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Writing helps and prompts. How to Write a Story: Creative Story Ideas, Tips to Help You Write Your Own Book. Get creative story ideas, write your own book! Want to write a good book? Check out these tips on how to write a story that captures readers' attention from beginning to end: How to Write a Story #1: Know Your Market, Get Story Ideas and Outline Your Plot The first step is to know who you are writing for, and what your readers want; this may lead you to novel ideas for stories. Work on your plot and prepare your story outline before you begin writing.

Need help with these preliminary steps? How to Write a Story #2: Plan Your Settings Familiarize yourself with your story setting. As you write, add in details as they appear in the story. If you're writing for young children, keep the setting simple; limit the number of locations, for example home, school, playground, friends' homes.

Older children, teens and adults, however, require more diversified settings to add interest to the story. How to Write a Story #3: Flesh Out Your Characters How to Write a Story #4: Whose Viewpoint? FaithWriters Magazine-Christian Magazine and e-zine. What to do after NaNoWriMo. If you found a month madly dedicated to one project exhilarating amidst the exhaustion :-) there are more challenges throughout the year, some lasting a month, some a week, some 3 days, some 24 straight hours. :-) (The NaNoWriMo folks aren't affiliated with any of these except Script Frenzy.) From the I Wrote a Novel, Now What? Page at the NaNoWriMo site which might have more challenges added throughout the year (plus a few free contests). (For readers in the future, if you've stumbled across this page during November, the link probably won't work.

A fresh page will go up early December.) - National Novel Finishing Month (December). Varies or throughout the yearNaBloPoMo - National Blog Posting Month (Year-Round). JanuaryJanNoWriMo - Goal: Write either 50k or your own word-count goal in January. FebruaryFAWM - February Album Writing Month (February). MarchNaNoEdMo - National Novel Editing Month (March). AprilScript Frenzy - NaNoWriMo's sister challenge (April).

Creative Writing Exercises -- Creative Writing Exercises for Craft. No matter what stage you're at with your writing, it's always beneficial to work on craft and technique. These creative writing exercises target common problems and weaknesses. Switch Point of View Both first person and third person have their strengths and weaknesses; what works for one story may not work for another. This creative writing exercise will help you observe the effect of writing in the point of view that's less familiar to you. A Day Without Modifiers While modifiers -- adjectives and adverbs -- can add to a story, too many, or the wrong ones, can bog down your prose and lead to weaker nouns and verbs. Avoid Back Story Unlike the other creative writing exercises on this list, this one asks you to work in another genre.

Listening for Dialogue Not everyone starts out with an ear for dialogue, but fortunately it can be developed, like any other skill. Description Creative Writing Exercise Who's the most memorable person you've ever met? How to Make Readers Feel Emotion. On January 30th, 2011 by Fiction Editor Beth Hill and last modified on February 8, 2011 I wrote an article on the importance of creating emotions in readers, but I’ve noticed that writers are looking for specifics on how to accomplish that. So, this article complements that first one, presents practical tips on how to stir the reader’s emotions. Readers like to be touched, moved, by story. They like to imagine themselves in worlds and situations that challenge them, that give them opportunity to do and be something other than what they do or are in their real lives.

Fiction, whether in book or film or games, allows people to not only step into other worlds, but to experience those worlds. To do what they can’t in the course of a normal day. To feel beyond their normal feelings. Since readers want to immerse themselves in other worlds and other lives, what can writers do to make that experience authentic, to make the fictional world real for a few hours? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The Psychology of Writer's Block. 25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online - Virtual Education Websites. Just because you’re online doesn’t mean that you can’t experience the world first-hand — or as close to first-hand as possible.

Here are websites that feature virtual learning experiences, exposing online visitors to everything from history to geography, astronomy to anatomy, literature to government. 7 Wonders Panoramas – 360-degree views of the Seven Wonders of the World. Arounder Virtual Tour of the Moon – 360-degree panoramic views of the moon, courtesy of the Apollo 11, 12 and 17 missions.

(Many other Earth locations also available on Frissiras Museum – A virtual art gallery from Athens, Greece that allows you to explore paintings by clicking through their entire collection. Google Earth – Explore the geography of both land and sea (free download). Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Vital Signs: Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases – A virtual gallery teaching about heart disease. Louvre Virtual Tour – Virtual tour of the world-famous Louvre museum in Paris. Mount St. Johs at The Briar Pipe .com. Writing, yea. Writing. Writing. Writing Sites. How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method. Baseline - Author Biography - Faisal Hoque. - Money With A Blog. Blogging - Blogging Tips - Blog Promotion - Make Money Blogging - Blogging Jobs.

How to Blog: Blogging Tips for Beginners. Update: See our more recently published posts on the topic of starting a blog at How to Start a Blog in 5 Easy Steps and how to make money blogging. Welcome to my How to Blog – Blogging Tips for Beginners Guide. On the page below you’ll find links to a series of how to blog tips that I’ve written with blogging for beginners (and ‘Pre’ Bloggers) in mind. It unpacks the basics of blogging and a lot of the decisions and strategies that you’ll want to consider when setting up and starting a blog. How to Blog – My Ultimate Guide to Blogging for Beginners Since developing this series I’ve produced a book specifically for beginner bloggers. Lastly- if you enjoy these posts and want to keep in touch with ProBlogger – subscribe via our RSS feed. Blogging Tips for Beginners Introductory Posts Blog Design Tips Tips for Writing Content for Blogs Tips on Making Money from Blogs Blog Networks Other Beginner Blogging Tips Want more Blogging Tips for Beginners?

1. 26 Steps to 15,000 visitors a day. C) Site Design: The simpler the better. Rule of thumb: text content should out weight the html content. The pages should validate and be usable in everything from Lynx to leading edge browsers. eg: keep it close to html 3.2 if you can. Spiders are not to the point they really like eating html 4.0 and the mess that it can bring. Stay away from heavy: flash, dom, java, java script. Go external with scripting languages if you must have them - there is little reason to have them that I can see - they will rarely help a site and stand to hurt it greatly due to many factors most people don't appreciate (search engines distaste for js is just one of them). Arrange the site in a logical manner with directory names hitting the top keywords you wish to hit.

Learn the lesson of Google itself - simple is retro cool - simple is what surfers want. Speed isn't everything, it's almost the only thing. D) Page Size: The smaller the better. E) Content: F) Density, position, yada, yada, yada... H) Cross links: How I Make My Living as an Online Writer (And How You Could Too) (Photo by Antonina, a fantastic London contemporary portrait photographer) The end of this month will mark three years since I left my day job. Since then, I’ve been supporting myself through writing. It’s my dream career – and I love being able to set my own hours, work from home, and have a huge amount of flexibility and freedom. I haven’t written much here on Aliventures about how exactly I actually make money.

Maybe you suspect that there’s some amazing secret skill involved, or some sort of dark art. But there really isn’t. Turning words into money might sound like spinning straw into gold … but it’s a darn sight easier. And … if you want to … there’s no reason why you can’t do exactly the same as me. In short, I have a bunch of different revenue streams that bring in cash every month. I’ll start with the ones that were easiest to get going with, and work up to the methods that take a bit more time… #1: Paid Writing for Blogs (2008 onwards) This is how I started out, in early 2008. Whew! How to Blog: Blogging Tips for Beginners.

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Literature. History. Blogs. Today’s Recommended Reading: Twice Bitten Edition. OBEY GIANT - WORLDWIDE PROPAGANDA DELIVERY. 13 Writing Tips. Twenty years ago, a friend and I walked around downtown Portland at Christmas. The big department stores: Meier and Frank… Fredrick and Nelson… Nordstroms… their big display windows each held a simple, pretty scene: a mannequin wearing clothes or a perfume bottle sitting in fake snow. But the windows at the J.J. Newberry's store, damn, they were crammed with dolls and tinsel and spatulas and screwdriver sets and pillows, vacuum cleaners, plastic hangers, gerbils, silk flowers, candy - you get the point.

Each of the hundreds of different objects was priced with a faded circle of red cardboard. And walking past, my friend, Laurie, took a long look and said, "Their window-dressing philosophy must be: 'If the window doesn't look quite right - put more in'. " She said the perfect comment at the perfect moment, and I remember it two decades later because it made me laugh. For this essay, my goal is to put more in. Number Two: Your audience is smarter than you imagine. LitReactor (same guy as the cult) National Library of Scotland.