits copains. On a par exemple ici des cartes présentant l’utilisation des transports (train, avions et 2 roues), le tourisme, la consommation d’alcool, les émissions de CO2…etc…en tout et pour tout 18 cartes instructives et passionnantes (certaines sont assez angoissantes quand même…) pour les fous de cartographie ! Voici un petite sélection : La vrai carte du monde (petit rappel) Les destinations touristiques (un peu chauviniste…) : Le nombre d’armes nucléaires (guerre froide vous avez dit ?)

Consommation d’alcool (allez les bleus ! Et pour finir, la baisse des émissions de CO2 entre 1980 et 2000…étonnant ! La suite par ici ! Merci à Thierry pour la trouvaille ! Untitled. ^^ Communist World, 2011 by Theo Deutinger & Catarina Dantas [Mark#30]. <Communism is still alive. Although capitalism won a victory when the Berlin Wall went down, communism is triumphing as nation states continue to bail out banks in the wake of the recent economic crisis. Global capitalism is hugely unorganized and has no interest in a comprehensive plan for the future of the world – and, if it did, it would not know how to go about achieving such a goal. Global communism, on the other hand, has a clear idea about the organization of the world but does not know how to maintain competition, preserve individual freedom and generate public enthusiasm.

Each of these ideologies falls short of its potential. This seems to leave only two possibilities: the two must merge or must face extinction. Either way, the consequence will be an era without ideology vs. ^ McWorld, 2006 by OMA/AMO, Theo Deutinger & Bea Ramo. . ^ Avoid the Center, 2008 by Theo Deutinger & Theresia Kohlmayr [Mark#15]. The Google Map of the 19th Century - Megan Garber - Technology. It seems like the quintessentially contemporary phenomenon: the pedestrian, walking along, distracted from his surroundings by the glow of the map in his smartphone.

But there have been some oblivious palm-gazers, it turns out, since long before Steve Jobs came along. In London, during the Great Exhibition of 1851, the merchant George Shove designed a ladylike accessory that would allow its wearer to navigate, discreetly and easily, the fair's Hyde Park environs. The proto-mobile map! Subtle and delightful! As Harvard's John Overholt put it, the map-in-the-hand is basically "a 19th century PalmPilot.

" Alas -- for both ladies of London and for fans of quirky tech -- "as far as we know, the glove was never produced commercially," notes the UK National Archives's Andrew Janes. The "handy map" idea lived on, though: In the early 20th century, some especially sprawl-y cities began to publicize their geographical wonders with maps that were, wittily and a little bit weirdly, drawn on hands. Stunning Subjectivity: Paula Scher's Obsessive Hand-Painted Maps. By Maria Popova An irreverent, artful antidote to GPS appification, or what the NYC subway has to do with tsunamis. Iconic designer Paula Scher is one of my big creative heroes, her thoughts on combinatorial creativity a perfect articulation of my own beliefs about how we create. Since the early 1990s, Scher has been creating remarkable, obsessive, giant hand-painted typographic maps of the world as she sees it, covering everything from specific countries and continents to cultural phenomena.

This month, Princeton Architectural Press is releasing Paula Scher: MAPS — a lavish, formidable large-format volume collecting 39 of her swirling, colorful cartographic points of view, a beeline addition to my favorite books on maps. I began painting maps to invent my own complicated narrative about the way I see and feel about the world. I wanted to list what I know about the world from memory, from impressions, from media, and from general information overload. (Cue in cartograms.) The World, 1998. Infographics & Data Visualizations - Mapping Stereotypes Project by alphadesigner. Get your copy on: Amazon US / Amazon UK / Amazon DE / Amazon FR / Amazon IT / Amazon ES / Amazon Canada / Amazon Japan / Amazon India / Amazon Brazil Atlas of Prejudice: The Complete Stereotype Map Collection.

La plus vieille carte du monde. Worldmapper: The world as you've never seen it before. Stunning Subjectivity: Paula Scher's Obsessive Hand-Painted Maps. Untitled. Visualizing Yahoo! Mail.

Historique des plans de Paris. f250bestmoviesmap_HQ.jpg (Image JPEG, 3000x1848 pixels) Bestiario. Nobel_graphic_large.png (Image PNG, 900x1018 pixels) - Redimensionnée (69. The Web 2.0 Summit Map - The Data Frame. We live in a world clothed in data, and as we interact with it, we create more. Welcome to the 2011 edition of the Web 2.0 Map. This map showcases the incumbents and upstarts in our network economy, gathered around various territories that represent the Web 2.0's Points of Control. We've removed last year's acquisition mode to make room for a newly minted data layer.

Pan and Zoom to explore the map, and click the icons to get some insight about each player and their position. Then, turn on the comments view or data layer to discuss the map with others and add your own ideas! Also, bring the conversation to Twitter using hashtag #w2smap. New! Get details on the creation of the data layer on the Web 2.0 Summit Blog. Please jump in, the water's fine! Click an existing comment bubble to join in, or click 'Start New Discussion' to start your own! Click the spot on the map where you'd like to place your new city. Click the logos at top right to turn the movement layers on and off. Map of Metal. Rectangular subdivisions of the world. Eric Fischer, who continues his string of mapping fun and doesn't even do it for his day job, maps the world in binary subdivisions. Each bounding box contains an equal number of geotagged tweets. The best part is that Fischer is actually doing some problem-solving, trying to figure something out, so it's not just a pretty picture.

The actual motivation behind it, by the way, was to figure out an approximately optimal set of bounding boxes to query for in APIs like Picasa's, where if you ask for the whole world, you only get a few, very recent, results, but if you query for small enough bounding boxes, you can see further back in time. The idea is to choose bounding boxes with equal frequency so you get approximately the same time period of results from each of them. Here's the image zoomed in on the United States. As you'd expect, the concentration of boxes looks a lot like population density: As does the view of Europe: More maps from Fischer here. VisualizingEconomics — Making the Invisible Hand, Visible. Quand les Net artistes hackent Google Maps. Loin de n'être qu'une cartographie numérique de la Terre, Google Maps et ses bébés Street View et Google Earth sont aussi une ressource au service de la créativité des artistes.

Comment les artistes détournent-ils les outils du web ? Silicon Maniacs inaugure une nouvelle série consacrée au braconnage artistique sur Internet. Aujourd’hui, les hacking de Google Maps, Google Earth et Google Street View. Depuis la seconde moitié des années 1990, des artistes utilisent le web comme un matériau à part entière. La cartographie n’a jamais été une opération neutre et objective. Issu du collectif Frères Ripoulin, Claude Closky travaille autour des supports immatériels et du numérique. Avec Imaginary landscape (2008), Sylvie Ungauer propose une visualisation des flux d’informations de source française qui circulent sur la toile. Mardi Noir est un artiste issu de la scène graffiti rennaise.

Circulation des “Trucs”, au cours de la semaine du 05 mars au 12 mars, le 06 mars, à 10h19. Book review: The Map as Art, Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography. The Map as Art: Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography, by Katharine Harmon with essays by Gayle Clemans (available on Amazon UK and USA.) Princeton Architectural Press writes: Maps can be simple tools, comfortable in their familiar form. Or they can lead to different destinations: places turned upside down or inside out, territories riddled with marks understood only by their maker, realms connected more to the interior mind than to the exterior world. These are the places of artists' maps, that happy combination of information and illusion that flourishes in basement studios and downtown galleries alike. It is little surprise that, in an era of globalized politics, culture, and ecology, contemporary artists are drawn to maps to express their visions.

Using paint, salt, souvenir tea towels, or their own bodies, map artists explore a world free of geographical constraints. Sarah Trigg, Frame 3, 2003 Today's cartography is far more composed, and eager to present itself as objective. Information Is Beautiful | Ideas, issues, knowledge, data - visualized! Bureau d'études. Cartes. Echelle Inconnue. La cartographie, contre-pouvoir du citoyen » Article » OWNI, News Augmented.

Devant le déficit de démocratie urbaine en France, quel rôle pour le citadin-citoyen quand les acteurs de la gouvernance urbaine rechignent à déléguer un peu de leur pouvoir ? Voyage cartographique militant avec Microtokyo. Le détournement aussi original qu’iconoclaste de la cartographie, opéré par les collectifs Bijari (Brésil) et Los Iconoclasistas (Argentine) vous était présenté récemment sur Microtokyo, dans le cadre de leur travail de sensibilisation contre les projets de gentrification de deux quartiers populaires de grandes métropoles : La Barceloneta à Barcelone et Pinheiros à São Paulo. De telles interventions à la frontière de l’esthétique et du politique sont plus que jamais nécessaires. Qu’en est-il maintenant ?

Esthétique et politique de la carte La pratique de la cartographie ne date pas d’aujourd’hui : Ptolémée, père de la géographie, élaborait déjà des relevés en 150 avant JC. Mais déjà, une carte, c’est quoi ? La carte comporte une double dimension politique et esthétique.