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Klimatske promene, rizici i izazovi. Where You Are. 1500 WORDS. Mapa svih biciklističkih staza i traka u Beogradu – Duletov blog. Arhitekturom i urbanizmom protiv zaraze – istorija higijene gradova. Ideje koje su zastupali vizionari poput barona Osmana i Le Korbizjea su i danas prisutni u savremenim gradovima u cilju lakše borbe protiv zaraza.

Arhitekturom i urbanizmom protiv zaraze – istorija higijene gradova

Kada pogledamo higijenske probleme naših gradova, možemo videti da se oni nisu mnogo promenili svih ovih vekova i da se najviše svode na dva ključna problema – rešavanje dovođenja čiste/pitke vode i odvođenja otpadne. Izgradnja vodovoda i kanalizacije, kojima se stanovništvu omogućava da održavaju preko potrebnu ličnu i kolektivnu higijenu, na prvom je mestu sprečavanja širenja zaraznih bolesti. Poznata je činjenica da jedna od većih epidemija kolere pogodila London sredinom 19. veka, a da je Pariz tih decenija i dalje kilometrima zaudarao usled nedostatka kvalitetne kanalizacije.

Ovi i drugi veći evropski gradovi posebno su bili u problemu jer su se rapidno širili, a gradski čelnici nisu znali kako da što brže i efikasnije reše problem održavanja, naročito radničkih i sirotinjskih kvartova. Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science. MP3 Volume Changer, Cloud MP3Gain. Gledaj online Fargo sezonu 1 epizodu 1 besplatno na HD sa Prevodom. "Full Frame Equivalence" and Why It Doesn't Matter - Admiring Light.

With smaller than 35mm sized sensors, you will often hear talk of a camera’s or lens’ “full frame equivalent” focal length or aperture.

"Full Frame Equivalence" and Why It Doesn't Matter - Admiring Light

This can often be a source of great confusion among new shooters, and it can also be a point of disturbingly odd derision for other people, especially with regards to ‘aperture equivalence’. I’m going to try and give a clear view of what is truly meant when someone is talking about full frame equivalence, as well as dispel several myths about it, and ultimately tell you why, if you shoot with a smaller format, it mostly doesn’t matter. Author’s Notes: This article has been up for a while now, and from several comments I’m seeing with some regularity, I feel the need to make a few points. This is not intended to show or imply superiority of any format over another. At all.

What does “Full Frame Equivalent” mean? First off, what does it mean when someone talks about a sensor or lens in terms of 35mm or ‘full frame’ equivalence? - Bicycle Gear Inches Chart. Čuvajte se rada od kuće posle pandemije – Bilten. Rad od kuće prijeti da postane “nova normalnost” za nezanemariv broj radnika.

Čuvajte se rada od kuće posle pandemije – Bilten

Iako se smatra da je riječ o privilegiranom sloju radničke klase, novi oblici nadzora, prebacivanje troška fiksnog kapitala na same radnike u obliku skupljih režija i oskudni kapaciteti organizacije tih radnika s obzirom na izolirane prostore rada, sugeriraju ponešto drukčiju budućnost. Pre krupnih promena koje je izazvala pandemija virusa COVID-19 – čiji se značaj ogleda i u tome što sa njom mora, izgleda, početi svaki osvrt – rad od kuće bio je ambivalentna privilegija malog broja nemanuelnih radnika, uglavnom koncentrisanih u visokotehnološkim delatnostima, i to onih čiji se rad može obaviti preko interneta, sa osloncem na “znanje”.

U slučaju zaposlenih u firmama sa fizičkom lokacijom, šefovi su na to često gledali sa podozrenjem kao na još jedan način da se lenstvuje ili izbegne nadzor; u slučaju frilensera ili “radnika na daljinu” nisu imali drugog izbora. ™ - Applicant Form. 3D štampana kuća čija izgradnja traje manje od dan i košta 4.000 evra. Tehnologija pravljenja objekata metod 3D štampe toliko se usavršila da je to dovelo ne samo do smanjenja rokova izgradnje već i drastičnog smanjena cene realizacije.

3D štampana kuća čija izgradnja traje manje od dan i košta 4.000 evra

Čak milijardu ljudi na planeti ne poseduje adekvatan krov nad glavom koji bi mogli nazvati domom. Ipak, ako bi ovaj projekat 3D štampane kuće firme ICON i organizacije New Story naišao na pozitivan odziv donatora, taj broj ljudi bi mogao da se umanji. Enter Free Giveaways on Steamy Kitchen and Win Great Stuff! 17 Examples of the Stunning Architectural Modernism of Yugoslav Department Stores. Spread across the Yugoslav landscape in countless towns, cities and villages were legions of attractively alluring and seductive department stores and shopping centers.

17 Examples of the Stunning Architectural Modernism of Yugoslav Department Stores

As the country began to decentralize in the late 1950s, the “Workers Self-Management” style of socialism that came out of that transition began to allow certain levels of market forces to steer production, trade, commerce, imports, etc, etc, creating something akin to “market socialism”. From this, a modest “consumer culture” emerged in Yugoslavia. People began to develop a taste for retail goods, exotic imports, time-saving appliances, and much more. Uvod u zamenice. Španski filmovi. Filmovi i serije na Netflixu na španskom. All Photo Contests in 2020, All Best Photo Competitions List. Free Photo Contests List 2019. Rod. Lekcije za početnike Imenice španskog jezika mogu biti muškog ili ženskog roda, po čemu je ovaj jezik sličan našem, ali za razliku od srpskog, srednji rod kod imenica ne postoji, dok se kod zamenica javlja veoma retko.


Osnovno pravilo je da je imenica muškog roda ako se završava na -o, a ženskog ako se završava na -a (kao u srpskom).Ovo pravilo pokriva najveći broj imenica, ali pošto postoji i niz reči koje se završavaju na drugačije, treba obratiti pažnju i na sledeća pravila: Imenica je muškog roda ako se završava na: The 100 Most Common Spanish Verbs. Report this ad SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website.

The 100 Most Common Spanish Verbs

Pakao Radio. EcoHungry - Easy to Digest Environmental Information. The Environmental Impacts of Going Vegetarian for Just One Day. You can’t help but feel the tipping point.

The Environmental Impacts of Going Vegetarian for Just One Day

Steakhouses have vegan options, airport menus feature kale salad, grocers are dedicating more shelf space to plant-based items, and vegan food trucks are expanding (including the one for my restaurant, GreenSpace Café in Ferndale, Michigan). As a medical doctor, I have seen near-miraculous improvements in health when patients adopt a vegan diet—whether they jump right in the pool or dip their toes for a while before entering. Health might drive many to adopt plant based diets, but others are equally motivated by helping the planet and animals. So, can one person really help save our precious planet by saying no to animal foods?

No Love Is as Pure as the Love Between Frank and Charlie on 'It's Always Sunny' Study on climate change in the Western Balkans region. It is Time for Action on Climate Risk in the Balkans. South-East Europe is burning: how temperatures have risen for the last 117 years / Balkans / Areas / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa. Demonstrations in Sofia (photo: Francesco Martino) The effects and risks of climate change are felt in the Balkans too, but dealing with the issue is often "left behind".

South-East Europe is burning: how temperatures have risen for the last 117 years / Balkans / Areas / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

EDJNet analysed the increase of temperatures in the cities of South East Europe since 1900 In December 2015, with the signing of the Paris agreement, 195 countries committed to "limiting the increase in temperature to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels". However, for many cities in Europe, this threshold has already been reached, as shown by the data gathered, analysed, and published by the European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet). Budi volonter godinu dana u Njemačkoj – Mreža za izgradnju mira.

Мастер оф папец

Регистар важећих прописа РС. Републички завод за стандардизацију и метрологију је надлежан да води и одржава Регистар важећих прописа Републике Српске који дефинишу техничке и друге захтјеве.

Регистар важећих прописа РС

Комплетну листу можете преузети овдје. Важећи рописи Републике Српске који прописују техничке и друге захтјеве су разврстани по институцијама и њиховим областима (ако постоје), тако да су на врху закони па онда подзаконски акти. Oneshot Movement Photo Contest - International Photography Awards™ The late Indian Philosopher, Jiddu Krishnamurti, once said, “Life is a movement, a constant movement in relationship.” This year’s IPA One-Shot special themed competition “MOVEMENT” looks at this concept through a photographer’s lens—movement in all aspects of life, showing change, development, movement and growth, in physical, political, social or artistic environments. Send us your images that capture the essence of movement in the following 5 categories: Deadline: 15th of March, 2020. Famous Edgar Allan Poe Stories Read by Iggy Pop, Jeff Buckley, Christopher Walken, Marianne Faithful & More.

In 1849, a little over 167 years ago, Edgar Allan Poe was found dead in a Baltimore gutter under mysterious circumstances very likely related to violent election fraud. It was an ignominious end to a life marked by hardship, alcoholism, and loss. After struggling for years as the first American writer to try and make a living from his art, and failing in several publishing ventures and positions, Poe achieved few of his aims, barely getting by financially and only managing to attract a little—often negative—notice for now-famous poems like “The Raven.” Contemporaries like Ralph Waldo Emerson disparaged the poem and a later generation of writers, including William Butler Yeats, pronounced him “vulgar.” Just above, hear a lesser-known poem by Poe called “Ulalume” read by Jeff Buckley, with an accompanying soundtrack of low, pulsing, vaguely Western-inspired music that well suits Buckley’s formal, rhythmic recitation.

Related Content: Idemo 200 na sat ili i dalje „jurimo 30“ - dokle je sve trebalo da se stigne „brzom prugom Srbije“ - BBC News na srpskom. Effects of pesticides on our wildlife. We know pesticides harm bees – the evidence is compelling. What about other wild species? Are Market GM Plants an Unrecognized Platform for Bioterrorism and Biocrime? Implementing system change through Agroecology: The Cuban experience - Friends of the Earth International. Implementing system change through Agroecology: The Cuban experience - Friends of the Earth International.

Map - PurpleAir. Jevons paradox. The Jevons paradox has been used to argue that energy conservation may be futile, as increased efficiency may increase fuel use. Nevertheless, increased efficiency can improve material living standards. Further, fuel use declines if increased efficiency is coupled with a green tax or other conservation policies that keep the cost of use the same (or higher).[3] As the Jevons paradox applies only to technological improvements that increase fuel efficiency, policies that impose conservation standards and increase costs do not display the paradox. History[edit] Top 100 films on environment, sustainability and ecology - Films for the Earth. CO2 Emissions per Capita - Worldometers. (25) Do the right mix - Sustainable Urban Mobility. Data novinarstvo: Podaci, šta, kako i odakle? (Lekcija 1) Радна тијела - Град Бања Лука. Zepter Passport.

Kalmička zajednica u Beogradu. Beogradski Kalmici. Iz foto-arhiva Politike. Opis života društvene grupe koja se raspala pre više desetleća i zatim se skoro bez tragova zagubila povezan je, bez sumnje, sa posebno vrućim problemima metodološke i metodičke prirode. Moguća je, naime, samo delimična rekonstrukcija, koja je utoliko teža zbog skromnih ili čak nepostojećih primarnih izvora (informatora, arhivskih dokumenata, podataka u štampi) i koja se oslanja pre svega na usmena predanja po sećanju spoljnih posmatrača (1).

Subjektivnost takvih interptetacija moguće je samo delimično ispraviti korišćenjem uporedne literature koja se u našem primeru odnosi na kulturu Kalmika u carskoj Rusiji, Sovjetskom Savezu i emigraciji. Политикин забавник. The Pirate Bay - Download movies, music, games and software! Kad budem mrtav i beo 1967 / Domaci film I. od II Deo. Barbarska metoda / Barbarian method. You Never Bike Alone (2007) (19) Paris Velo Liberte. (19) The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. (19) How to destroy the world - Transport.