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Vortex Bladeless : des Espagnols inventent l'éolienne sans pales. Imaginez une éolienne.

Vortex Bladeless : des Espagnols inventent l'éolienne sans pales

Elle est grande et ses pales (hélices) tournent au gré du vent. Top 20 of the Best Engineering "Fixes" Engineers are known to be able to fix anything, but sometimes their ideas of “fixed” aren’t quite what you had in mind.

Top 20 of the Best Engineering "Fixes"

From the most ingenious to some of the dumbest, here’s our list of the top 20 best engineering fixes, check them out! 20. Unique DIY shower head [Image Source: Imgur] Filling a House with Explosive Expanding Foam Wasn't a Great Idea. You might have used expanding foam for a household project, but the chemical used in it can actually be pretty dangerous.

Filling a House with Explosive Expanding Foam Wasn't a Great Idea

The reaction created by combining the chemical is exothermic, which means that it creates a lot of heat. Not to mention, the foam is incredibly flammable, so you definitely don’t want to use it next to a flame. Bladeless Wind Turbine Can Adjust for Directional Changes. Ocean Waves May Hold The Key To Endless... - The Huffington Post. Magnificent Mars - NASA Solar System Exploration.

L’Inde permet la technologie de l’énergie libre malgré les menaces du Royaume-Uni, des États Unis, et de l’Arabie Saoudite. L’Inde permet la technologie de l’énergie libre malgré les menaces du Royaume-Uni, des États Unis, et de l’Arabie Saoudite Mise a niveau le 5 décembre 2016.

L’Inde permet la technologie de l’énergie libre malgré les menaces du Royaume-Uni, des États Unis, et de l’Arabie Saoudite

L’Inde permet la technologie de l’énergie libre malgré les menaces du Royaume-Uni, des États Unis, et de l’Arabie Saoudite. These are probably the coolest engineering GIFs you'll ever come across. The use of Automation or Automatic Control has truly revolutionized manufacturing processes.

These are probably the coolest engineering GIFs you'll ever come across

The benefits include control systems for machine operations, switching in telephone networks, steering of ships, speed control of moving vehicles, and many more applications. Some of the main benefits of using automation in manufacturing processes are the fact that they dramatically reduces labor costs, save time and energy, and also improve the quality, accuracy and precision in the manufacturing process. 12 engineering gifs for your pleasure. There’s nothing like a mesmerizing looping gif to explain concepts in a simple and visual fashion.

12 engineering gifs for your pleasure

MIT's groundbreaking mini fusion reactor could power the world within 10 years. Engineers at MIT spend a lot of time figuring out how to make things better, faster, and often smaller.

MIT's groundbreaking mini fusion reactor could power the world within 10 years

Now, powerful new magnet technology has led the way to a groundbreaking design for a small, modular fusion ARC reactor that generates the same amount of power as its larger predecessors. MIT researchers believe this new concept could be realized in as little as 10 years, and this type of power generation could be the clean, renewable energy the world has been waiting for. Nuclear fusion power plants are a dream fusion scientists have been chasing for decades, and it’s always been just out of reach. Sans titre. Le Reve Bleu - the Blue Dream.

Say the name Bugatti, and a fair number of folks will recognize it as an automobile.

Le Reve Bleu - the Blue Dream

Fewer will know the name of Ettore Arco Isidoro Bugatti, the founder of Automobiles Ettore Bugatti, or that he, while Italian by birth and heritage, was actually French, as was his namesake company. Passerelle Boverie. Cette passerelle vise à créer une liaison cyclo-pédestre entre le quartier des Guillemins et le parc de la Boverie.

Passerelle Boverie

Cet ouvrage s'inscrit dans le cadre de la dynamisation urbaine et de l'attractivité du territoire du quartier de la gare TGV de Liège. La Passerelle Boverie favorisera la circulation des piétons et des cyclistes entre le quartier des Guillemins, la Boverie et la Médiacité. Et même au-delà puisqu'elle permettra aux habitants des Vennes, de Grivegnée, de Chênée... de rejoindre aisément la gare et le centre-ville. C’est le bureau d’étude liégeois Greisch qui en a conçu l'architecture et la structure. Cette passerelle en acier a été préfabriquée par petits tronçons de 10 mètres de long aux Ateliers Poncin à Ocquier (Clavier). La Passerelle Boverie fait partie du projet global de rénovation urbanistique du quartier des Guillemins, qui s'articule sur :

Passerelle Boverie. New efficient, affordable solar tech could trump fossil fuel. Striking another blow to the oil and gas industries, an American solar company has developed technology that can produce super-efficient solar power that’s cheaper than fossil fuels.

New efficient, affordable solar tech could trump fossil fuel

Rayton Solar’s new solar panel manufacturing technology uses 50 to 100 times less silicon than other technologies, cutting out large amounts of the most costly component of solar panels. The company says its patent-pending process uses just four microns worth of silicon, leaving no waste – while boosting the efficiency of their panels to 24 percent. Clothes Dryer of the Future Uses Vibrations, Not Heat. Scientists at Tennessee’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a “dryer of the future” that uses high-frequency vibrations instead of heat to extract moisture from clothes. Compared with traditional tumble dryers, which can consume as much energy as a refrigerator, clothes washer, and dishwasher combined, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, the newfangled process significantly reduces drying time and energy use.

Ayyoub M. Ces agriculteurs et ingénieurs qui veulent libérer les machines. Amazing ERO Concrete-Recycling Robot Can Erase Entire Buildings. Demolition is a messy business—not only does the process require heavy machinery and produce clouds of dust, but it also results in giant piles of rubble that often head straight for the landfill. Omer Haciomeroglu, a student at Sweden’s Umeå Institute of Design has designed Ero – a robot that recycles concrete in an energy-efficient manner and separates it from rebar and other debris on the spot.

The project won the 2013 International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) in the Student Designs category. Heavy machines used in demolition consume large amounts of energy in order to crush concrete walls into small pieces, not to mention that demolition processes have to be accompanied by large amounts of water sprayed onto the structures to prevent the spread of dust. Once the work is done, the rubble is transported to recycle stations where waste is separated manually. Ces agriculteurs et ingénieurs qui veulent libérer les machines. Pedro Paulo Lins Pepa. Speaking of nice car, this one deserves to be famous. MyDTC Differential Temp Controllers - Temperature Controllers. P1020630.JPG (JPEG Image, 1280 × 960 pixels) - Scaled (80%) Planet Libre - Éolienne urbaine sous licence libre, par Aeroseed.

MC2 can transform into 8 different bikes. Accueil : Pages perso. Imprimante 3D : une maison de 200m² à 3 500 euros ! Prox Dynamics PD-100 Black Hornet. Mysterious Object Discovered. "" "type:pdf" Tesla Model S Achieves Best Safety Rating of Any Car Ever Tested. Palo Alto, CA — Independent testing by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has awarded the Tesla Model S a 5-star safety rating, not just overall, but in every subcategory without exception.

Approximately one percent of all cars tested by the federal government achieve 5 stars across the board. NHTSA does not publish a star rating above 5, however safety levels better than 5 stars are captured in the overall Vehicle Safety Score (VSS) provided to manufacturers, where the Model S achieved a new combined record of 5.4 stars. Of all vehicles tested, including every major make and model approved for sale in the United States, the Model S set a new record for the lowest likelihood of injury to occupants.

New Principle of Wind Generated Electricity Discovered. The technology was developed by Johan Smit and Dhiradi Djairam, scientists at Delft University of Technology. A scale model of the Ewicon has been built by Mecanoo Architects and is located in front of the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science at the same university. At the moment, the researchers have created just a few small-scale working prototypes of the Ewicon, as the team needs more resources to build a larger model. Ewicon, which is shortage of “Electrostatic WInd Energy CONverter”, is able to generate electricity from wind energy, but not by transforming mechanical power into electrical energy.

It does this by pushing charged particles through wind in a direction which is opposite of an electrical field. 935331_476447169091659_1001808767_n.jpg (400×400) The Venus Project. Cours Extreme Engineering GRAMME-HEMES. HowStuffWorks "Electronics"