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Facebook. Writing lesson plans for elementary school teachers including the writing process, ideas, and assessment, activities, programs, and thematic units, publishing, writing skills, and careers skills curriculum resources. Journal Writing - Teachers explain how they use journals in their classrooms. source Writing Prompts - Ideas to help students get started writing source Flat Stanley Project - A collection of ways to complete a "Flat Stanley" project with your students. This has always been a huge success in my own classroom, so I hope these ideas help others try it out! Source Word Walls for Upper Grades - Word Wall information for Upper Grades. Helping and Linking Verbs - If you are trying to liven up your grammar lessons, try some of these creative ideas for helping and lingking verbs. source Figurative Language - similes, metaphors and more - Ideas for teaching figurative language and book/story suggestions that include elements of figurative language such as simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, idioms, personification, and alliteration source Class Books - Making books with your students is a great way to get children reading and writing. 4th grade writing - Writing is my main area of interest.

StringQuest. Animate Your Life | Tellagami. Jamie Janover - Phi - The Golden Key. Books to breed tolerance: what children can read after the terrorist attacks in Paris | Children's books. In the week of the tragic terrorist attacks that took place in Paris my youngest daughter (aged 10) came back from school with homework to research and write about a human rights concern in relation to children anywhere in the world. She already had a clear idea of what she wanted to research. I had the radio on and she listened to the news of the terrorist attacks that had taken place on the offices of the cartoonists Charlie Hebdo and the Kosher supermarket. I attempted to explain to her that these terrorist attacks were against the freedom for people to believe in what they believe in and to express what they think through their cartoons and words.

“Why would the terrorists do that?” I could not have expressed it more clearly myself and her words echo article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights summarised here for the very young in We Are All born Free a picture book by Amnesty International. For younger readers Girl with a White Dog by Anne Booth For older readers Free? “Mum! History For Kids. Health Care. Food - Recipes : Vanilla ice cream. 6 Things the Most Organized People Do Every Day. Brain Highways Home. Samurai Sudoku. Brain Highways Home. Blue Jello With Matthew at the Piano. Kelly Riley's Online Classroom | Elementary educator using technology to improve teaching and learning. Highhill Homeschool. DIY Pochette Invitations Template: Create and Make Your Own. Ever thought you might want to try to make your own pouchette/petal fold invitations?

I love this versatile style of invitation! You can use it for everything from a casual birthday party to a posh wedding. I just love pochette invitations. They add a great sense of style to any kind of invitation for just about any event. You can buy buy these type of invitation blank to decorate as you will, but if you're in a hurry, or only need a very small quantity, OR you simply want something completely customized with your own colors and papers, why not make them yourself?

Seems a little out of your league? Not anymore! I created this DIY template to make your own pouch petal fold invitations that pretty much anyone can use. The second of these templates is for use with a personal die cutting machine. How To Use The Templates Printable Pochette/Petal Fold Template Using the printable template is easy as pie, really. 1. SVG Template For Cutting On Your Electronic Die Cutting Machine 1. 5. 1. 2. 3.

Highhill Homeschool: Multiplication Circles. I love multiplication circles because they can really help right brained creative kids understand multiplication. Plus, they are interesting for kids who already have a good handle on multiplication. Completing one of the circles is a bit like doing a dot-to-dot using the ones digit of a multiplication table multiplier. Ok, so that was a bit confusing, so let me try an example. For example, the numbers in the four times table are 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 and 40. If you look only at the ones digit you should notice a repeating pattern of 0,4,8,2,6. Those are the numbers to use for the circle dot-to-dot. My eleven year old who was way beyond multiplication loved this activity.

Click here for the free printable.Free Multiplication Circle Printable Please visit our math page to see more creative math activities. This Post is Linked To:Share it Saturday Show and Tell Saturday Mrs. Den Visuelle Gangetabellen 2-gangen og 8-gangen. Music Interactive Notebooks, update. Several of my wonderful readers have asked/emailed about how I use interactive notebooks in the music room.

Hopefully this post can help you, in case you decide to use them in your own classroom. Let me caution you - This is only my 2nd year using them. I decided to "give it one more go" before I pass judgement on the idea as a whole. Last year, I used them often in the first semester, but they somewhat "fizzled" out in the second - I even decided to keep my 5th graders notebooks and recycle them for third this year.

Pros - I like the idea of having a place for students to log what they've learned, reflect on what they've heard, and post assignments and compositions, not to mention something they can take with them when they go on to middle school. Cons - I do not like the 1) time it takes to use the notebooks and, honestly, the 2) time it takes for me to create things to go inside the notebooks (Have you seen your average 3rd grader make a foldable? Here are a few melodic-based pages. The Sweetest Melody: Fall/Autumn. With Halloween on the way, I'm totally in the Autumn-mode. Here are some skeleton/bone/ghost songs that I love (and none of them mention "Halloween", in case you have students that don't celebrate): First of all, there's my personal favorite, "The Ghost of John" by Martha Grubb.

I use it every Halloween and the kids love the spooky melody. Last year, I came across a great movement idea from Amy's Blog (she sings "Tom" instead of "John"): Ghost of Tom. My older students already know the song "Dry Bones Come Skipping" (this is now included in my Fall into Music bundle). I've included a few slides for: discussing who Ezekiel was, reviewing the lyrics, and adding the steady beat. By Halloween, (fingers crossed), the 4th and 5th grade students will be ready to add low so to our pitch repertoire (they already know low la). The students will also add orff instruments to the song. In the past, I've also added, "Dry Bones" (Dem Bones) with motions (in a large circle):A Section (sung twice): MIN VILLAHAGE: Grått, lime og hvitt. Akeleiefrøstjerne. Thalictrum aquilegifolium Foto: © Brynhild Mørkved Generell historie: Akeleiefrøstjerne er kjent dyrket i Danmark fra ca 1670. Den første dokumentasjonen fra Norge er fra en planteliste fra Bogstad gård ved Oslo fra 1792.

Den er dyrket i Botanisk hage på Tøyen ca 1820. Den første opplysningen om dyrkning i nord er fra Kåfjord i Alta fra 1839. Bladene ligner akeleieblad, derav navnet. Plantens historie Planten som produseres for salg stammer fra Hadsel prestegård i Vesterålen. Formering og stell Planten formeres ved deling. Planten kan skaffes fra Rå videregående skole Laskenvegen 3, 9475 Borkenes Tlf 77 02 26 00 email: Kontaktpersoner: Oddny Nilsen / Harald Bjørn Gideonsen. Hagesenteret Din Lokale Gartner Rom Hagemiljø. The Sweetest Melody: Music Interactive Notebooks, update. Teachers: Ideas/Lessons. Time Worksheets | Time Worksheets for Learning to Tell Time.

Time Worksheets for Learning to Tell Time Here is a graphic preview for all of the time worksheets. You can select different variables to customize these time worksheets for your needs. The time worksheets are randomly created and will never repeat so you have an endless supply of quality time worksheets to use in the classroom or at home.

Our time worksheets are free to download, easy to use, and very flexible. These time worksheets are a great resource for children in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade. Click here for a Detailed Description of all the Time Worksheets. Quick Link for All Time Worksheets Click the image to be taken to that Time Worksheet. Detailed Description for All Time Worksheets Blank Clock Faces Time Worksheets These time worksheets will produce blank clock faces for use in your lesson plans. Clock Face Lesson Plan Time Worksheets Use these time worksheets to produce printable clock faces with any time you wish to display. Albums & guest books. Homepage > weddings > styling your day > albums & guest books albums & guest booksalbums & guest booksalbums & guest booksalbums & guest books close refine by reset all product type reset price personalisation special features delivery delivery zones reset about our delivery standard sort and refine 1 to 30 of 324 items / view 180 per page / < 1 2 3 … 11 > Personalised Jar Drop Top Guest Book by Well Spoaken can be personalised Coloured Leather Photo Album by BeGolden Wedding Planner by Illustries Personalised Leather Guest Book Personalised Wedding Engagement Notebook by Made by Ellis Personalised Photo Album by 2by2 Creative Personalised Calligraphy Guest Book by Clouds and Currents Personalised Guest Book by Amanda Hancocks Personalised Guest Book by Jonny's Sister Personalised Unique Puzzle Wedding Guestbook by Made Lovingly Made Hessian Burlap And Lace Wedding Guest Book by Ginger Ray Wedding Guest Words Of Wisdom Notes by Love Give Ink Wedding Guest Book By Illustries 'Be Our G...

Wedding Planner Book by Atlas & I. Which is more democratic? America or Britain? On the surface both Great Britain and America fulfil all the basic requirements of democracy, they have universal suffrage, and both governments are regularly held accountable to the people. However, when it comes to judging which is the most democratic, you have to look at how each system works. When looking at the governmental systems up close it is easy to see them both as being less than full democratic. In both the UK and USA any citizen, be they male or female, black or white, has the right to vote inelections, as long as they are over eighteen years old. This universal suffrage is something that is desperately needed if a country is going to be democratic, for if some citizens are excluded from the right to vote then a government is obviously not democratic because not everyone who lives in that country is getting a chance to say how they want it to be run.

America’s democratic claims are also reinforced by the strict separation of powers that is stipulated in the Constitution. The perfect poetry lesson: how my teacher brought poems to life | Teacher Network. I remember the best poetry lesson I ever had as though it was yesterday; it was at Low Valley Junior School in Darfield, near Barnsley, on a freezing cold morning in 1965. The date is significant because at that time Darfield was part of the legendary West Riding of Yorkshire Education Authority, which was run by the (in my humble opinion) godlike genius Sir Alec Clegg, whose simple creed was that all children are creative, we can all be writers and, wonderfully, we can all be poets. So Mr Meakin took us out into the yard in our scarves and hats and our breath hung like steam.

"How cold is it? " he asked, and somebody said "as cold as a fridge! " Then we went back to the class and we all (including Mr Meakin, with his brow furrowed and his pencil in his mouth) wrote and rewrote and made books and collages and sculptures until it was time to go to Mrs Hudson for choir practice. The components for that perfect poetry lesson were simple but effective. It's simple, really.