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Planetary annihilation drm free. Votre application HTML5 avec Haxe: Introduction « IHM CODER. Votre application HTML5 avec Haxe: Introduction Voici le premier article d’une série consacrée au développement d’une application javascript/html5 en Haxe. Pour ceux qui n’ont pas suivi, j’ai organisé il y a quelque temps une compétition de codage, Expantion Reloaded. A l’origine, cette plateforme proposait à des développeurs, de concevoir une IA en AS3, et de la faire affronter les autres pour la conquête de l’univers.

J’ai décidé de reprendre ce projet, de le porter en javascript et de fournir un SDK permettant de développer son IA en Javascript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Haxe, GWT, et Dart. Pourquoi en Haxe Je ne viens pas du monde Web. . - 1) Architecture - 2) Mise en place - 3) Portage du SDK - 4) Les Test Unitaires - 5) Canvas - 6) Workers et MultiThreading - 7) Live Debugging Le serveur et NodeJS Cliquez pour voir le proto. Codons notre propre langage et son compilateur JavaScript :: Timothée Bernard. Codons notre propre langage et son compilateur JavaScript le 12/10/2012 Cet article a été co-écrit avec Johann “Nesquik69” Pardanaud auteur du livre Dynamisez vos sites avec JavaScript.

Vous avez sûrement peut-être déjà remarqué qu'il existe un réel engouement autour du JavaScript. Depuis une demi-décennie, les technologies autour de ce langage se multiplient, que ça soit de nouveaux frameworks avec jQuery, Mootools, … ou complètement de nouveaux langages avec CoffeeScript et plus récemment TypeScript. J'avais vraiment à coeur de vous parler de ces langages mais en réalité on va aller plus loin. Je vous préviens tout de suite, c'est un article qui sera long car je n'ai pas envie de balancer du code sans explication et parce que la pédagogie est aussi une idée que je veux exprimer à travers mon blog.

JavaScript, triste langage que tu es... Voilà plus de 15 ans que le JavaScript a fait son apparition au sein des navigateurs web. L’apport des librairies : essentiel mais limité Le langage. How Physics Engines Work. Introduction, Motivation, and Goals My name is Burak Kanber. I started programming in 1999 and built my first MMORPG in Perl in 2001. Years later I attended the prestigious (and tuition-free) Cooper Union, where I studied automotive and sustainable engineering. I earned my master’s in engineering simulating physics in the powertrain of hybrid cars. I’m presently an entrepreneur and the co-founder/CTO of Tidal Labs, which is proving that you can do awesome things as a bootstrapped startup in NYC. I love teaching (which I do often), and I still love physics. I scratched both of those itches by starting a series on my blog called Physics in JavaScript. Eventually, Build New Games asked me to write an article on physics for video games.

This article will guide you through the essential physics of game engines. I’ve left you a very helpful to-do list at the end of this article, if you’re just here looking for a summary of what you need to learn. A Vector State of Mind Points as Vectors Rotation. Multitouch. KNACSS, un micro framework CSS pour débuter votre projet web facilement. Rails 4 in 30' - Posted by santiago.pastorino on October 29, 2012 I gave a presentation in RubyConf Argentina about what's new in Rails 4 (if you saw it please rate it). I've already posted the Rails 4 MindNode which I used to start to think about what I was going to present.

The talk was in Spanish but I'm leaving here the English version of the slides. If you want to use these slides to spread the word about what's new in Rails you don't need to ask me for permission, just feel free to use them and make the changes you want. I would appreciate a mention in your presentation and all the suggestions you may have for improving the slides and/or the mind map. I still have to post the links I've collected of Rails 4 blog posts and commits to the Rails 4 MindNode post so keep checking it. Basics of Implementing Gravity with HTML5 Canvas | Code Theory. When creating some canvas experiments like a particle emission system or a game, gravity can be a key feature to implement.

Figuring out how to implement gravity on an object in terms of coding can be a bit confusing. We’ll try to comprehend it, by putting it into code in a simplified manner. I liek simplicity! Understanding Gravity You probably already know what gravity is. Pick an object from the ground, lift it up to some extent and then release it from hands. What will happen ? When an object falls, it’s direction is downwards.

Getting to Code First we’ll code a little canvas experiment where a ball moves upwards and then downwards. Simple and basic stuff, right ? A Simple Ball Constructor with properties for radius, x position, y position and drawing the ball. The renderFrame method moves the ball upwards which is quite easy. It is very important to understand that vx and vy are just constant values that are added on the x and y positions of the ball, that’s it. Yes! Hey! Conclusion. Ruby Basics - Data Types. This is the first in a new series on beginning development with Ruby.

Each entry in the series will cover a different basic programming concept starting with data types. All modern programming languages have a defined set of data types, most of which are shared between languages. Part of what sets Ruby apart from .Net languages like C# and VB.Net is that all data types are objects. The classes for these data types are: BooleanNumberStringArrayHashesSymbols Boolean I want you to remember back to when you were in elementary school passing the pretty girl a note asking her if she like likes you, check yes or no.

For more information on booleans, check out the Ruby Documentation here and here. Number The two most commonly used types of numbers are integers and floats. Integers are whole numbers, or numbers that do not have a decimal place or fraction. Floats are the equivalent to Decimals in .Net and hold numbers with a decimal place. Check the out Ruby Documentation on integers here. String Array. Scala: The Scalable JVM Language Cheat Sheet from DZone Refcardz. The Scalable JVM Language By Jesper de Jong What is Scala? Scala is a general-purpose programming language that has both object oriented and functional programming language features. It is statically typed, with an advanced type system that is more powerful than that of other languages such as Java and C#. Downloading and Installing Scala You can download Scala at

Using the REPL Scala comes with an interactive interpreter, the REPL (for Read, Evaluate, Print Loop) . $ scala Welcome to Scala version (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_02). You can type statements and expressions at the prompt, and the REPL will evaluate these and print the results. Scala as a Scripting Language To use Scala as a scripting language, simply write Scala statements and expressions into a text file. // // Run this with: scala val name = readLine("What is your name?

#! ::#! For Windows, the script must have the extension .cmd or .bat. Types. Absolutely No Machete Juggling » Scala Second Impressions. In De­cem­ber, I posted about my early thoughts on Scala after using it for a short time. Ini­tially, I thought that using Scala didn't buy very much - the func­tional style could be adopted in in Java, and the syntax and li­braries could be ugly. Since that time, I've been using Scala almost ex­clu­sively, and I wish to revise my view: Scala is awesome. While some of my initial thoughts still stand, par­tic­u­larly that Scala APIs often overuse op­er­a­tor over­load­ing, much of my per­cep­tion has shifted oth­er­wise. Scala not only allows, but en­cour­ages solid func­tional pro­gram­ming prin­ci­ples that are dif­fi­cult or im­pos­si­ble in Java. A great deal of my per­cep­tion shift has been due to fa­mil­iar­ity and train­ing. Read the en­tirety of Odersky et. al.' All of these re­sources, com­bined with a con­tin­ued daily use of Scala, led to me using Scala in a much meatier way than pre­vi­ously, en­abling me to write some ex­tremely ex­pres­sive code.

HTML5 Canvas Particles Fountain Explosion with Gravity | Code Theory. One of my previous posts talked about implementing gravity in our canvas experiments. Eventually, we made a realistic bouncing ball. We’ll kind of extend that experiment to make a quick fountain explosion on canvas obeying gravity. Demo I have made a demo as a codecast. Understanding the Logic First, there’s all those basic code where we get the 2d context of canvas and set our gravity value along with particles count.

We wrote a neat little Particle constructor that we instantiate inside a for loop as many times as the particle_count. The initial velocities on both axis are randomly generated. It is important to note that vy must be negative initially. Finally, let’s talk a bit about the main part of the code that does the animation along with other tasks like applying gravity, repositioning the particles when they move off the canvas and clearing off the canvas to prevent the particle trails from showing up.

Just re-setting the x and y positions is not enough. Still confused ? Final Words. The Whens and Whys for PHP Design Patterns. Opal: Ruby to Javascript compiler. Turn.js: Make a flipbook with HTML5. Better Specs. LimeJS HTML5 Game Framework. Rails Rumble Winners - Gem Teardown - DwellableTrends. Welcome to the Gem Teardown for the 2013 Rails Rumble. For background, the Rails Rumble is a competition where teams have 48 hours to build a Rails app from scratch.

Teams compete for fame and sweet prizes provided by the Rails Rumble sponsors. The contest wrapped up last week and the winners have been announced. Congratulations to everyone who participated! The Rails Rumble organizers (especially Tom Mango and Zach Inglis) were kind enough to collect Gemfiles from the teams and provide them to me for analysis. I analyzed 221 Gemfiles. The stack The basic Rails stack: Rails - 83% used Rails 4, the rest stuck with Rails 3. Note for the pedantic: Yes, I know that Coffeescript and Sass are both included in the default Rails Gemfile. First surprise - Turbo unlinked This was an eye opener for me - a ton of the Rails 4 teams turned off Turbolinks. MySQL and Postgres are duking it out MySQL and Postgres were evenly matched at 43% and 37% respectively. Javascript MVC - not Testing frameworks.