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What Visualization Tool/Software Should You Use? – Getting Started. Are you looking to get into data visualization, but don't quite know where to begin? With all of the available tools to help you visualize data, it can be confusing where to start. The good news is, well, that there are a lot of (free) available tools out there to help you get started. It's just a matter of deciding which one suits you best. This is a guide to help you figure that out. But before we get into what you should use, a couple of questions. What data are you looking at? Hopefully you already have a dataset that you're interested in. There are lots of places on the Web to find data. The above is a very small subset of what's available. Got your data?

What's the purpose of your visualization? The next step is to figure out you're trying to do with your visualization. Again, what you decide here will affect what tool you should use. What Visualization Software to Use Now that you have the answers to those two questions in mind, we can make a decision on what will work best for you. Directed graph. A directed graph. (sometimes ) of:[1] A digraph is called "simple" if it has no loops, and no multiple arcs (arcs with same starting and ending nodes).

A directed multigraph, in which the arcs constitute a multiset, rather than a set, of ordered pairs of vertices may have loops (that is, "self-loops" with same starting and ending node) and multiple arcs. Basic terminology[edit] An arc is considered to be directed from to is called the head and is called the tail of the arc; is said to be a direct successor of , and is said to be a direct predecessor of to , then is said to be a successor of is said to be a predecessor of . Is called the arc inverted. A weighted digraph is a digraph with weights assigned to its arcs, similar to a weighted graph. Is the number of arcs from node i to node j, and the diagonal entry is the number of loops at node i.

Another matrix representation for a digraph is its incidence matrix. See Glossary of graph theory#Direction for more definitions. Indegree and outdegree[edit] [nytlabs] Home. | Data Visualizations, Challenges, Community. Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis. Graphics Jeffrey Heer, Stanford University Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, College Park The increasing scale and availability of digital data provides an extraordinary resource for informing public policy, scientific discovery, business strategy, and even our personal lives. To get the most out of such data, however, users must be able to make sense of it: to pursue questions, uncover patterns of interest, and identify (and potentially correct) errors. In concert with data-management systems and statistical algorithms, analysis requires contextualized human judgments regarding the domain-specific significance of the clusters, trends, and outliers discovered in data.

Visualization provides a powerful means of making sense of data. The goal of this article is to assist designers, researchers, professional analysts, procurement officers, educators, and students in evaluating and creating visual analysis tools. Some visualization system designers have explored alternative approaches.

Software. Ruby-Processing | Stewdio. What is Ruby? What is Processing? Processing is a Java-based programming framework created by Ben Fry and Casey Reas while they were studying under John Maeda at the MIT Media Lab back in 2001. (Java itself is of a similar vintage to Ruby—1995—but it may “feel older” because of its lineage and its greater circulation.) Processing is used by students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists for learning, prototyping, and production. Processing boasts a healthy development community with a wealth of helpful libraries and code examples, all available for free.

Ok. Install Ruby-Processing 1. 2. 3. Load the Code Now that you have Ruby-Processing installed (aka RP5 for short) it’s time to write a program and run it. Let’s spin some 3D cubes! 1. 2. 3. Conclusions You have Ruby-Processing installed. Again, I would direct you to the Processing Language API which lists all of the Processing commands. And one last thing. Ok. Blog || Anthony Mattox - Interaction Design & Digital Art - page 12. Dabbleboard - Online whiteboard for drawing & team collaboration - Interactive whiteboard software. …/… Archive for …/… Patrik Schumacher on Art &/vs Architecture Extract from Patrik Schumacher (Zaha Hadid Architects) recent argumentation published on Face Book that followed the release of Architecture Biennale program: Once more on the distinction and relation between art and architecture: Historically painting, sculpture and architecture were a continuous practice engaged in by the same protagonists (Michelangelo, Rafael, Bernini etc.) for a unified purpose.

Why am I insisting on the sharp distinction of contemporary art and architecture? The framing communications that architects provide are attributed to the host institutions that invite participants into their spaces and not to the architects. Patrik Schumacher, March 2014 101020_MF @Boston | GSD Midterm review Marc Fornes was kindly invited by Achim Menges for the midterm review of his studio at Harvard/GSD. 100616_MF Jury @REPEAT / TexFab The winning entry will be built , exhibited and subsequently given to the winner.

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Multiverse, by Leo Villareal, a 200 foot long light installation that uses 41,000 programmed LED’s. SoniCoumn -An Interactive kinetic light pattern sculpture by Jin-Yo Mo. Rhonda - A real-time 3d drawing application from Amit Pitaru and James Paterson. Melissa Manfull has produced a series of intricate process drawings evocative of organic systems and processes. Revisitingg Aspen Magazine on-line, particularly No9 which was edited by Angus & Hetty Maclise. The Visual Context of Music. Visualisation of Live Code « Alex McLean. I wrote a paper with Dave Griffiths and Nick Collins on the visualisation of live code, exploring ideas around live coding interfaces, accepted for the EVA London 2010 conference in July. A HTML version is below, or see the PDF Preprint. Alex McLean (Goldsmiths), Dave Griffiths (FoAM), Nick Collins (University of Sussex) and Geraint Wiggins (Goldsmiths) Abstract In this paper we outline the issues surrounding live coding which is projected for an audience, and in this context, approaches to code visualisation. 1.

Live coding, the improvisation of video and/or music using computer language, has developed into an active field of research and arts practice over the last decade (Wang and Cook; 2004; Ward et al.; 2004; Collins et al.; 2003). A frequent criticism of computer music is the lack of performance, where an artist hides behind their laptop screen, and the audience is unable to see any activity that might ground their experience of the music (Cascone; 2003). 2. 2.1. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 4.

Web Structure Visualisation. Any web, including more especially the world wide web as a whole, is composed of pages (which we'll call nodes) and links between them (which we'll call arcs). This means that, from a mathematical standpoint, we can consider the structure of any website as a graph. Consequently, in order to represent the structure of a website we simply need to draw a graph. Simple? I fear that it's not so simple. Bu we aren't interested here in the different ways of drawing graphs in general but in how their visualisation can help us to understand the structure of a website in order to then take appropriate decisions and implement them. Consequently, we'll see some of the visualisations that have appeared with this goal. Many of them fall into the category of focus+context representations since they allow the user to see the whole content of the web, while establishing an attention focus (for example in a certain page) which can be accessed in greater detail.

ConeTrees: Hyperbolic trees Conclusion. Kaleidoscopic (escape time) IFS. Hello,Here are some renderings of a class of fractals which I call "Kaleidoscopic IFS". There is a big variations of shapes one can get with this method.I began with this algorithm to get DE for symmetric Sierpinski tetrahedron: Then I added a rotation before the fold or before the stretch or both. //scale=2//bailout=1000sierpinski3(x,y,z){ r=x*x+y*y+z*z; for(i=0;i<10 && r<bailout;i++){ rotate1(x,y,z); if(x+y<0){x1=-y;y=-x;x=x1;} if(x+z<0){x1=-z;z=-x;x=x1;} if(y+z<0){y1=-z;z=-y;y=y1;} rotate2(x,y,z); x=scale*x-(scale-1); y=scale*y-(scale-1); z=scale*z-(scale-1); r=x*x+y*y+z*z; } return (sqrt(r)-2)*scale^(-i);//the estimated distance} Then I allowed the center of stretching to be modified. x=scale*x-CX*(scale-1); y=scale*y-CY*(scale-1); z=scale*z-CZ*(scale-1); r=x*x+y*y+z*z; } return (sqrt(r)-2)*scale^(-i);//the estimated distance} The set of folding operation may be different.

If(x+y<0){x1=-y;y=-x;x=x1;} if(x+z<0){x1=-z;z=-x;x=x1;} if(y+z<0){y1=-z;z=-y;y=y1;} - cubic symmetry planes: Ah! Syntopia. This is the last post in my introduction to distance estimated 3D fractals (see Part one for an overview). Originally, I intended this to be much shorter and more focused, but different topics kept sneaking up on me. This final post discusses hybrid systems, and a few things that didn’t fit naturally in the previous posts.

It also contains a small collection of links to relevant resources. Hybrids All the fractal systems mentioned in the previous parts apply the same transformation to each point for a number of iterations. But there is nothing that prevents applying different transformations at each iteration step. Spudsville It is difficult to trace the origin of many of these hybrids, since they are often cloned and modified. It is based on the following recipe: 5 x { Mandelbox, i.e. Pseudo Kleinian This is another popular base form, based on parameters from Theli-at’s Kleinian Drops. 12 x { Scale -1 Mandelbox } 1 x {BoxFold, Mandelbulb power-2 Squaring } 400 x { Scale 2 Mandelbox } J. A Tour Through the Visualization Zoo. Jeffrey Heer, Michael Bostock, and Vadim Ogievetsky Stanford University Introduction Thanks to advances in sensing, networking, and data management, our society is producing digital information at an astonishing rate.

According to one estimate, in 2010 alone we will generate 1,200 exabytes — 60 million times the Library of Congress. Within this deluge of data lies a wealth of valuable information on how we conduct our businesses, governments, and personal lives. To put the information to good use, we must find ways to meaningfully explore, relate, and communicate the data. The goal of visualization is to aid our understanding of data by leveraging the human visual system's highly-tuned ability to see patterns, spot trends, and identify outliers.

Creating a visualization requires a number of nuanced judgments. In this article, we provide a brief tour through the "visualization zoo," showcasing techniques for visualizing and interacting with diverse data sets. Time-Series Data Index Charts. VSXu - audio visualizer, music visualizer, visual programming language (VPL), realtime graphics design platform. PWGL - PWGL. PWGL is a visual language based on similar concepts than PatchWork. PWGL has been designed from scratch and it contains several improvements when compared with PW. For example, the graphics part of the system has been realized in OpenGL. OpenGL offers several advantages such as multi-platform support, hardware acceleration, floating-point graphics and sophisticated 2D and 3D-graphics. PWGL is a multi-window system. A PWGL window is called a patch. PWGL has a library of predefined input-boxes which typically handle numbers, lists and objects.

Figure 1 gives a typical PWGL patch-window containing a 2D-editor and some basic boxes. In Figure 2 the patch calculates harmonic and inharmonic overtone series. Figure 3 shows an example of a PWGL user-library by Magnus Lindberg. Standard Version - OmniGraffle for Mac. DragDrop02 : Built with Processing. Still getting to grips with OOP...This is just a little experiment with inheritance. The 'Base' classes 'BaseDragger' and 'BaseTarget' are not intended to be instantiated directly.

I discovered that the way to enforce this was to declare them as abstract, (it's not possible to instantiate an object of an abstract class). However I also wanted to enforce the implementation of certain methods in child classes and initially thought the way to achieve this was to also define an Interface; which would mean both extending the Base class and implementing the Interface. However it turns out another advantage of abstract classes is that you can declare abstract methods which must be implemented in the child classes. I've also managed to streamline the code and moved some of the generic methods from child classes into the Base classes, as well as implementing RectDragger and ImgDragger classes.

For what it's worth the circle and square draggable objects can sit in any of the rectangular targets. OECD – Your Better Life Index. Average personal index for Germany, men, 15–24 How’s life? There is more to life than the cold numbers of GDP and economic statistics – This Index allows you to compare well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as essential, in the areas of material living conditions and quality of life. Download executive summary Download the index data Learn more about the index Better Life BlogArchive Happiness pays For World Happiness Day our guest author suggests that money can't buy you happiness but happiness may get you more money. more ... Gender equality in the workplace Over the past twenty years, women have made huge gains in the workplace but full job equality is still far from reality. More ...

Education for well-being: Online discussion We know education is an essential component of well-being, so what makes an education that promotes well-being? More ... Visit our blog Blog RSS feed Find Out MoreArchive Mar 19, 2014 Society at a Glance 2014: OECD Social Indicators. Protovis. Exhibition Archives. Red-R | visual programming for R.