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Microcosm. Macrocosm and microcosm. Macrocosm and microcosm is an ancient Greek Neo-Platonic schema of seeing the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos, from the largest scale (macrocosm or universe-level) all the way down to the smallest scale (microcosm or sub-sub-atomic or even metaphysical-level).

Macrocosm and microcosm

In the system the midpoint is Man, who summarizes the cosmos. The Greeks were philosophically concerned with a rational explanation of everything and saw the repetition of the golden ratio throughout the world and all levels of reality as a step towards this unifying theory. In short, it is the recognition that the same traits appear in entities of many different sizes, from one man to the entire human population. Macrocosm/microcosm is a Greek compound of μακρο- "Macro-" and μικρο- "Micro-", which are Greek respectively for "large" and "small", and the word κόσμος kósmos which means "order" as well as "world" or "ordered world. " See also[edit] References[edit] Republic, Plato, trans. Bibliography[edit] Zen Stories » Ancient Words of Wisdom « Deep Spirits.

Taoism. Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) Stories » Ancient Words of Wisdom « Deep Spirits. Lao Tzu (Laozi) » Wisdom of the Ancient Sages « Articles & Wisdom. Lao Tzu (Laozi) Kabbalah. Tree of Life ~ Kabbalah. The Tree of Life is expressed through Sephirots into 4 worlds: 1.

Tree of Life ~ Kabbalah

Atzilut - archetypal, divine world, world of emanations, level of radiation It is beyond Keter with three veils of negative existence: nothing, limitless nothing, and limitless light.These veils contain and conceal the unmanifested aspects of the Sephirots. This world is hard to be comprehended by human mind. Keter, as the first perceivable point of manifestation is created by contraction of the limitless light. 2. 3. 4.

Mystical Traditions. Here is a selection of numerous notable mystical traditions, as well as the corresponding practices and rituals.

Mystical Traditions

Occult ≠ Tibetan Buddhism ≠ Western Esotericism ≅ Wicca ≠ Yoga (sorted alphabetically) Mystical Teaching Practices and Rituals Occult. Sufism. The word Sufi somes from Arabic and means pure, as in pure from differences and distinctions.


In Persian sufi means wool, hence the supposition that Sufis were named by their woolen garments. Al-Rudhabari combined the two meanings defining the Sufi as 'one who wears wool on top of purity'. Muhammad » Religious Figures « Great People. Muhammad ibn Abdullah (literally 'Muhammad son of Abdullah') is the founder of the monotheistic religion of Islam as it is known today.

Muhammad » Religious Figures « Great People

He is considered the prophet of God, who otherwise had no special attributes in the sense of the supernatural. In life Muhammad was also a philosopher, diplomat and merchant, reformer and military general. He was born in Mecca in 570. Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, which is based on the moon. In is a month of fasting for Muslims in which they neither eat, drink or smoke, nor do anything that is considered unpure. Unsatisfied with his life in Mecca we constantly withdrew to a Hira cave in the nearby mountain Jabal Al-Nūr. He professed that God is One and gained a few followers very soon. 'Peace be upon him' is a phrase traditionally always said when Muhammad's (or another prophet's) name is mentioned. Reciprocity. Reciprocity may refer to: Social sciences and humanities[edit] Natural sciences[edit] Mathematics[edit] Place[edit] Reciprocity No. 32, Saskatchewan, rural municipality in Canada.


Gnosticism. The term gnosticism derives from Latin gnosticus, which comes from Greek gnostikos (knowledge) and refers to gnosis which is a mystical and godlike knowledge of the heart and the soul.


It is a journey of self-discovery and self-knowledge, which by experiencing the Truth within oneself awakes one's consciousness, hence bringing it into the state of pleroma (fullness or the totality of divine powers). "Matthew said, "Lord, I wish to see that Place of Life, that place in which there is no evil but rather where there is only pure light. " The Lord said, "Brother Matthew, you cannot see it, as long as you wear the flesh.

" Matthew said, "O Lord, even if I cannot see it, let me know it. " Mysticism. Human mind , soul and spirit. Pat wrote:"The forum for talks about the intangible universe, the human mind, and the soul"I am very curious about what other people think the human mind is and what the soul is and spirit .

Human mind , soul and spirit

Are they the same or different? What do they mean to you? How closely attached are they to the human body, if at all? Soul is my emotional consciousness, therefore when I am hurt I would say:"My soul hurts. " This is my heart that operates with I feel. Spirit is my driving force, my true self that guides me and supports me through life experiences. The Seven Hermetic Principles. Interesting topic, Sabina.

The Seven Hermetic Principles

People often talk about Universal Laws. For Deepak Chopra there are seven such laws. Some other peole mention much more Spiritual or Universal Laws. Recently in one discussion a friend, who is shaman presented shaman's Universal Laws or Principles: Everything is Alive. Everything is Conscious. Everything has its own form of conscious awareness. Principle we learn to be present and to enter into true dialogue with the unseen forces around us. Forms. Shamanic art of journeying.