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Gaza 2012

Egyptian Leader Mohamed Morsi Spells Out Terms for U.S.-Arab Ties. Izrael. Shlomo Sand. Middle East in whose world? The fourth Nordic conference on Middle Eastern Studies: The Middle East in globalizing worldOslo, 13-16 August 1998 (Primary Reflections) Hassan HanafiCairo University 1. The expression Middle East is an old British label based on a British Western perception of the East divided into middle or near and far, which are two relative concepts having Britain as a referring point. The expression is a projection from outside, not emerging from inside, conceiving the other in relation to the self as it was always the case in classical orientalism, the periphery in relation to the center, which is already a power relationship expressed in cognition. 2.

Globalization is also another label from the same kind, expressing the power relationship between the East and the West after the collapse of socialist regimes in Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet Union. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Hassan Hanafi Home | Contents | Index. Middle East. Conflicting reports emerge on water crisis - JPost. While the former head of the Water Authority told Channel 2 news on Wednesday evening that Israel has emerged from its water crisis, statistics from the authority itself tell a different story.

Prof. Uri Shani, who left the authority a few months ago after four years on the job, announced that due to the country’s progress in desalinization, and an increase in this year’s rainfall, there is no longer a crisis. RELATED: Despite rains, water situation not much better Weather forecast for 2011: Unpredictable Praying hard to make the rain fall “I can say with caution that the water crisis has ended,” Shani, now a professor at the Hebrew University’s Department of Water and Soil Sciences, told Channel 2.

“The main reason is not the rain of course, it is the desalinization facilities that Israel is building at perhaps the greatest speed in the world. “This past winter was an average winter altogether,” Schor told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday night. “Therefore, we are on the right track. Analyzing the Middle East Water Crisis: In Israel, Jordan and Beyond. “Water, water everywhere/Nor any drop to drink…” Those immortal words in the poem “Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” by 18th century English romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge only help the emphasize the reality of the water crises that countries in the Middle East and other arid regions are now facing.

As annual rainfall amounts become scarcer and scarcer, due to severe climate changes attributed to global warming, the availability of fresh drinking water in the entire region is likely to decrease even more in the next few years. Recently governmental authorities in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan expressed grave concern that the country’s known water reserves would not be adequate enough to supply the populations’ needs.

Without tapping into ground aquifers, Jordan’s main sources for fresh water have been annual rainfall and water from the Jodan and Yarmuk rivers, both of which have been reduced significantly in recent years. ::USA Water News ::Jordan Times. Mideast Water Crisis Brings Misery, Uncertainty. „Wbrew pozorom konflikt nie jest skomplikowany” – z Rają Shehadehem rozmawia Marek Doskocz. Przy okazji wydania w Polsce przez wydawnictwo Karakter książki Rajy Shehadeha „Palestyńskie wędrówki. Zapiski o znikającym krajobrazie” miałem przyjemność porozmawiać z samym Autorem. Raja jest palestyńskim obrońcą praw człowieka, jednym z założycieli organizacji praw człowieka Al-Hak.

Mieszka w Ramallah. Marek Doskocz: Jaki rozciąga się widok z okna twojego mieszkania w Ramallah? Raja Shehadeh: Za oknem mojego gabinetu widzę ogród, w którym znajdują się trzy duże drzewka oliwne. Mają około 150 lat. Szaro-zielone liście drzew oliwnych przysłaniają sąsiadujący z moim dom. Ostatnie kilkadziesiąt lat to dla Palestyńczyków ciągły konflikt z Izraelczykami. Wbrew pozorom i temu jak to wszystko jest przedstawiane, konflikt nie jest aż tak skomplikowany. Jeśli chodzi o Bliski Wschód, wszystkie ziemie tworzone przez zwycięskie potęgi Zachodu po klęsce Imperium Osmańskiego podczas I wojny światowej, włącznie z Izraelem, nie mogą polegać tylko na sobie i potrzebują ogromnego wsparcia z zewnątrz.