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Apps that Unleash Creativity. Great for creating social stories!

Apps that Unleash Creativity

– ★★★★ by melmcf123 – Version 1.1 – Mar 31, 2012 This app is GREAT!

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Appsamlingar. Blandat. Berättande. Engelska. Foto och Film. iPad. Kreativa appar. Matteappar. Notes. Planera. Presentera. SVA. Svenska. iPad Integration That Works! Back in November my class received 10 iPads from our technology department and we were told to "have fun".

iPad Integration That Works!

Our district has gone 1:1 in the secondary schools, but we are only one of two elementary classrooms that recieved iPads. Of course I was thrilled, but then I realized that I would need to spend some time thinking about how to successfully integrate them in to our daily routine and find apps that would fit our curriculum. We spent the first few weeks exploring the camera apps, creating blog posts on Kidblog, and using Tellagami. KUL MED DUFFTON - Leo och Hugo testar. Top 10 Ways iPads Are Key to Teaching Kids With Learning Disabilities. By now, saying that “the iPad is a great tool for customizing the classroom” wouldn’t exactly be breaking news.

Top 10 Ways iPads Are Key to Teaching Kids With Learning Disabilities

But while this holds true for every student, each of whom learns in their own way, iPads are truly a lifeline for students with learning disabilities and the people who work hand-in-hand with them. For these students, iPads act as a translation, communication, and individualization tool with unrivaled effectiveness. In so doing, these devices reduce frustration, build confidence, and, well, just work in teaching students the skills they need to learn to thrive.