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Blinded me with Science

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Thomas Kuhn: the man who changed the way the world looked at science. Fifty years ago this month, one of the most influential books of the 20th century was published by the University of Chicago Press.

Thomas Kuhn: the man who changed the way the world looked at science

Many if not most lay people have probably never heard of its author, Thomas Kuhn, or of his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, but their thinking has almost certainly been influenced by his ideas. The litmus test is whether you've ever heard or used the term "paradigm shift", which is probably the most used – and abused – term in contemporary discussions of organisational change and intellectual progress. A Google search for it returns more than 10 million hits, for example. And it currently turns up inside no fewer than 18,300 of the books marketed by Amazon.

What Is A Null Hypothesis? For this to work you’re going to have to imagine that you are a scientist.

What Is A Null Hypothesis?

Are you in character? Good. Now in order to get that Nobel Prize you’re gonna have to come up with something pretty damn brilliant. The Relevance of Science Education. Stella - Science Teaching in a Lifelong Learning Approach.