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KOmersialisasi Pemeliharaan Cacing Tanah. Selama 3 tahun terakhir ini pemeliharaan cacing tanah tumbuh cepat bagaikan jamur di musim hujan, sejalan tingginya harga cacing segar (Rp 50.000 per kg). Kebanyakan suplai menyebabkan anjloknya harga jual sampai lebih dari separuhnya. Cacing bibit masih dihargai di atas Rp 100.000 per kg hidup. Minat banyak pihak terhadap cacing tanah menciptakan bisnis paket pendidikan singkat dengan biaya sekitar Rp 250.000 selama 4 hari. Cacing tanah menghasilkan kotoran (cast) di permukaan sekitar sarang. Tingkah Laku Sebanyak 85 % dari berat tubuh cacing tanah berupa air, sehingga sangatlah penting untuk menjaga media pemeliharaan tetap lembab (kelembaban 15 - 30 %).

Cacing sangat peka terhadap cahaya terlebih sepanjang bagian anterior tubuh. Biologi Spesies cacing tanah yang umum dipelihara adalah Lumbricus terrestris, L. rubellus, Eisenia foetida, Allolobophora caliginosa dan A. chlorotica dari keluarga Lumbricidae. Pemeliharaan. Rogers Family Gourmet Coffee & Tea: Our Earthworms are Turning Coffee Pulp into Organic Fertilizer! Written by Mario Serracin, Ph.D. (pictured left) who is Rogers Family Company's Agronomist currently living in Rwanda, Central Africa. Earthworms are found worldwide, burrowing throughout the soil while improving aeration and soil nutrient bank. These tiny creatures even attracted the attention of Darwin as documented in the 1881 Charles Darwin's treatise, "The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms.

" This is perhaps among the least well known of Darwin's many published scientific observations in which the brilliant naturalist measured and calculated that earthworms could turn over, almost effortlessly, over four tons of soil per hectare per year. In fact, when Pete Rogers reflected on the excessive amount of chemicals and synthetic fertilizers required to produce coffee, and how the mineral rich coffee pulp was being wasted in dormant piles, often contaminating the groundwater, he was urged to find solutions once and for all. Challenges are opportunities. TROPO's Organic Info Library - Worm Compost. TROPO's Organic Info Library YOU can set up your own earthworm colony to produce vermicompost and at the same time cut down on your garbage. Graeme Eggins compiled these notes based on information in the CSIRO Division of Soils handbook Earthworms for Gardeners and Fishermen.

Containers Match container size to the size of your proposed operation. The smallest practical containers are foam fruit & veg boxes. A small earthworm culture bed should not smell unpleasant. Type of earthworm To produce vermicompost you need worms capable of growing fast and breeding prolifically in a rich organic environment. Bedding materials You normally start a worm culture by providing a porous bedding material such as cow or horse manure. Adding the worms Add about 50 worms to each litre of bedding. Food Almost any dead organic matter can be used as food as long as it contains at least 1% nitrogen. Lawn clippings, leaves and other bulk materials are usually scattered on the surface of the bed. Management peter. Workwithnature's Channel. Explaining the Worm Bin in more detail. Cascade Worm Factory. Worm Farming. Setting Up a Worm Composting Bin. Earthworm Farming: Denpasar, Bali - Indonesian News - Bali, Daily, Indonesian News Indonesians in Focus - Planet Mole.

With the introduction of chemical fertilisers and pesticides into Balinese farming, things have become a bit lax. However, an earthworm breeding centre in Pesanggran, Denpasar, are now producing natural fertilisers as Wasti Atmodjo reports.Kartini says organic approach offers farmers a a bright future Wasti Atmodjo, Contributor, Denpasar Ni Luh Kartini was taking care of her “pets”, namely earthworms. She was working at one of her earthworm breeding centers in Pesanggaran, Denpasar. Her hands quietly picked up some baby worms and put them in a mixture of soil and animal manure. “They are just one month old,” smiled Kartini. For the last 10 years, Kartini has been studying and carrying out research on how to produce natural fertilizers as opposed to the large-scale use of chemical pesticides that badly harm the soil of rice fields and farms on the island of Bali. Kartini discovered that earthworms were the best soil amendments. “I have beautiful childhood memories of my village. Worm Breeding.

How to make a CHEAP worm farm.