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My Collection of Funny Emails. Send funny emails to your friends! 1- Find the C not use any cursor help. 2 - If you already found the C, now find the 6 below. 3 - Now find the N below. It's a little more difficult. This is NOT a joke. If you were able to pass these three tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist. Brain is great and you're far from having a close relationship with Mr Alzheimer. 4 - Eonvrye whocan raed this rsaie your hnad.

Comprehending Engineers. Comprehending Engineers - Take One Two engineering students were walking across campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?

Comprehending Engineers

" The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want. " The second engineer nodded approvingly, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit. " Comprehending Engineers - Take Two. The End. Untitled. One sunny day a rabbit came out of her hole in the ground to enjoy the fine weather. The day was so nice that she became careless and a fox sneaked up behind her and caught her. "I am going to eat you for lunch! ", said the fox. Useless facts, Weird Information, humor. Would You Rather.... Email.

Would You Rather....

4 Ridiculous Ways to Attract a Woman that Actually Work. Email Some of the greatest minds that have ever lived have said at some point during their lives that the greatest mystery of the entire universe happens to be women and what makes them tick.

4 Ridiculous Ways to Attract a Woman that Actually Work

When you hear things like that it will come as little surprise to learn that there is an endless queue of men all desperate to learn how and what attracts women to men. In fact there is a huge amount of money involved in guides, books and courses all of which promise to teach you how to attract the woman of your dreams. Having read many of these books (research only and not me trying to attract a woman) we have compiled a list of 4 Ridiculous Ways to Attract a Woman that Actually Work. Smell Like Her Dad Believe it or not but it is actually a scientific fact that we choose our mate based on how much they remind us of our parents. November 2012's Hottest Gadgets. Interesting Trivia?! « Matt's Notes. When you’re finished reading, check out the new trivial posts: More Interesting Trivia and Even More Interesting Trivia.

Interesting Trivia?! « Matt's Notes

Mum sent me this so it has to be true – right? Underwater fairytale :ELENA KALIS. Old Wise Sayings. Yoga Thoughts. Gossip Girl. : the subject matter of gossip.

Gossip Girl

If I'm standing around with you and tell you about my friend who just found a wonderful new apartment after a long hunt and I want to share that good news with you, no problem. Me: Margaret just found a wonderful new apartment! She is so happy. You: Isn't that wonderful. I know she has been so worried about finding a new place. We're both good to go here. Me: Yes, well, she will be paying quite a bit more. Uh-oh. What Is Globalization?

Finally, a definition of globalization that one can understand and to which we now can relate: Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?

What Is Globalization?

Answer: Tragically, Princess Diana’s death. Stephen Colbert Quotes - Funny Stephen Colbert Jokes - Best Colbert Report Quotes. Entertainment Political Humor Share this page on: Send to a Friend via Email Your suggestion is on its way!

Stephen Colbert Quotes - Funny Stephen Colbert Jokes - Best Colbert Report Quotes

Deja Vu: (re-)creating web history. K to sleep by rickjamesbiotch. Doghouse diaries. Darwin Pond. Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment for the psychedelic mind. Things. Secret Belgian Binding Instructions. The Secret Belgian Binding These instructions show you how to bind a book with an interesting pattern of weaving which laces the front and back covers to the spine.

Secret Belgian Binding Instructions

Included is the sewing of the text block (a set of four signatures) which is attached to the inside spine of the cover. The secret is in the weave of the cover and in attaching the text block. It is not difficult to do but requires patience in getting the threads taut so that the book does not wobble. The magic button — Make Everything OK. 24 smart uses for sugar. The history of sugar is not a simple one.

24 smart uses for sugar

From ancient China to the colonies to Candy Land, sugar has been making its mark throughout time in myriad ways. The "white gold," as British colonists called it, has now reached mundane staple status for much of the western world, sitting in a five-pound bag in the pantry patiently waiting to be spooned into a cup of coffee or employed in a batch of cookie dough. But that doesn't mean the coruscating carbohydrate can't be put to other uses. In a bind, regular table sugar can pinch-hit for a number of other concoctions, often times taking the place of more costly or possibly toxic solutions.

Whether for health or beauty, in the kitchen or in the garden, here are a number of ways you can put this versatile ingredient to work.