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Frederic CAVAZZA sur Twitter : "Panorama des médias sociaux 2015 #SocialMediaLandscape... Panorama des médias sociaux 2015. If you are looking for the english version of this article, you will find it here: Social Media Landscape 2015. Comme tous les ans, je vous propose une nouvelle version de mon panorama des médias sociaux, une habitude démarrée en 2008 et qui se prolonge depuis tous les ans : 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 et 2014. Pour certain(e)s d’entre vous, les médias sociaux sont la pierre angulaire de votre vie professionnelle, pour d’autres, c’est simplement un “terme marketing” pour désigner les réseaux sociaux. J’entends encore énormément de personnes dans mon entourage qui confondent encore ces deux termes.

Pour mémoire, j’avais donné une définition en 2009 : “Les médias sociaux désignent un ensemble de services permettant de développer des conversations et des interactions sociales sur internet ou en situation de mobilité“. J’avais également listé les différents types de médias sociaux afin de lever l’ambigüité. Bref, nous sommes en 2015 et les médias sociaux dominent le web de façon incontestable. Vincentbouton : La #marque globale, locale... Quoi ressemble l’internet en 2012. Voilà 20 ans que le web existe. Conçu par Tim Berners-Lee à la fin des années 80, les premiers sites web sont apparus en 1992. Vingt ans plus tard, Internet est devenu l’un des canaux de communication les plus utilisé, et très certainement le média de référence du XXIème siècle.

Je pars du principe que vous avez tous une bonne connaissance du web et de ce que l’on peut en faire, par contre avez-vous à votre disposition des données chiffrées récentes ? C’est justement ce que je me propose de faire avec cette compilation de nombreuses études statistiques et sociologiques publiées en fin d’année. La France compte près de 49 millions d’internautes, soit 75% de sa population. Concernant les sites web en eux-mêmes, la société Email-Brokers dans son baromètre de l’Internet comptabilisait plus de 2,6 millions de sites dont la majorité sont à caractère professionnel (ils ne comptent donc pas dedans les blogs). L’étude nous fournit d’autres chiffres : Content is Galette, Recette de Content is Galette par Vincent B. Commentaires Food Reporter Bienvenue sur Food Reporter ! Food Reporter permet de partager en photo tes experiences culinaires.

Au resto ou à la maison, photographie et partage les photos de tes plats favoris et rejoint la plus grande communauté culinaire de France. Découvrir Vincent B. Miam Favori Content is Galette #SocialMedia #Joke #Epiphanie #Jaillance 11 miam(s) 1 commentaires(s) Vincent B. Connectez-vous pour ajouter un commentaire Food Reporter sur mobile Vu à la télé Blog · Contact · Conditions d'Utilisations . · Qui-Sommes-Nous ? Se connecter Fermer Mot de passe oublié ? 10 tendances en social media | #socialmedia Le Journal du Web 2.0. FeedBurner Email Subscription. The connection between brands & people / we are social. Community management is one of the most important elements in the relationship between a brand and its community: it’s the activity that creates connections and facilitates the exchange of ideas.

A few days ago Jeremiah Owyang published some interim analysis on the topic. It clearly shows the importance of cooperation between a brand and their agency when developing community management activity. Jeremiah broke down community management into four kinds of activity: StrategyBrand representationMember responseModeration, curation, analytics We think it’s useful to look at the collaboration between agency and brand in managing its community as a “brand ecosystem”. The importance of cooperation In our experience, agencies have a very important role in all of the facets of community management. Community management activity has several components: What do you think? The ROI of Social Media: 10 Case Studies - TNW Social Media. The question of whether or not social media drives ROI still plagues many marketers and brands. The issue is not always as straightforward as it seems, as there are multiple ways to measure the benefits of social media and it isn’t as simple as looking for a direct sales return at one end, with the social media imput at the other.

Smart tracking and measuring is needed to fully capture the benefit of a social media campaign and while looking for direct ROI is one way to do it, there are other values to be measure from social media marketing. I’ve put together a list of case studies that prove the ROI of social media, both through direct monetary return, customer loyalty, repeat traffic and more. Viewing social media holistically to gain a better understanding of how it can work for you is more beneficial to any brand than looking for one single return. Social media outperforms banner ads Social media saved Cisco $100,000 Old Spice put their money where their mouth is ROI from Facebook ads. 10 sites pour remplacer Facebook : Introduction. Kpsule - Born to be connected everywhere. UserName Check - Check Username Availiability on over 550 Social Networks.

Important Points To Consider When Starting with Social Media for Your Business / Business. Social media is nowadays a big marketing tool for many small businesses that have tight budgets and cannot afford to put in a lot of money in promoting their business along with products and services. With all this you must do a survey whether your customers or potential clients use social networks or not. And if they are what do they generally use it for making important research and purchasing decisions.

Having some objectives and goals created before you make a twitter and Facebook account and start promoting your business without knowing your target group. Social media is not like other forms of online marketing are the two-way communication as it connects the customers with the entrepreneur. But this is where the small business owner or newbies miss the concept broadcast about me rather than we. Below are certain tips for online marketing. 1. The first priority is getting you domain name for your business web site. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The 7 Social Media Marketing Essentials for Brands - TNW Social Media. Social media is changing in front of our eyes. It’s still a very new discipline but companies and brands are embracing it across the board in a number of ways. It can be easy to become distracted by all the new technologies and some people don’t know where to start or how to make a difference with their social media marketing. With that in mind we wanted to create a list of seven key areas that we think all businesses and brands should be spending their time on. Yes the headings are broad and there are a hundred things you could be trying within each section but if you improved your company’s performance across these 7 areas you would start to see real tangible results. Internal Communications The tools are available to help improve how you talk to each other within your company. Branded Content It’s not enough trying to create engaging updates or throw up the odd picture on social media channels.

Stunning Customer Service Ignore Facebook At Your Peril Websites come and go. Transparency. 73 Essential Social Media & Tech Resources for Small Businesses. As a small business owner, your time is limited. Each week we put together a roundup of essential social media resources to help you stay on top. We wanted to give you even more of a leg up with this megalist of our top small business resources from the past few months, including social media, tech, startups, marketing & advertising, dev & design and mobile posts that were written with small business in mind. 14 Best Practices for Long-Term Social Media Success. Brian Solis is principal of Altimeter Group, a leading research-based advisory firm. Brian is also the author of the all-new Engage! , an award-winning guide for businesses to build and measure success in the social web.

Follow him on Twitter. As a consumer, you are blasted with the same request over and over: “Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook.” Today, a notable number of businesses are approaching branded social channels from a "ready, fire, aim" approach. The key to zooming in on purpose and usefulness within social channels starts with the realization that there is no one audience. The answer is as simple as it is revealing. So what are the best practices for creating an engaging social stream? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Following these best practices will prevent your brand from falling victim to the coming wave of customer unlikes and unfollows.

Interested in more Soccial Media resources? Social media networks provide channels of distribution to share information and content that marketers have realized can be very powerful in speed and spread. Brands are constantly working with their marketing teams and agencies crafting creative concepts to spread their message and content. So how do create that contagious content on social networks and make it go “viral”? “Going viral” is every marketers dream but what makes content go viral? What qualities should your content have to induce sharing? Practical and utility articles such as ”69 secret tips to make your blog rock” are well known to induce sharing but emotion is quite often not given enough priority by the creators of content to ensure that their content is shared on Facebook and Twitter and other social media channels.

Researchers at Penn’s Wharton School (Jonah Berger and Katy Milkman) discovered from their study of 3,000 articles from the New York Times that the more emotional stories were shared the most. Image by Sterin. 20 of the most innovative Facebook campaigns ever. With marketers around the world all trying to come up with creative ways of engaging with users on Facebook and building fan bases we thought we would do a little research and share some of the best case studies from around the world. There are games, videos, interactive campaigns and lot of big brands spending lots of money on this list and if you have your thinking cap on you might just pick out a little gem for your own campaign. Coke Zero Facial Profiler Maybe not the sexiest name ever but this was a nice Facebook app from Coke Zero (now removed) that allowed you to upload a photo or use your profile photo, and find complete strangers that looked like you.

The app attracted over 150,000 users in its first month showing the demand for an app like this that appeals to our egos, or just a general interest in ourselves! It also showed a new way of using the technology available through Facebook. Vitamin Water This great campaign was a simple concept but worked perfectly. Domino's Superfans. 5 Social Media Videos You Have to Watch - TNW Social Media. Rather than attending conferences I like to consume video online because I find that it gives you the exact same experience but from the comfort of your home or office and at a fraction of the cost.

The online downside being that you miss out on the networking. The big problem is that there are literally 1000s of videos about social media floating around every day of the week and most of them are not worth watching. I’ve been bookmarking some over the last couple of months, compiling this list for your viewing pleasure. You might not get through all of these in one sitting but I can assure you that each one of them is worth watching in its own way. Some are serious, some will fill you full of inspiration and some are just plain hilarious.

So here are 7 of the best social media videos I have come across in the last couple of months… 1. 2. In this video they discuss data and its importance and how it could be Web 3.0. 3. 4. 5. Next Generation Media Quarterly April 2011. How To Add Social Media Icons Links (Properly) | Blast Advanced Media. Social Media is a very powerful tool that can greatly enhance any online marketing strategy. However, many marketers are jumping on the bandwagon all too soon, implementing poor social media strategies along the way. One of the most common (and annoying) mistakes is the poor use of social media icons on websites and other online marketing elements. Companies both big and small are slapping social media icons wherever they please without taking the bigger picture into consideration. To avoid making the same mistakes, here is a quick case study on how to thoughtfully add social media icons that will help you get better traction in your social marketing efforts.

How To Add Social Media Icons Social Media Icons Done Wel As mentioned, improperly adding social media icons/links to online marketing assets is a common mistake, making it easy to find countless examples of organizations. Adding Persuasion to Social Media Icons (from Tourism Victoria): How Not to Add Social Media Icons Say “No!” How to Monetize Social Media. Many business executives have not found sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Myspace, and Linkedin useful in making money. Building genuine online relationships that are also good for the bottom line is not so easy. There is a lot of trial and error. But while monetizing social media is difficult it is not impossible. There are companies that are getting the word out about their brands using social media and are turning a profit. Take The New York Jets. The Jets also communicate regularly on Twitter.

Like many companies, your social media efforts have started small and grew organically. Here are some ways your social media can be monetized. How to Monetize Social Media: Build Brand Awareness The first step is to use traditional media or word-of-mouth advertising to drive awareness and traffic to your Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Linkedin or Myspace pages, says Jamie Turner, author of How to Make Money with Social Media. Dig Deeper: 20 Awesome Facebook Fan Pages. Comment créer une Campagne Social Media sur son site. Les Réseaux sociaux c’est bien. C’est à la mode. Toutes les marques en veulent au risque de se précipiter et d’agir sans stratégie. Une question récurrente cependant reste celle de la création de valeur (ROI).

C’est en effet la préoccupation première des dirigeants et de nombreux marketers ou community managers ont du mal à la démontrer pour justifier les investissements. Article rédigé par Cyril Bladier. Cyril a créé Business-on-line et édite le blog B2B. Il est spécialisé en stratégies Web 2.0 dans un contexte BtoB. (image: ‘108 Glossy Black Comment Bubble Social Media+Icons‘ – Flickr CC) Les Réseaux sociaux c’est bien.

On sait maintenant, les études se sont multipliées, que les consommateurs ont des attentes, que le contenu créé par les consommateurs occupe les pages de résultats de Google, que la publicité n’est plus crédible et que seules les infos du réseau ont de la valeur. Objectif, plus de trafic De la publicité gratuite Meilleures pratiques Proposez des offres spéciales. Best Social Networking. Compare, reviews & ratings. HOW TO: Launch Any Product Using Social Media. From Social Media to Social CRM | Web 2.0.

The Rules of Social Media Engagement Brian Solis. Les stratégies « me-too » du Social Media. Facebook, Twitter et la révolution mondiale. You art ? We link ! Why The New York Times eliminated its social media editor position. [Must See] Le compteur Social Media Universel. Tumblr : quels usages marketing ? The Valuation Of Social Media - Would You Invest? The DO’s and DON’Ts of Social Media Updates. The Executive's Guide To Enterprise Social Media Strategy: Review. Introduction aux médias sociaux à l’usage des bibliothécaires » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. 44 Must Have Free Social Media Icon Packs. Burson-Marsteller 2011 Global Social Media Check-up. Is Your Brand Marketing Itself on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn?

Social Media for Marketing. Understand your online social capital. San Francisco. Réseaux sociaux : Facebook versus Twitter, un combat différent, lequel choisir ? Utiliser Evernote dans un contexte professionnel. Web Resauce - 3000+ Social Media Icons. 10 Business Modèles Gagnants En 2010! Facebook, Google, Groupon, Twitter, Wikipedia… Mesures et démesures de l’Internet. How are we Impacted by Social Media? | From The Clubhouse. HOW TO: Use Social Media to Create Better Customer Experiences.


Plates-formes. Users - OneSocialWeb - Creating a free, open, and decentralized social networking platform. Create stories using social media - 6 social media business trends to watch out for in 2011. Best-Of 2010 Marketing. Stratégie médias sociaux : cahier des charges pour choisir son agence | Choblab - web 2.0, design, e-marketing, outils... IAB UK Social » Introducing the IAB Framework for measuring social media effectiveness.

Le cahier réseaux sociaux 2010 – ebook par OWNI | LE MARKETING SUR LE WEB.

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Sources. BIBLE. Infographies. Sources Globales. Applications Mobiles. Applications and CRM - Cross Platform. Monitoring & Analytics. Digg Like.