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How to Turn Your Company Into a Content Creation Machine

Thanks for visiting! Wouldn't it be nice to have a content army on your side? I was planning on writing a different post this evening but I was so moved by a telephone conversation I had today with a business owner that I just had to address this incredibly important subject, which is a growing problem for more and more businesses around the globe.

Here is the conversation (For the sake of ease, we’ll call the business owner ‘John’): Me: OK John, so you’re getting on board with this whole idea of inbound marketing. Creating a Culture of Education Here’s the thing folks—John is a very, very smart guy. One of the biggest problems businesses have is that they are way too reliant on a very, very small percentage of their employees to actually produce content. 5 Social Media Tips for Finding and Engaging Your Target Audience: New Research. Do you know where your customers and prospects spend time online?

5 Social Media Tips for Finding and Engaging Your Target Audience: New Research

Marketers have long relied on market research to determine where to spend their advertising dollars on television, radio and print advertisements. In the last few years, research organizations have begun providing intelligence on how consumers behave on social networks. The following article is based on new social media research studies.

These findings will help you better strategize your company’s social efforts to match your customers’ behaviors. #1: Know Where Your Customers Spend Their Time Three recent research studies show active Internet users spend anywhere from 16% to nearly 25% of their online time on social networks. In comScore’s 2012 U.S. If trends continue, social networks will soon surpass Internet portals like AOL and Yahoo! Nielsen recently released the State of the Media: U.S. Note the significant differences between this Nielsen study and comScore's. 2012 U.S. Digital Future in Focus. The Impact of Aesthetics on Attitudes Towards Websites. Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project.

Survey Reports. State of Ecommerce in Australia and New Zealand The State of Ecommerce in Australia and New Zealand report, published by Econsultancy in partnership with hybris, an SAP company, looks at how ecommerce is evolving in Australia and New Zealand, with a focus on key trends and developments, region-specific issues, opportunities and challenges.

Survey Reports

The research is based on a survey of marketers and interviews with senior executives across a range of business sectors. Customer Lifetime Value: Building Loyalty and Driving Revenue in the Digital Age The Customer Lifetime Value: Building Loyalty and Driving Revenue in the Digital Age report, published by Econsultancy in partnership with Sitecore, outlines a number of trends that are hindering the ability of companies to measure and increase CLV, as well as seeking to understand specific issues and opportunities relating to a range of business sectors and across the worlds of both B2B and B2C. The Guy Kawasaki Guide to Rocking Your Online Marketing. If you want to do well with social media, then the first thing that you need is a strategy.

The Guy Kawasaki Guide to Rocking Your Online Marketing

Right? Maybe not – at least, according to Guy Kawasaki; venture capitalist, founder of, and the author of a dozen books, including the recent bestseller Enchantment. Guy breaks a lot of the “established” rules of social media, and ignores a lot of the best practices taught by “social media experts”. And you should listen to him. After all, it’s hard to argue with a man who has well over 400K followers on Twitter and almost 60K Facebook likes! The Three Pillars of Enchantment The foundation of social media is elements that are timeless – they worked in Dale Carnegie’s time, and they still work today. 1. 2. 3. Les médias sociaux enrichissent le relationnel client. Sur les médias sociaux, 90 % des conversations autour des marques proviennent directement des internautes (many to many).

Les médias sociaux enrichissent le relationnel client

Pour les entreprises, pure players du Web ou non, écouter et intervenir (one to one to many) en fonction de ce qu’il s’y passe, génère de la valeur : acquisition, fidélisation, recommandation, etc. En revanche, il convient de participer à la conversation au bon moment, sur le bon canal et auprès du bon interlocuteur. Adobe donne dix conseils pour réussir ses campagnes marketing on line en 2012. TNS Digital Life. Les marques ne maîtrisent pas les réseaux sociaux. "Gagner et conserver ses clients devient de plus en plus compliqué", déclare Frédérique Bonhomme, directrice de projet au sein de la Digital Factory de TNS Sofres.

Les marques ne maîtrisent pas les réseaux sociaux

L’institut d’études dévoile, en exclusivité pour, les principaux résultats de l’étude internationale "Digital life" (72 000 consommateurs online interrogés dans 60 pays), qu’elle présentera avec Adobe, le 2 février 2012, à Paris. L’étude révèle que 57 % des habitants des pays développés(1) ne veulent pas s’engager vis-à-vis des marques sur les médias sociaux ; un taux qui est légèrement supérieur en France (59 %). De plus, au plan international, 47 % postent des commentaires en ligne sur les marques, alors qu’ils ne sont que 29 % en France. "Le monde du digital représente des opportunités de croissance importantes pour les marques. Veille et tendance, les articles sur ce thème. Our Mobile Planet. GBE03470USEN. Et après ? le marketing atomisé ?

Wave 6 from UM. Wave 6 from UM. Wave 6 from UM. Il n'existe pas de règles universelles pour réussir sur les réseaux sociaux. Multicanal - Définition du glossaire marketing. Marketing cross-canal : les entreprises françaises ont des progrès à faire.