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Real Time Search - Social Mention. Boardreader - Forum Search Engine. Social Media Search Tool | WhosTalkin? 48ers - Realtime Social Search. Twitter. [Boîte à outils] Twitter Tools Directory. [Outil] TweetReach. [Outil] Fake Follower Check. [Outil] Archiver les tweets. Important: Changes to Twitter API Because Twitter are making changes to their API this version of TAGS will stop working in March 2013.

TAGSv5.0 is compatible with the new API and you should get it here! For existing TAGS users: What will happen to my existing TAGS sheets? When Twitter turn off the old API (test outages this March) all authenticated and unauthenticated search requests will stop working. How do I upgrade my existing version of TAGS? As I can’t push an update to existing copies of TAGS you’ll have to manually update by opening your spreadsheet, then opening Tools > Script editor… and replacing the section of code that starts function getTweets() { and finishes 134 lines later (possiblly with the line function twDate(aDate){ ) with the code here. To support my research in Twitter community visualisation I’ve updated my Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS) [formerly called twitteralytics – I pre-emptively changed the name to play nice with Twitter ToS].

Basic setup/use. [Metrics] Connaître nombre de partages Facebook.