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Take the plunge: immerse yourself in your studies—literally! The language learning community has always been a huge proponent of the idea of immersion.

Take the plunge: immerse yourself in your studies—literally!

In its most extreme form, this means relocating to The Netherlands (à la Benny of Fluent in 3 Months), but for most students, it involves using Facebook in French, listening to Spanish music or podcasts, or watching Inspector Rex without the subtitles. There’s no reason, though, that you can’t incorporate this premise into other subjects or areas of expertise. Here are a few suggestions of ways to enrich your experience and understanding of the material you are covering in school or university.

Consume relevant content. The first step is to expose yourself to material related to your subject more regularly. Find and follow revelant blogs and podcasts. Repurpose “time-wasting” sites and make them work for you. As students, we are constantly trying to spend less time on Facebook, Twitter, forums, and blogs. Create a Tumblr blog centred around a subject. Become an Autodidact: 10 Ways to Become a Self Taught Master. Some of the greatest people in history have educated themselves to a large degree using a process known as autodidacticism.

Become an Autodidact: 10 Ways to Become a Self Taught Master

This is something that’s more easily undertaken these days with the great wealth of online tools available to anyone. Whether you’ve gone to college or not, you can learn just about anything these days on your own. Want to learn about the classics? Carpentry and home maintenance? Philosophy or cooking? Why self-education? You can follow your passions, and learn about things that excite you. How do you go about becoming an autodidact? However you go about it, here are some of the best tools for the modern autodidact: Wikipedia. Written for Dumb Little Man by Leo Babuata of Zen Habits.

The lesson you never got taught in school: How to learn! A paper published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest evaluated ten techniques for improving learning, ranging from mnemonics to highlighting and came to some surprising conclusions.

The lesson you never got taught in school: How to learn!

The report is quite a heavy document so I’ve summarised the techniques below based on the conclusions of the report regarding effectiveness of each technique. Be aware that everyone thinks they have their own style of learning (they don't, according to the latest research), and the evidence suggests that just because a technique works or does not work for other people does not necessarily mean it will or won’t work well for you.

If you want to know how to revise or learn most effectively you will still want to experiment on yourself a little with each technique before writing any of them off. Elaborative Interrogation (Rating = moderate) A method involving creating explanations for why stated facts are true. An example of elaborative interrogation for the above paragraph could be: Reference: 16 Things I Wish They Had Taught Me in School. I am 28 now.

16 Things I Wish They Had Taught Me in School

I don’t think about the past or regret things much these days. But sometimes I wish that I had known some of things I have learned over the last few years a bit earlier. That perhaps there had been a self-improvement class in school. And in some ways there probably was. Because some of these 16 things in this article a teacher probably spoke about in class. Some of it would probably not have stuck in my mind anyway. But I still think that taking a few hours from all those German language classes and use them for some personal development classes would have been a good idea. 10 dingen die je niet leert op de universiteit - Speciaal voor alle studenten die dit jaar afstuderen, aan welke universiteit of hogeschool ook, en die aan de vooravond staan van een nieuwe stap.

10 dingen die je niet leert op de universiteit -

Proficiat met uw diploma, veel succes met uw carrière, en maak iets moois van uw nieuwe leven. 1. Grijp vanaf vandaag elke mogelijkheid om iets bij te leren Velen beseffen het nog niet, maar u sluit een unieke periode af in uw leven. U bent vele jaren gesponsord geweest om bij te leren, om slimmer te worden, om uw vaardigheiden te ontwikkelen. Het is een cadeau waar velen niet bij stilstaan. 2. 3. Je hoeft geen eigen onderneming te starten om ondernemend te zijn! Een job anders aanpakken = ondernemend en innoverend Grote organisaties worden meer en meer een cluster van KMO’s binnen die organisatie.

Self-Education Resource List. 5 Ways to Give Yourself an Education That Kicks the Crap Out of the One You Got in School. 5 Ways to Give Yourself an Education That Kicks the Crap Out of the One You Got in School One of the biggest reasons that people are denied the privilege of education is because they can’t afford it.

5 Ways to Give Yourself an Education That Kicks the Crap Out of the One You Got in School

However, today we live in a world where knowledge and information are at our finger tips like never before. Technology has leveled the playing field so that anybody with an interest and an internet connection can receive a world class education. Bloggers, podcasters, search engines and digital content creators of all types of have made it possible for us to learn virtually anything we want to even if we don’t have the money. If you want to learn anything chances are there is somebody creating content about the subject and sharing it with the world at no cost. Self Motivation is Not Optional.