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Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning. How to move your lessons from good to outstanding. Where would I be without Twitter?

How to move your lessons from good to outstanding

I have decided to elaborate on this AfL strategy, following this tweet from my @TeacherToolkit account on #ukedchat 3.11.11. My tweet said "#ukedchat Missed out tonight, look forward to reading ideas. My favourite T&L strategy at the moment is "Pose, Pause...Pounce, Bounce" #AfL". Firstly, this concept is not mine.

So it is at this point, where I will be honourable and credit a colleague who I think has a money-spinning idea here. The fabulous Mrs Pam Fearnley delivered the session. Teachers TV- Effective Questioning. Questioning - Top Ten Strategies. “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

Questioning - Top Ten Strategies

The important thing is to not stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein Questioning is the very cornerstone of philosophy and education, ever since Socrates ( in our Western tradition) decided to annoy pretty much everyone by critiquing and harrying people with questions – it has been central to our development of thinking and our capacity to learn. worth asking.pdf. 26 Questions To Help You Know Yourself Better. Developmentally, we wrestle with “finding ourselves” as teens and young adults.

26 Questions To Help You Know Yourself Better

Then we often revisit these questions in middle age. It’s both normal and essential to seek self-understanding. In order to accept ourselves and establish a sense of belonging, we need to understand who we are. A strong sense of self helps us navigate life and brings meaning to our experiences. Without it, we feel “lost.” Why do we experience a loss of identity? 38 Question Starters based on Bloom’s Taxonomy - Curriculet. Curriculet is free for teachers and students.

38 Question Starters based on Bloom’s Taxonomy - Curriculet

Get started here. This is the 2nd post in a series on how to write better curriculets (and literacy curriculum). Our first post can be found here. In this blog post, Lindsey Howe shares some of the best practices she has developed as a teacher and curriculet writer. Fragandets_betydelse_lindberg_g_pdf_84493.pdf. A Quick Guide To Questioning In The Classroom. A Guide to Questioning in the Classroom by TeachThought Staff This post was promoted by Noet Scholarly Tools who are offering TeachThought readers 20% off their entire order at with coupon code TEACHTHOUGHT (enter the coupon code after you’ve signed in)!

A Quick Guide To Questioning In The Classroom

Get started with their Harvard Fiction Classics or introductory packages on Greek and Latin classics. Noet asked us to write about inquiry because they believe it’s important, and relates to their free research app for the classics. This is part 1 of a 2-part series on questioning in the classroom. Something we’ve become known for is our focus on thought, inquiry, and understanding, and questions are a big part of that. If the ultimate goal of education is for students to be able to effectively answer questions, then focusing on content and response strategies makes sense. Why Questions Are More Important Than Answers The ability to ask the right question at the right time is a powerful indicator of authentic understanding. Teaching kids to design questions – one piece at a time.

Logan loves to touch everything.

Teaching kids to design questions – one piece at a time

He asks lots of questions and I love it… even when I can’t answer the questions. Why is the sky blue? How does a dog breathe? What makes time pass? Frågebatteri, av Jenny Ottosson, inspirerad av Marie Andersson, Ö-pedagogen. Öppna frågor. How Socrates can stimulate your brain activity: Matthew Stoltzfus at TEDxOhioStateUniversity. 5 Ways to Help Your Students Become Better Questioners. The humble question is an indispensable tool: the spade that helps us dig for truth, or the flashlight that illuminates surrounding darkness.

5 Ways to Help Your Students Become Better Questioners

Questioning helps us learn, explore the unknown, and adapt to change. That makes it a most precious “app” today, in a world where everything is changing and so much is unknown. And yet, we don’t seem to value questioning as much as we should. For the most part, in our workplaces as well as our classrooms, it is the answers we reward -- while the questions are barely tolerated. 5 Powerful Questions Teachers Can Ask Students. My first year teaching a literacy coach came to observe my classroom.

5 Powerful Questions Teachers Can Ask Students

After the students left, she commented on how I asked the whole class a question, would wait just a few seconds, and then answer it myself. "It's cute," she added. Um, I don't think she thought it was so cute. I think she was treading lightly on the ever-so shaky ego of a brand-new teacher while still giving me some very necessary feedback. So that day, I learned about wait/think time. Many would agree that for inquiry to be alive and well in a classroom that, amongst other things, the teacher needs to be expert at asking strategic questions, and not only asking well-designed ones, but ones that will also lead students to questions of their own.

Keeping It Simple I also learned over the years that asking straightforward, simply-worded questions can be just as effective as those intricate ones. Att ställa frågor. Frågor och BFL i undervisningen.