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Sophia Perennis. Category:Gods by association. Mythology Guide - A dictionary of Greek and Roman Myths - StumbleUpon. - Your Guide To The Gods. Mythology with a twist! The Book of Revelation: III. The Things Which Shall Be Hereafter: 4. The Four Beasts. Sacred Texts Christianity Revelation Index Previous Next p. 41 Rev. 4:6-11.

The word translated "Beasts" should be translated "LIVING CREATURES," as in the Revised Version. The word here translated "beast" (Zoon), is not the same as the one translated "beast" (Therion) in chapters eleven, thirteen, and seventeen. The word here used means a "living being" or "creature," while the word used in chapters eleven, thirteen, and seventeen, means a wild, untamed animal. They are not angelic beings, for they are distinguished from the angels, who are mentioned as a class by themselves in Rev. 5:11. Neither are they representative of redeemed human beings, for they do not join in the Redemption Song. The "Four Living Creatures" are not in the same class with the "Elders," for they have no "thrones" or "crowns" or "harps" or "golden vials.

" The first time these "Living Creatures" are mentioned in the Bible is in Gen. 3:24, where they are called "CHERUBIM," but are not described. P. 42 p. 43 Next: 5. Qur'an Versions. Qur'an Versions I am fully aware that Muslims do not like this term, but they love to use it with a specific meaning regarding the Bible. They point to different translations which sometimes seem to be very different and nearly contradictory to the person who does not know the original language (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek). The page will simply have the function to document some passages in the Qur'an which are translated very different by various (Muslim) translators, oftentimes exhibiting their own theological bias and reading their theories into the text even though the Arabic means something else.

This page is only concerned about major translation differences of the more or less identical Arabic text. Questions regarding the textual variants of the Arabic Qur'an, including the current different Arabic Versions of the Qur'an are discussed in detail in the section on The Text of the Qur'an. Quran corruption vs. Notes on various translations by Muslims: * The Qur'an Answering Islam Home Page.